Standard World History
Ms. Wilson
Chapter 13 Overview
Renaissance & Reformation (1300-1650)
Date / Bellwork / Classwork / HomeworkWednesday Nov 14 / Workbook pg 120 / Research sec 1 (Italian Renaissance) & start to share in satellite group
Thursday Nov 15 / Workbook p 122 / Share section 1; start sec 2 research / Finish section 2 research
Friday Nov 16 / Workbook pg. 124 / Finish sharing section 2 (Northern Renaissance) / Finish any part from section 1 & 2 that you did not get
Monday Nov 19 / None J / Movie
Tuesday Nov 20 / None J / Movie
Wed Nov 21-Fri Nov 23 / NO SCHOOL / THANKSGIVING
Monday Nov 26 / Workbook pg / Research sec 3 & 4 (Reformation) / Finish your group’s research from sec 3 & 4
Tuesday Nov 27 / Share section 3 & 4 / Finish any part of 3 & 4 that you did not get in class
Wed Nov 28 / Research & share sec 5 (Scientific Revolution) / Finish any part of sec 5 that you did not get
Thurs Nov 29 / Finish any part from sec 1-5 that you did not get
Individual work period/Study / Finish all workbook & NC
Friday Nov 30 / None / Chapter 13 Assessment
Ch. 13 Notecards & Worksheet DUE! / Start reading ch. 14, Sec. 1
Important Key terms:
(Sec 1) humanism / Humanities / Petrarch / Florence / PatronPerspective / Leonardo / Michelangelo / Rapheal / Baldassare Castiglione
Niccolo Machiavelli / (Sec 2) Johann Gutenberg / Flanders / Albrecht Durer / Engraving
Vernacular / Erasmus / Thomas More / Utopian / Shakespeare
(Sec 3) indulgences / Martin Luther / Wittenberg / Charles V / Diet
John Calvin / Predestination / Geneva / Theocracy / (Sec 4) sect
Henry VIII / Mary Tudor / Thomas Cramner / Elizabeth / canonize
Council of Trent / Ignatius of Loyola / Teresa of Avila / Ghetto / (sec 5) Nicolaus Copernicus
Heliocentric / Tycho Brahe / Johannes Kepler / Galileo / Francis Bacon
Rene Descartes / Scientific method / Hypothesis / Robert Boyle / Isaac Newton
Gravity / calculus
Essential ?: How is our present world influenced by the exchanges made between peoples of the past?
1. SS.912.W.4.1 Identify the economic and political causes for the rise of the Italian city states (Florence, Milan, Naples, Rome, Venice).
2. SS.912.W.4.2 Recognize major influences on the architectural, artistic, and literary developments of Renaissance Italy (Classical, Byzantine, Islamic, Western European).
3. SS.912.W.4.3 Identify the major artistic, literary, and technological contributions of individuals during the Renaissance.
4. SS.912.W.4.4 Identify characteristics of Renaissance humanism in works of art.
5. SS.912.W.4.7 Identify criticisms of the Roman Catholic Church by individuals such as Wycliffe, Hus and Erasmus and their impact on later reformers.
6. SS.912.W.4.8 Summarize religious reforms associated with Luther, Calvin, Zwingli, Henry VIII, and John of Leyden and the effects of the Reformation on Europe.
7. SS.912.W.4.9 Analyze the Roman Catholic Church's response to the Protestant Reformation in the forms of the Counter and Catholic Reformation.