Forest Hill United Church
'open doors, open hearts, open minds'
Third Sunday of Epiphany
January 24, 2016 at 10 am
“Even if a unity of faith is not possible, a unity of love is.
Hans Urs von Balthasar (1905-1988)
Swiss Theologian & Catholic Priest
WELCOME to worship! It is good that you are here. As we mark the last day of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, we reflect this morning on what it means to be part of a larger, global church. May we feel a sense of connection with those gathered here and those who gather this day around the world to celebrate God. After worship, please do join us for a time of fellowship with coffee, tea, juice and cookies.
Forest Hill United Church is a safe place for all people to gather regardless of race, creed, age, cultural background, or sexual orientation. You are welcome here!
Our greeter this morning is Jennifer Abbott,
our tellers are William Hughes and Robert Christie,
our hospitality host is Norma Reid,
and our music is led by Deborah Park and the FHUC Choir.
At the **, you are asked to rise in body or in spirit.
Prelude: A Mighty Fortress is Our God M. Luther, arr. by A. Britt
Welcoming the Light
**Introit: (Sung Together) To Tune of #59 MV
In the light, we gather now. In the light, we gather now.
God's holy flame will ignite us somehow.
In the light, we gather now.
Words by Ali Smith, 2016
Welcome & Church News
Call to Worship:
One: We come together as God's people.
All: We come searching for sacred space,
longing to be cherished, craving a real connection.
One: We recognize that today Christians throughout the world gather for a time of worship as we do.
All: In this and all hours of worship,
let thankfulness sink deep and joy spring up.
One: Let us now lift our hearts and souls and minds
to the God of our creation -
All: for we belong wholly to God, now and forever.
Adapted from “Wholly Yours: Responsive Call to Worship” by Carol Penner
Gathering Prayer:
One: Loving God, transform our hearts, our families,
our communities and our society.
All: Make all your people holy and one in Christ.
One: Water of life, quench the thirst that exists in our world -
All: the thirst for dignity, for love,
for communion and holiness.
One: Holy Spirit, Spirit of joy and peace, heal the divisions caused by our misuse of power and money,
and reconcile us across different cultures and languages. All: Unite us as God’s children.
One: Trinity of love, lead us out of darkness...
All: ...and into your marvellous light. Amen.
From World Council of Churches' “Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2016”
**Opening Hymn: #477 VU I Come with Joy, verses 1-2 & 4-5
First Reading: 1 Corinthians 12:12-31a One Body with Many Members
Story Time
**Song of Praise: #154 MV Deep in our Hearts
After the first verse, the children & teachers leave for Sunday School.
Words from Our Bible: Joe Rideout
Psalm 100 Page 824 VU (with Refrain 1)
1 Peter 2:4-10 Called to be God's Own People
One: These are the words that bring us light.
All: Thanks be to God!
Special Music: Wade in the Water African-American Spiritual
Reflection: “Called to Proclaim God's Mighty Acts”
**Hymn of Reflection: #578 VU As a Fire Meant for Burning
Minute for Mission Diane Robinson
Presentation of Our Gifts
**Offering Verse: (Sung Together) #171 MV Refrain
Christ has no body now but yours,
no hands but yours. Here on this earth,
yours is the work, to serve with the joy of compassion.
**Prayer over the Gifts
Prayers of the People
Prayer of Jesus: (Spoken Together) Ecumenical Version
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial
and deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours
now and for ever. Amen.
**Closing Hymn: #595 VU We are Pilgrims
**Sharing the Light
One: Go now in peace -
All: for Christ has called us to live in peace
among our brothers and sisters.
One: Go now in courage -
All: for Christ has called us from the places of our lives
to be agents of change and partners in healing.
One: Go now in joy and thanksgiving -
All: for Christ is our light!
One: Go now as one body -
All: to love and serve God as we love and serve the world!
From “A Call to Unity” by the Rev. Elizabeth Dilley
**Choral Response: (Sung Together) #220 MV
Hope shines as the solitary star,
faith is the inner light.
You and I together mirror the Light of Lights,
and illumine the pathway home.
Postlude: The Power of Healing Deborah Park
(506) 455-0988 |
Administrative Assistant - Kris Yarych
Tuesdays & Thursdays from 12:45 - 3:45 pm
Minister - Rev. Ali Smith
Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, & Fridays from 9 am - Noon
(506) 292-2369
Quilt Group Mondays 10 am – Noon Upper Room
Choir Practice Wednesdays at 7:00 pm in the Choir Room
Bible Study Monday, January 25 at 7 pm in the Library
Forest Hill Book Tuesday, February 2nd at 12 noon in the Parlour
Club Tides of Honour by Genevieve Graham
Movie Night Friday February 19th. TBA
Church News
Worship Service for Week of Prayer for Christian Unity with guest speaker Graydon Nicholas on Sunday, January 24, 2016 at 4 pm at
Christian Reformed Church (121 McAdam Ave.)
Observer renewal and/or new subscription Cost $25. Cash or cheque payable to Forest Hill United Church, due February 14th. Questions: Margaret Macdougall 455-3767
We need your help to fill a variety of positions in the church. For more information or if you have suggestions for the Nominations Committee, please speak to Margie Roxborough or contact her at or 455-0576.
Storm Policy Reminder: In the event of a serious storm on a Sunday morning, a decision will be made by 8 a.m. as to whether a cancellation is necessary. If a service is cancelled, a message will be placed on the church answering machine, sent out via email, and passed on to CBC radio.
For notices from the larger community, check out our bulletin boards or visit, clicking COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS.
Syrian Relief Funding, Government extends deadline. Thanks to the generosity of those who responded to the United Church’s Emergency Appeal for Syrian Refugees, as of January 2016, the United Church has received nearly $790,000 to support partners responding to this crisis. On January 7, 2016 Global Affairs Canada announced the deadline for dollar for dollar government matching of individual donations made by Canadians to Syria Emergency Relief has been extended to February 29, 2016. Cheques designated for Syria relief from United Church individuals and congregations will need to be dated February 29 or earlier and received at the General Council Office no later than March 7 to be eligible for the government match.
Maritime Conference is offering training to persons interested in becoming Licensed Lay Worship Leaders. For more information, please contact the Rev Robyn Brownn-Hewitt at or speak to the Chair of the Worship Committee, Libby Cassidy, or the minister, Rev Ali Smith.
Multicultural Association accepting donations of furniture and small appliances for Syrian refugees. Donations may be dropped off at 300 Urquhart Crescent (Vanier Industrial Park) Tuesdays 4–7, Thursdays 4–7 pm and Saturdays 10am–2pm. Pick up of furniture can be arranged by calling 454-8292 or emailing . MCAF is unable to accept mattresses, sofas, used upholstered chairs, used stuffed toys, old tube TVs, books, or clothes.
Ushers/Greeters needed for 2016: Please check your schedule to see if you are available for one or more Sundays to help out with set up and greeting our congregation on Sunday mornings. Signup sheet is on the back table. If you have any questions please feel free to ask me. Many thanks. Lorna McKnight