Please submit all items for the newsletter to Pat White. During the winter months the newsletter will come out once a month.

The Ladies Prayer Group will meet Tuesday mornings at 9:00 AM.

Wonderful Wednesday’s meals will be prepared by the following:

2/15/17 CPWM

2/22/17 Pairs & Spares and Willing Workers

3/1/17 Staff

180 Youth will meettonight,February 19th and 26th at 5:30 PM.

Bingo will be held at Brookstone today at 3:00 PM.

The Session meeting will be held today at 3:00 PM.

The CP Birthday Party will be held tonight at Lebanon CP Church.A pot luck meal will begin at 5:00 PM with a special program to follow.

The CPWM Birthday Party will be held February 16th at 1:30 PM.

The North Central CPWM Spring Retreat will be held March 17-18 in Mattoon. Reservations for rooms at the Holiday Inn Express must be made by February 25th and please ask for the CP Women’s rate. (217)235-2060

Men’s Fellowship will be held February 27th at 6:00 PM.

Ushers: Hunter Biggs & Bronson Jones & Chris Henry

Baylee Biggs & Avery Stence

Elder of the Week: Steve Phillips

NurseryToday: Karen Joslin & Jennifer Townsend

Nursery Next Week: Lisa Simpson & Debbie Phillips


Jeff Davenport,Tom Allen, Bill Smith,Noah Allison,Jack Pieron,

Jason Marlow,Jamie Tyler, Ellen Poor, Joanie Jones, Ruth Willison,

Donnie Rockett,Garry Short,Rev. Paul Trent, Mike Best,Sue Johnson,Donnie Rinard, Curt Wood,Karen Vest,Fannie Duvall,Linda Rush,

Kim Ellis,Amanda Troyer, Shirley Rockett,Paul Darbutt, Pat Ewing,

Jess Allison, Shawn Phillips, Marie Zook, Jack South, Carol Lee,

Nancy Erickson, Josie Jones,Linda Simpson,Joyce Richards, Clay Simpson, Claire Koker, Bill Zollers, Jesse Pendleton, Belinda Wilkerson,

Nanette Grisham, Louis Cosme,Ruth Vaughan, Gayla Templeman,

Tom Ulrich,Charles McKibben, Shirley MacDavid, Charlie Mitchell,

the family of Kathi Beck, Ollie Mae Tyler, Roger Tucker,our church,our schools and nation

