Micro Focus Guide Writing Template


This information is essential for the piece to be entered into TeamSite. Please enter at least two and no more than ten keywords that would be helpful when searching for the document. For example, if you are writing a success story about Rumba, you would want to enter the product name, solution area, company information, industry and any other helpful information.

Lorem, ipsum, dolor…


Guides are technical—a how to do something (ex: How to deploy…). Each guide is about a particular market, solution or product, and is designed to include details relating to a specific topic. The content should be written as a useful source of how-to instructional and educational information. It is important to include examples to help the reader consume and use the information provided within a guide. Guides may be however many pages as is necessary, and may include graphics, screen shots and tables.


Write for a very technical audience. Readers could range from IT technicians to the IT director.

Guide Cover Page (3 options)

Reviewers’ Guide Cover / Title. Maximum of three lines with a maximum of 26 characters per line, including spaces.
Vestibulum et nisl
tortor Facilisis® lacinia
Sed arcu sapien
Cover text block. Maximum of 72 words.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec a dolor feugiat urna rhoncus lobortis. Aenean lectus. Nunc eget metus. Vestibulum et nisl a tortor.
Lorem ipsum
Product Guide Cover / Title. Maximum of three lines with a maximum of 15 characters per line, including spaces
et nisl tortor
Subtitle. Maximum of three lines with approx. 11 words per line (with a maximum of 64 characters per line, including spaces)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec a dolor feugiat urna rhoncus lobortis. Aenean lectus. Nunc eget metus vestibulum et nisl.
Lorem ipsum
Solution Guide Cover / Title. Maximum of three lines with a maximum of 15 characters per line, including spaces
et nisl tortor
Subtitle. Maximum of three lines with approx. 11 words per line (with a maximum of 64 characters per line, including spaces)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec a dolor feugiat urna rhoncus lobortis. Aenean lectus. Nunc eget metus vestibulum et nisl.
Lorem ipsum

Body text. Must begin with the Front Page Heading, which is an Introductory Heading. Sections should be divided using Introductory Headings and Main Headings. May also include figures, which must be accompanied by a figure number and a figure caption. In order to keep your formatting consistent while using this template, use the styles preceded by a bullet (●) in Microsoft Word’s list of styles. You can access Word’s list of styles from the home tab. Click the small box at the bottom and far right of the styles section of the toolbar. Most of the styles also appear in the Quick Style bar.

Front Page Heading. Maximum of three lines with no more than 31 characters per line.

Introductory Heading

Lorem Ipsum Dolor sit Amet

Consectetuer Adipiscing Elit

Body Copy Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec a dolor feugiat urna rhoncus lobortis. Aenean lectus. Nunc eget metus. Vestibulum et nisl a tortor facilisis lacinia. Sed arcu sapien, sollicitudin a, lobortis in, vulputate ullamcorper, felis. Sed sodales condimentum diam. Quisque neque augue, facilisis tincidunt, fringilla at, convallis eu, metus. Praesent ac sem eu enim egestas blandit. Sed et justo. Cras tincidunt dolor. Etiam nec libero.

Vestibulum molestie fringilla lectus. Praesent ultricies rhoncus dolor. Sed felis. Fusce est dui, porta a, rutrum vitae, porttitor sit amet, lectus. Sed at leo.

Main Heading

Body Copy Pellentesque sodales metus nec elit. Suspendisse commodo scelerisque nibh. Vivamus justo libero, rutrum eu, elementum quis, viverra sed, eros. Quisque nec nisi. Nunc et justo. Nam dolor.

Subhead 1

Body Copy Pellentesque sodales metus nec elit. Suspendisse commodo scelerisque nibh. Vivamus justo libero, rutrum eu, elementum quis, viverra sed, eros. Quisque nec nisi. Nunc et justo.

Subhead 2

Body Copy Pellentesque sodales metus nec elit. Suspendisse commodo scelerisque nibh. Vivamus justo libero, rutrum eu, elementum quis, viverra sed, eros.

Graphic-Table Heading

Figure 1: Figure Caption below figure.

Body Copy Pellentesque sodales metus nec elit. Suspendisse commodo scelerisque nibh.

Vivamus justo libero, rutrum eu, elementum quis, viverra sed, eros. Quisque nec nisi. Nunc et justo. Nam dolor. Suspendisse vehicula, ligula non aliquet sollicitudin, lorem orci euismod dui, quis aliquet lectus nunc et nibh.

Body Copy Donec euismod, diam id mattis fringilla, enim lacus hendrerit dolor, quis aliquet metus leo vel tortor. Cras id odio. Suspendisse ut augue at nibh tempor ullamcorper. Phasellus eu ipsum quis magna ullamcorper dictum. Morbi bibendum sapien non arcu. Sed at velit eu lacus bibendum egestas. Pellentesque viverra turpis et

Additional Quotes (optional). You may include additional quotes. Please indicate which page and section of the paper you wish the quote to appear next to. Each can be a pull quote from inside the body text or a quote from outside. Be sure to include a name, title and organization for attribution if the quote is not a pull quote.

“Donec euismod, diam id mattis fringilla, enim lacus hendrerit dolor, quis aliquet metus leo vel tortor. Cras id odio. Suspendisse ut augue at nibh tempor ullamcorper.”

John Doe


Excellent Industries

Screamers. Screamers can appear on every odd number page. Maximum 50 words. Must be a quote or plain text. No bullets. If you use a quote be sure to include a name, title and organization for attribution.

Phasellus eu ipsum quis magna ullamcorper dictum. Morbi bibendum sapien non arcu. Sed at velit eu lacus bibendum egestas. Pellentesque viverra turpis et magna.

Part number


Partner logo. When logo(s) are required to “co-brand.”