Microscopy Society of Ireland
-- Membership Form --
Email address
Please tick
Student Membership (€12 or UK£10)
Full membership (€20 or UK£16)
To apply for or renew your membership for one year, please either:
1. Lodge the relevant fee to the bank directly and then send this completed form with the lodgement slip attached to Fiona Lyng, Radiation and Environmental Science Centre, Focas Research Institute, Dublin Institute of Technology, Kevin St. Campus, Dublin 8, Ireland.
The Society’s bank details are as follows:
Allied Irish Bank
Name: The Microscopy Society
Sort Code – 930156
Account Number – 27140094
Swift Code – AIBKIE2D
IBAN: IE18 AIBK 9301 5627 1400 94
Please give your name and institute when you make the payment. For example, this can be done by providing the information for Message to appear on receiver statementwhen you use on-line bank transfer.
2. Post a cheque to cover the fee to Fiona Lyng, Radiation and Environmental Science Centre, Focas Research Institute, Dublin Institute of Technology, Kevin St. Campus, Dublin 8, Ireland.
Microscopy Society of Ireland (www.microscopy.ie)