Extended Prayer Concerns:Alene Humphrey, Arthur Linder,

Darlene Tyler, Gary & Shirley Morris, Peggy Phillips,

Timothy Tyler, Lewis Cravens, Gene Cravens, Jerry Hooper,

Ryan McGehee,Anna Lou Taylor,Betty Stephens,

Bob York,John Hart, Jan Stewart, David Kinney,

Will Starks, Nate Tyler, Deanna Allison,Nina Brumfiel,

Chance Berg, Meagan Nichols and family

Long Term Illness: Trisha Mason, Margaret Allison,

Dennis Lambrich, B.J Vining,Debra Santens,

Rosemary Frederick, Brian Lee, Anniston Jennings,

Kim Yost, London Fryman, Betty Gibbs,Amy White Kocher,

Mike & Debbie Baker and Mike Dinsmore

Shut Ins:Helen Muhlenbruch, Darla Tyler, Jill Owen, Alice Young,

Maxine Higdon, Bob & Dorothy Attebery and Dorothy Hopson

Military: Mason Asbell,Jacob Boyd, Airman Jacob L. Rapp,

A/1C Robby Jones, Sgt. Brock McKinness,Jason Edgington,

Brendan Gorvett, SrAEvan Smith,Major James Smith,Tyler Hodges

and Stevie Barton


February 12, 2017


Come, Now Is the Time to Worship

Holy Spirit




Oh, How I Love Jesus

Oh, How He Loves You and Me



I Need Thee Every Hour


May The Lord Mighty God


Whether you’re new to town or just new to our church,WE WELCOME YOU TODAY and hope that our servicehelps you in your walk with Jesus Christ.Our hope is to connect each person to a family of committed followers of Christ. We hope to encourage you to worship God in a variety of ways; to serve out of your giftedness in our church, community and around the world; to grow in yourpersonal walk with God and invite others to be a part of what God is doing in your life. If you’re wondering “What do, I do now?” a great next step would be to get with our pastor or one of our elders so that we can help you get plugged in to the life of our church. We have several small groups and numerous ministries of our church that could just possibly be the very opportunity you need to deepen your faith. If you’d like to know more about becoming a Christian, being baptized or becoming a member of FCPC, our pastor would love to talk with you.As you leave the service today, feel free to let him know of your interests. We hope your time with us will be blessed!


Children and Youth are an integral part of our church today, not just the church of tomorrow. We try to provide as many opportunities for our young members as possible to help them grow into their faith. Sunday School classes (ages 1 thru 4) are held at 9:00 am. Please ask our greeters for room locations.

Sprouts is for children ages 2 years thru 1st grade during morning worship.Your child will be led in a lesson geared for this age, as well as puppet shows, crafts, games and singing.Mike and Sandra Stence are the leaders.

Bloom is our Children’s Church Ministry for grades 2years thru 5thgrade during morning worship. This is a worship time for your child to bloom into the person God designed them to be. Worship time will be God focused but kid friendly.


A Christian Sports designed for kids Kindergarten thru 6th grade for

basketball and cheerleading. Upward Sports programs are designed

to be both competitiveand fun. Upward Sports seeks to provide

children with skills forthe sports arena and value for life. While

training children with the athletic skillsneeded to participate at the

next level with biblical values-such as training, childrenin leader-

ship, teamwork, integrity and respect. Practices are on Monday,

Tuesday and Thursdays.


Make Christ the Target of Your Life. Our Centershot Ministry is an interdenominational outreach ministry that uses the life-skill of archery as a tool that assists the local church to reach its community bringing, the entire family back to the local church. Each session will combine both shooting archery and Bible study. Ages are 7-12 years of age.


More Than a League. Develop spiritual discovery, mental

development, socialawareness and athletic improvement. Soccer is a great team sport forchildrenof all abilities.


Middle and High School students meet for Sunday School at 9:00 am in the upstairs Youth room in the education wing. Our Youth group meets each week as follows: Senior High (180) on Sundays at 5:30 pm andJr.High (Breakaway) on Wednesdays from 6:00-7:00pm.


The Spiritual care of adults is also an important element of our congregational life together. Each Sunday there are several adult Sunday School Classes that meet at 9:00 am. Current classes are; G.I.F.T. class, Salvation Seekers, Pairs & Spares, and Willing Workers Class. These are age blended classes of people learning to live out the Scriptures and the Christian life together. Each of theseclasseshave their own unique personality, but they all spendmuch timediscussing relevant issues of culture, life and faith in the context

of the Holy Scripture.


Join us on Wednesday nights during the fall and winter months for a

meal andBible Study. Adult, children’s and Youth studies are

available. Each Wednesday night has a light dinner served at 5:30pm

for a donation. Biblestudies follow at 6:30 pm. Join us for great

fellowship and to study the word.

There are also a number of other opportunities for you to join in on the life of the church.

We Want to Connect with You!

*Fellowship Sunday morning from 8:30-9:00am in the


* Sunday School meets weekly at 9:00 am

* Sunday Morning weekly at 10:00am

* The Ladies Prayer Group meets Tuesday mornings at 9:00 am.

* C P W M meets on the 1st Tuesday at 6:00 pm

* Senior Ministry meets on the 3rd Thursday of the month

at1:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall

* C. P.Stitcher’s meet Thursday from 9am-3pm

* C. P. Prayer Shawl Ministry meet on Thursdays from


*Upward Basketball, Soccer and Cheerleading

*Centershot Archery

*Our Christian Life Center is also open each day from 8am-

12pm for our community walkers.Feel free to join them.

If you have any questions about our events listed above,please

call the office at 847-5281 and ask to speak to oursecretary or

Pastor Jeff.