Microsoft Certification Training III
> Contact Information
Mr. Roark
Phone: 240.236.7486
> Introduction
A Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) certification helps validate proficiency in using Microsoft Office 2010 and meets the demand for the most up-to-date skills on the latest Microsoft technologies. Candidates who pass a certification exam show that they can meet globally recognized performance standards. Earning a Microsoft Office Specialist certification can help you differentiate yourself in today's competitive job market, broaden your employment opportunities by displaying your advanced skills, and result in higher earning potential. Microsoft Office Specialist certification can also lead to increased job satisfaction. Research indicates that certified individuals have increased competence, productivity, and credibility with employers, co-workers, and clients.
> Course Objectives
MCT III will allow students to develop skills to utilize advanced word processing and spreadsheet applications. The industry-standard software package used is Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Access). Using desktop publishing software, students develop skills to enhance business communications. Various business publications including: business cards, newsletters, and brochures. Students taking this course will sit for the MOS (Microsoft Office Specialist) Expert Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Access Certification Exams. This course satisfies one of the credits for the Business Administrative Services CTE Program Completer.
> Grading Policy
Students’ grades will be based on the following categories
o Warm-ups & Participation (5%)
o Classwork/Projects/Presentations (45%)
o Assessments (40%)
o MOS Certification Final (10%)
Grades will be posted online and updated weekly. You can monitor your progress online via our grading website. ( )
Make-up Work: If you have an excused absence from school, it is your responsibility to discuss with the teacher the work that was missed, and submit on a timely basis. All missed work will be placed in the trays located by the printer; trays are identified by each Block. If necessary, you can arrange a convenient time to stay after school to make up work.
Late Work: Late work is accepted up to 5 days late. Your grade will be lowered by one letter grade for each day that the assignment is late.
Academic Dishonesty: Students may not give or receive unauthorized aid on any assignment. Students will be held to the expectations and actions included in the MHS Honor Code found in the Student Handbook.
> Tutoring
If you require additional help after school, Tutoring is available on Monday and Thursday from 2:15 until 3:00. Please give me one day prior notice, so that I may have the materials available for you.
> Instructional Materials
The following items are needed for this class:
o Pen and pencil must be brought to class each day
o Three-Ring Binder/Folder (Keep assignments organized)
o Flash Drive (memory size does not matter)
o Other Materials as requested for specific projects
Note: Damaged or lost textbooks/school-owned materials become the obligation of the student/parent. A replacement fee will be charged.
Classroom Procedures
o Prepare and clean work areas
o Personal electronic devices (cell phones, iPods, etc.), will be turned off and put away
o No food or drink is permitted
o Adhere to the FCPS Internet Usage Policy
o Follow specific lab and safety rules as provided by the teacher
o Respect each other, your teacher, and the lab equipment
> Student Expectations
Students are encouraged and required to maintain appropriate work habits on a daily basis that include:
o Be on time to class
o Maintain accurate assignment records
o Adhere to MHS Honor Policy
o Do your best at all times
> Discipline Procedure
o Warning/conference with student
o Phone call to parent/guardian
o Teacher detention
o Office referral
> Additional Resources
Although homework is rarely required, you may be asked to complete assignments at home. Refer to the following resources to direct you:
o Roark Webpage)
o (MHS Media Center)
Please sign this portion of the agreement form and keep the syllabus document for your record
> Syllabus Agreement
Please read the following statement and sign below. Return to Mr. Roark by January 30, 2015.
I have read and fully understand the course syllabus, including my responsibilities in regards to grading policies, checking grades online, course requirements, materials and classroom expectations.
Print Name Signature
Print Name Signature
> Contact Information
Parent/Guardian 1
E-mail: ______
Home Phone: ______
Work Phone: ______
____ You are free to contact me at work and may leave a voicemail if I am unavailable.
____ Please try reaching me at home or through e-mail first; avoid calling me at work unless absolutely necessary.
Parent/Guardian 2
E-mail: ______
Home Phone: ______
Work Phone: ______
____ You are free to contact me at work and may leave a voicemail if I am unavailable.
____ Please try reaching me at home or through e-mail first; avoid calling me at work unless absolutely necessary.