CPB Compliance Document:

CookCounty Community Radio


Cook County Community Radio, Inc. holds licenses for public radio stations:

WTIP - 90.7 fm Grand Marais, Minnesota

WKEK - 89.1 fm Gunflint Lake, Minnesota

WGPO - 90.1 fm Grand Portage, Minnesota

Cook County Community Radio (CCCR) complies with Section 396 (k) (4) of the Communications Act by:


1. providing notice to the public before holding public meetings of the Board of Directors, Board committees, meetings of the members, and the Community Advisory Board. Notice of these public meetings is posted on the website at least one week in advance of all open meetings and announced on the air at least 2 times per day 1 week (2nd Monday of every month) prior to the meeting. In addition, meeting notice is specifically sent to individuals who have requested individual notice.

2. allowing all persons to attend any open meeting of the board of directors or advisory board without requiring that the person register or provide such person’s name or any other information, except as would be reasonably required to maintain a safe meeting environment. If a meeting is closed due to content regarding personnel, financial or legal as otherwise deemed closed by the board or legal counsel, a written statement containing an explanation of the reasons for closing the meeting shall be provided within a reasonable period of time and in the manner that open meetings are held.

3. making on air announcements in the first full week on 4 consecutive days of first month of each quarter of the calendar year on North Shore Morning and North Shore Digest, explaining our open meeting policy and providing information on how the public can obtain information about dates, times, and locations of meetings.


The following records are included in WTIP’s CPB file:

a. Annual Financial Report (AFR) filed with CPB

b. Annual Audit as performed By Licari, Larsen of Duluth, MN

COMMUNITY ADVISORY BOARD (CAB) compliance and policy statement for WTIP.


1. Section 396(k)(8) of the Communications Act requires regular, documented community input regarding public radio station programming, community service and the impact of major station policy decisions. No CPB funds will be awarded to a station without a CAB.

2. The law requires clear demarcation between the CAB and the station Board of Directors and station staff and management.

3. The law permits the station to exercise reasonable discretion in selecting CAB members. No individual or group has a legal right to membership on a CAB.

4. The law prohibits CAB membership by station staff or Board of Directors. Their role is limited to facilitation or an administrative capacity.

5. The law requires that the CAB meet at regular intervals but does not suggest frequency of meetings.

6. The CAB is required to formally advise the board of directors and station staff of its findings and recommendations.

7. The radio station must document its compliance with the law (a written policy)


1. Federal Communications Law requires that all federally funded public radio stations establish a Community Advisory Board (CAB). The CAB is solely advisory in nature and by federal statute may not exercise control over management or operation of the station.

2. The CAB will be expected to review WTIP programming, community service and impact on the community of significant policy decisions rendered by the station. Conclusions and recommendations are to be submitted in written form.

3. The WTIP Community Advisory Board will be comprised of a minimum of 5 members from communities served by this station. The members will serve a two year term which can be extended. A WTIP Board member will be appointed as liaison and WTIP Staff will administer meeting arrangements.

A. Diversity will be ensured by deliberation of the WTIP Board of Directors.

B. The members will elect a chair who will convene the meetings and submit the reports and recommendations from the CAB to the WTIP Board of Directors.

C. The CAB will meet once a year and additionally as the CAB itself may determine.


The FCC EEO Public File Report complies with the FCC's EEO rule and is posted on

WTIP’s website, with a current copy placed in the Public Inspection File of the station and in this CPB compliance book. The CPB book also contains the SAS report Section 1.1 on Employment. It is thepolicy of WTIP to comply with all FCC and CPB EEOrequirements.

Donor Lists, Data Security and Political Activities

1. CCCR will comply with all current laws and regulations of the Internal Revenue Service, and with all other applicable Federal law or regulations governing political activity and lobbying

2. CCCR will not sell, rent, lease, loan, trade, give, donate, transfer

or exchange its membership or donor names with any outside organization or unaffiliated third party for any purpose

3. CCCR maintains active control of its contributor and donor lists, and takes all appropriate measures to ensure against unauthorized use of such lists.

4. CCCR periodically reminds contributors/members/donors that its lists are

never used outside of the organization

5. CCCR uses outside secure vendors for its online financial transactions

and does not keep donor financial data onsite. Financial or data records kept on site

are accurate, complete and secure.


Copies of CPB documents must be made on the premises. A reasonable charge for documents and staff time (50 cents per page) applies. All CPB documents are available online.