Friday, May 237:00 P.M.Dessert of Charity: Captain Justin Hendricks, speaker

Sunday, May 2510:00 A.M. Family Service. Usher: Curtis McQueen

Monday, May 26Memorial Day – No school

10:00 A.M. Doctrinal Class at Oliver and Rachel Odhner’s: “Visiting the Sick”

Wed., May 287:30 P.M.June 19thSociety Doctrinal Class; on the Last Judgment preparing for New Church Day, individually and collectively. At Gale and Emily Smith’s

Our condolences go out to Dale and Gray Glenn and family on the passing of Gray’s brother, Lincoln Schoenberger, into the spiritual world. Lincoln departed this life on Monday, a day after his and Gray’s aunt, Morna Hyatt, was also called to the other world.

Dessert of Charity: In preparation for Memorial Day, come enjoy tea, coffee, and dessert at 7 p.m. on May 23 (tomorrow) in the society room. Captain Justin Hendricks willshare some of his reflections on military deployment, as well as howhe has applied the Heavenly Doctrine to his understanding of theexperience. In 2011, Justin was deployed by the Army as an infantryplatoon leader to Afghanistan, where his platoon provided security forSpecial Forces. He is currently a Captain in the National Guard in NewJersey.

To mothers of school age children and to mothers at heart: Are you going through “End of School Remorse?” Can’t face the knowledge that soon your morning freedom will be over? Then come to a “School Year is Over” party, Thursday, June 5, 10:00 a.m. at Anna Asplundh’s house. We can get through this difficult time together. R.S.V.P. 610-756-3336. Thank you – Anna

From the Library: All library books were due today, but if there are titles still lingering at your house, they can be left on the library desk or on the cart at the library entrance at any time.Thank you for rounding them up, and have a great (reading!) summer. Thank you –The Librarians

Women of the KemptonNewChurch: If you are interested in conversations about the spiritual life and sharing such thoughts with one another, we are gathering again! Please come to the home of Gray Glenn – 3585 Route 737, Kempton – on Saturday, May 31 at 2 p.m. to strengthen the bonds of sisterhood and see how the Lord is working in our lives.

Future of KNCS:The pastors have had conversations with a number offamilies about the future of KNCS and the 11-12 proposal in particular. Ifyou have ideas you'd like to discuss, please give one of us a call and we'dbe glad to have a talk with you. – Lawson

Summer newsletter: You are invited to submit your contributions to the June/July/August newsletter by early next week – preferably by the end of Tuesday, May 27. Thanks – Carla ()

A new book by Robert S. Jungé is available for $7.00 at the KNCS office, titledFeeding His Flock:Parenting Preschoolers.

Reading the Book of Revelation with your children: Additional notes (on Chapters 7 – 11) now available. Bob Jungé has produced an additional set of notes on the Book of Revelation to help parents talk about this book of the Word with their children.It covers four age levels: Primary, Intermediate, Middle School, and Secondary School. These levels are printed in different colors to make it easy to spot the level appropriate for your children. These notes are free. Ask about them at school or after church on Sunday.

Please give us feedback on Reading the Book of Revelation notes: The pastoral staff would be very grateful for any feedback you can give us about any aspect of these notes. We’d like to develop more tools to make reading the Word at home easier. Please tell us whether you found this format and content helpful or not—criticisms too can be very helpful to make something that works better.

Family Soccer: All are invited to play soccer on the field behind theschool on Sundays at 4:00 p.m. when the weather is decent. I plan on hosting a gameevery Sunday through the spring, summer, and fall. – Jordan Cooper

KNC Men and Boys Baseball: 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. on Tuesday evenings. This fun activity will continue through the summer at the KemptonCommunity Center. Come join us! Questions? Call Brett Buick or Chris Judson.

Lions Club Golf Tournament is coming up on June 7. See the church bulletin board for registration forms. If you’d like to get a foursome together, talk to one of the Lions Club members: Mark Wyncoll, Steve Hendricks, Herb Farnsler, Jeff Britland, or Tom Kerr.

We have a lot of used furniture in our barn. All donations for same go to the church. Call if you’re interested in seeing what we have (610-756-3336). – Aaron and Anna Asplundh

For the Taking: Nice couch and matching love seat. – Lamar (267-625-6130)

Leaser LakeFishing Maps Available: The Kempton Lions Club has beautifulbathymetric maps (the underwater equivalent to a topographic map on land) for sale that show all the secret hidey-holes where fish hang out in LeaserLake. If you are a fisher, you already know that the Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission, along with many volunteers, installed a large number andvariety of fish-habitat structures on the bottom of the lake when it was empty. Despite anything you might have heard to the contrary, LeaserLakeis open for fishing. But you’ll need a map! Only $5.00, and it helps the Kempton Lions Club help the Leaser Lake Heritage Foundation to purchase andinstall handicapped-accessible recreation facilities at the lake’s western access area. Contact Tom (4376) or Mark (6745) to get yours.

Shakespeare in Bryn Athyn this weekend:I am directing three short pieces for B-Act's Bard in theBorough this weekend (Fri 7:30; Sat 2:00 and 7:30), and would love it ifsome Kempton folks could make it. There are alsosonnets, Shakespearean insults, a group of kids doing a shortened versionof Midsummer Night's Dream, and other vignettes and parodies. Kent Cooperhas written lovely music to go with several of Shakespeare's songs. It is very much a community show and whets the appetite for the Bard. (There are even period refreshments for sale.) It's appropriate for older kids,depending on family sensitivities, but parents are free tocall/email/FB me if they want help making a judgment. I know it's a long drive, and it’s Memorial Dayweekend, but if you're looking for an outing, I hope you will considerthis. There's a discount on groups of Contact me at 215-407-3001 Thanks – Ayisha

Kittens: We have three super-cute kittens in need of a good home sometime in the next few weeks. Please call the Judsons (215-421-1378) for more info.

Looking for Work: My name is Mackenzie. I’m 11, and I’m looking for work. I have different prices for different things. I babysit all ages ($5/hr.), clean houses ($10 per room, small rooms $5), do dishes ($3/hr.), walk dogs ($5 per walk), clean cars ($10 per car; if you have the soap, $5), and much more. Everything else I would say about $2 to $5. If you have any questions, give me a call at 484-358-7888 or 610-756-4433 or 484-553-6325.

House For Sale: 8796 Perry Long Court, Kempton. Sunny, open 3 bedroom, 2bathroom house with finished basement. 2,700 square feet. 1.5 acres with asmall stream and mature trees. Propane baseboard heat, central AC, andscreened in porch. Lovely neighbors, friendly horses in surroundingpastures, and beautiful views. Call or email Pearse Frazier for price or

any other questions at 215-715-0786, . Also see theZillow listing:

Pastured Broilers for Sale:raised on grass pasture and a natural, antibiotic-free feed ration; shrink-wrapped and frozen. Price: $4.25/lb. Email , or call Anndwyn Hendricks at 484-390-1923.