District 6
Mid-Southern California Area 09
September 6, 2016
Scott called the meeting to order at 7:06pm with the serenity prayer. There were 46 in attendance. Erika volunteered to read the GSR Preamble.
Registrar Report: Andrew gave the Registrar report. He welcomed the new GSRs to our District who stood to introduce themselves and which group they represent:
- Lisa- Women’s Big Book Study @ NBAC, Thurs @ 7:00pm
- Costas- Young Peoples @ NBAC, Wed @ 8:30pm
- Brian- Men’s Stag @NBAC, Wed @ 6:00pm
- Rick- Discovery Group @NBAC, Saturday @ 6:00pm
- Ann- (missing info)*
- Robyn- Women’s Big Book Study @ How Hall, Saturday @ 9:30am
Secretary’s Report: Dave gave the secretary’s report.He thanked Jessica for her service as outgoing secretary and providing minutes for August meeting. Patrick made a motion to approve the minutes, which was seconded by Lisa. The motion passed.
Treasurers Report:Dave gave a treasurer’s report in Gustavo’s absence. He went over the financial report for the body. William made a motion to approve the report. This was seconded by Jessica. Motion passed.
Alternate DCMC Report: Manya gave a report and made an announcement about service sponsorship. Mike volunteered during this time to share his experience on what service sponsorship is. Manya asked for a hand of people who were available to be service sponsors.
GSR School Report: Erika gave a GSR School report. She welcomed all new GSRs to the meeting and read the GSR preamble at this time.
Introductions of Visitors: None
Concept and Tradition presentation:James presented Traditions 8 & 9 and Sam presented Concept 8 & 9. Brian volunteered to present Tradition 10 next month. Mike K. volunteered to present Concept 10 next month.
Scott thanked Sam for her continued service with the coffee commitment.Scott spoke about the importance for all GSR’s to acquire and become knowledgeable with the AA Service Manual and the Twelve Steps & Twelve Traditions.
Old Business: Motion to reimburse $900 for travel expenses for Pacific Regional Forum.
- Mike asked if the Area had been asked to chip in- No
- Ryan asked if were having any regional representation at the forum, stating she believed the Delegate would go.
- Rick brought back his group conscience of No due to lack of funding.
- Kevin R. asked for clarification on the difference between PRAASA & Pacific Regional Forum. Lois gave a brief description
- Tim brought back his group conscience of No
- William brought back his group conscience of No
- Patrick shared his experience of attending a Forum and supported the funding.
- Grant spoke in support of funding
- Rolf spoke in support of exchange of information and ideas.
- Patrick called for a vote
Motion Passed- 38 Yae, 3 Nay
Scott spoke about the importance of GSR’s participation in committee’s at the district level and how this service essentially works. He urged new GSR’s to join a committee and for all GSR’s to attend area functions and assemblies, as well as participate in committee work at the area level.
New Business:
Kevin presented a motion to separate prudent reserve from the available budget on the Income Statement and Expense Budget. Grant seconded the motion. Motion was called to vote with 2 opposed. Motion passed.
Scott called for volunteers to fill vacant DCM seats for sub districts.
6A- Clifton6C- Sharman
6B- Shelly6D- Open*
Dave and Scott spoke about the Treatment Committee. Brian volunteered to chair the Treatment Committee. Skip Volunteered to chair the Accessibility Committee.
Intergroup Liaison left vacant with no volunteers.
Lois announced and provided flyers for a Cooperation with the Elderly Community committee meeting, August 10th.
Scott touched on the need to reach unrepresented groups and urge them to get involved. DCM’s gathered with sub districts to discuss group visitations.
Committee Reports and Highlights:
No committee reports were given due to time constraints.
August Birthdays:
Erika- 7years
Mary- 7 years
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. with the Responsibility Pledge led by Rolf.