Broadmarston Lane, Mickleton, Chipping Campden, Gloucestershire, GL55 6SJ
Telephone / Fax: 01386 438393
Headteacher: Mrs Sally Geary BSc (Hons) PGCE
Friday 3rd April 2009
EASTER ACTIVITIES - well, we have had a fantastic end to the Spring term here at school, mostly due to the hard work of the Friends of school committee. Thank you very much to them for organising the ‘bunny bounce’ on Wednesday. The children all had a smashing time bouncing and I am sure that a lot of money was raised for school. We also really enjoyed our Easter egg hunt. Who would have thought that it was so difficult to find chocolate? Obviously, the eggs were very well hidden. Thank you to everyone for providing the eggs; it was a fun event for us all. It was also lovely to see so may of you at our Easter service. We are very pleased with the way our children took part and behaved so well. This was my first service in the church and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
CURRICULUM NEWS - As part of the monitoring and evaluation of our provision we have recently reviewed Maths and English. Our analysis has shown specific areas for development; these are the areas we have started tackling and will continue next term. Writing is rarely as easy for any child as reading. However, we are working on using talk and ICT to enhance writing. Any time that you have at home to support your child in writing would be beneficial - even writing the shopping lists for you is an important part of seeing writing as a necessary life skill. In maths we need to support all children to learn their basic number facts and yes, those dreaded multiplication tables! These are the building blocks of calculation which increase a child’s confidence. In school we are working with a tables tape which allows children to sing the tables. This is proving popular with everyone, especially when the hand jive is added. We are also introducing a ‘number club’ where children are challenged to complete graduated tasks each week. There is a huge range to choose from and children work at their own pace. By the time they complete the club they are able to multiply, divide, find squares and percentages quickly and accurately. The prize for completion is a calculator so it is definitely worth them trying their best. Alongside these whole school targets we are adding small-scale intervention for children who are experiencing a difficulty with an area of the curriculum. It is important to note that many children require this extra boost at some point in their school careers so please do not be alarmed if your children tell you they are doing some special work. It is all part of the drive to ensure that your children make the best progress they can.
SCHOOL GROUNDS’ DEVELOPMENT - As a staff we have been consulting on the best ways to enhance our grounds and use them even more fully to support our children’s education. In the next term we aim to design and build a wildlife area, including a pond, at the far end of the school site. This will also include butterfly friendly planting, a log pile (maybe we will get some Mickleton hedgehogs taking up residence?) and over wintering areas for ladybirds. The children will be fully involved in the decisions for the site and will be able to do some work on it themselves. We will also be arranging a ‘gardening party!’ for volunteers to help us. Alongside this there are future plans for a sensory Science garden behind the school. If you are interested in either of these projects and would like to offer help or advice then please do contact us.
RETURN TO SCHOOL - I know we break up today but just to remind you, we return to school on Monday 20th April. Monday 4th May is a bank holiday; we are therefore not at school on that day, although the village fun day will take place here.
HEAD LICE - Even though it is Easter and holiday time our little friends, the head lice, don’t give up the fight. Please continue to check and comb your child’s hair to ensure that we control the head lice problem. Thank you.
‘SHARE’ IN OUR SCIENCE - As previously mentioned, our programme of ‘Share’ lessons will begin with a Science lesson in Class 3 on Tuesday 5th May at 9:00 a.m. We would like every child to have an adult to work with - parent, grandparent or friend. The lesson will last just over an hour and will be practically based. All that is expected of you is that you join your child in their learning and have fun! I will send letters with each child in class 3 at the beginning of next term. Mrs Thomas is planning a ‘Share’ English lesson in Class 2; watch out for the other lessons coming up in your child’s class.
MICKLETON IN BLOOM SHOW - All children in school have taken part in the art competition for the village show. We are very impressed with their work and hope that you will take time to view it at the show on. We will display it in school when it is sent back to us.
ART ‘STUFF’ – If you have any ‘spare’ art bits and pieces – wrapping paper, tissue, material snippets, buttons, ribbon etc then we will be glad to give them a new home! Our children would love to turn them into the next ‘big thing’ in the art world. Thank you.
HOT LUNCHES I hope you have received your new lunch menus. Please ensure that you keep the menu and annotate it so that you know what your child has ordered.
DRAMA GROUP FOR ‘OLIVER’ – We are delighted to give a preview notice of Mickleton School’s production of ‘Oliver’. This will involve many children from across the school. After auditions, those children who have secured speaking and singing parts will be invited to attend drama club once a week. This will be run by Mrs Geary, Mrs Cox and Mrs Gilks.
LOST PROPERTY – Please note, a pair of pink glasses in a pink case have gone missing at school. Would you please check with your child that they have not inadvertently picked them up? May I also remind you that our lost property box is bursting at the seams? Please check it for any items your child has lost.
CLASS 4 RESIDENTIAL TRIP – Monday 29th June – Friday 3rd July. Just a reminder that our trip to Tregoyd House near Hay-on-Wye is fast approaching. The last payment is due by no later than Monday 11th May. Thank you.
GIFTS FOR KENYA – Thank you to everyone who has brought gifts of bowls and stationery to school for Siron school. I received an email yesterday to say that the teachers are travelling to Nairobi today to purchase airline tickets. Hopefully that means that the visit will be able to go ahead at the end of April.
We hope you have a happy and Holy Easter.
Yours sincerely,
Sally Geary Head teacher