ANNEX 7 to the Tender Specifications



Explanatory note:
Tenderers must strictly observe the following instructions. Non-observance will lead to exclusion from the award procedure.
The following table is used to evaluate the submitted tender on pricing. Tenderers must use the price quotation provided and must not submit any pricing information other than requested in the price quotation sheet. If tenderers choose to submit package prices for the requested items, they do so on their own financial risk. For the evaluation of the pricing the formula given under section 10.3.2 of the tender specifications is used and tenderer’s prices will be evaluated as the total average sum of all points scored for the listed items.
Please note: The titles used for the scenario are only for evaluation purposes and do not necessarily reflect the purchase intention of the EEA.

1. Scenario (minimum coverage: 80%)

Tenderers must indicate which of the listed titles (min. 80%) they are able to supply and quote all-inclusive final prices (i.e. inclusive of all costs involved in the performance of the contract (e.g. packaging, packing, shipping, carriage, insurance and delivery) applying their pricing policies (see paragraph 2 below) per title for purchases in 2012.

Newspaper/ Periodical / Online (O)/ Paper (P) / No. of subscriptions / Total price in EUR per year
(2012, all-inclusive and final)
1. The Economist / O / 20
2. The Economist / P / 1
3. European Voice / O / All staff by IP address
4. European Voice / P / 1
5. Financial Times / O / 20
6. Financial Times / P / 1
Newspaper/ Periodical / Online (O)/ Paper (P) / No. of subscriptions / Total price in EUR per year
(2012, all-inclusive and final)
7. ENDS Europe DAILY / O / 100
8. Europolitics / O / 1
9. Science Magazine / P / 1
10. Nature / P / 1
11. MSDN Magazine / P / 1
12. SQL Server, Penton / P / 1
13. Windows IT, Penton / P / 1
14. International journal of digital earth, Taylor & Francis / P / 1
15. Ambio, a journal of the human environment / P / 1

2. Pricing policy

Tenderers must describe their pricing policies applicable to the purchase of/subscription to newspapers and periodicals (paper, online or combined – as specified) on a corporate account including publisher’s list prices or other service charges (described as a percentage), minimum discounts and any additional charges included in final prices.

If different, tenderers must specify their pricing policies with regard to every single title listed in the above table.

If awarded the framework contract, the pricing policies described hereinafter shall be applicable for the entire duration of the framework contract.

[Extend as needed]
Name and function of authorised representative:
Date and signature:

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