Present: Mrs W G Faulkner – in the chair
Mr T L Bartley, Mr R Brace, Mr I S Jones, Mrs J A Woods, Mr J G Nicholas, Mrs B A Harrison, Mr D K Rowlands, Mr J H Taylor, Mr B T Ancliff, Mr J Walsh, Mrs E A Mottram, Mrs F Mitchell, Mrs M P Parker, Mr M Peate
Mrs S M Chamberlain – Clerk to the Council
Members of the public – 4
Open Forum
The question of the latest planning application by 3C Waste to increase the height and life of the Gowy Landfill Site was addressed. There is strong support from all the residents in Wimbolds Trafford against the planning application and the following points were raised:
1) Would the Parish Councillors support and sign a petition against the application
2) Why was it that all interested parties did not appear to have been notified of the planning application.
3) Could the Parish Council write to Cheshire County Council for an explanation to 2 above and ask for an extension of the consultation period
4) Andrew Miller has written to Cheshire County Council supporting the objection
5) Has Mr J H Taylor still got a copy of the original environmental report from 1986.
6) The site was supposed to be for a temporary period only
In answer to the above queries, the Parish Councillors advised that everyone within the Parish should have received our bi-monthly newsletter which advertised the presentation given by Waste Recycling Group at Trafford Hall on11 December 2007 when any questions could have been put to them. The noticeboards also advertised that the planning application had been received and that it was being discussed at the planning meeting held on 4 February 2008 to which all members of the Community were welcome to attend where the views of the Parish Council could be heard.
Mr J H Taylor advised that he believed that although a petition might help it would need the names and addresses of the residents to have any weight behind. It might not be a good idea to get the Media involved as it could have a negative effect on the area as a desirable place to live which would have a knock on effect to the value of properties.
Mr D K Rowlands advised that all though it is a temporary site there is nothing to stop an application to extend the life being made.
The Clerk will contact Cheshire County Council to see who was on their notification list.
Apologies: Mr R E Parkin & Mr J A Gardiner –holiday, Mr J N Jackson – business, Mrs J A Simmonds – illness,
(Mr T R Law – absent – no apology)
Talk by King Street Energy Representatives
Mr Sean Greenwood and two colleagues from King Street Energy (KSE) gave a talk with a question and answer session on the proposed pipeline between Bromborough and Northwich passing through Wimbolds Trafford.
The pipeline is to carry seawater from Bromborough to Northwich with the return pipe pumping brine. The proposed gas storage facility will store natural gas in 10 underground salt cavities, as a government white paper has advised that there will be a gas shortage by 2020 if nothing is done to prevent this.
Although the project is estimated to take up to 18 months it will only be for a short period of time in our area. They will be liaising with all farmers and landowners so that minimum disturbance is incurred. They will also advise all communities when they are about to start work in their area. They will also be taking into account the impact on the environment and have taken surveys on hedgerow, habitat river corridor and protected species. All of which have influenced the positioning of the pipeline to avoid undue disturbance.
The pipeline will never carry gas and the working lines will not go through anybody’s garden.
It was pointed out to KSE that the map provided with the planning application was inadequate and that they should also be aware that the area around the River Gowy had a high peat content. A more comprehensive map is now available.
The question of change to the water table was made and KSE assured the meeting that all factors had been taken into account so that the water table would not be effected and there should be no change to the levels so flooding should not occur. Any possible problems would be designed out before work commenced and the water tables would be measured as they proceed with the pipeline.
A question was asked as to how long they would take responsibility for problems after completion of the pipeline. Although no clear timescale was given they felt confident that things would be done right from the start and problems should not arise.
Declaration of interest – Personal/Prejudicial
Trafford Mill – Mr DK Rowlands as landowner (prejudicial); Mrs M P Parker, Mrs E A Mottram & Mrs W G Faulkner as directors of the company.
Mr D K Rowlands – re Huw Rowlands letter and Newsletter advertising
Approval of Minutes
The circulated Minutes of the meeting held on 14 January 2008 were proposed by Mr D K Rowlands and seconded by Mrs E A Mottram subject to an amendment to Question 2 on the Environment Agency talk and to amend approved to proposed where appropriate. All were in favour and the Minutes have now been amended.
Authorise Accounts
Acceptance of the accounts for the period ended 29 February 2008 was proposed by Mr D K Rowlands and seconded by Mrs M P Parker. There were no objections.
Mrs E A Mottram advised that the park maintenance contract had been put out to tender and as Arfon Jones Contractors had submitted the most favourable quote (£2,000 per annum) we would be awarding them the contract. Mrs E A Mottram also advised that Chester City Council have awarded funding of £1,228 towards the cost of a new sports wall in Mickle Trafford Park.
The circulated Minutes of the meetings held 4 February 2008 and 3 March 2008 were taken as read and approved by Council. In his absence at the meeting on 3 March 2008, Mr R Brace’s name had been put forward to represent the Parish Council at the Development Regulatory Meeting when the application to extend the life of the Gowy Landfill site is discussed. Although he will attend, he will attend as a resident of Wimbolds Trafford. Mr J H Taylor agreed to represent the Parish Council instead.
Gowy Liaison Meeting
The circulated Minutes of the meeting held on 20 December 2007 were taken as read and approved by Council,
It was agreed that the Newsletter continue in its current format throughout the 2008/09 year. The Chairman thanked all those involved in its production for their help. Continuation was proposed by Mr J H Taylor and seconded by Mrs M P Parker. All were in favour.
Village Hall
Mr J H Taylor updated the Parish Council on the information prepared for the Parochial Church Council (PCC) to begin negotiations for a new lease. The current lease expires in 2010.
Mr J H Taylor attended a meeting with the PCC on Thursday, 17 January 2008 where among other things, constructural problems were discussed. It was agreed at that meeting that a survey should be carried out. This has now been done and will be shared with the PCC next time they meet. There is a problem with asbestos in the roof over the rifle range and if necessary it will need to be registered. There is also a problem with the slate roof which needs repairing. Mr J H Taylor will ascertain what the long term cost of all roof repairs might be.
Mr T L Bartley thanked Mr J H Taylor for the work done so far and advised that some repair work had already been done and there is no longer any leakage.
Mr D K Rowlands advised that over a period of some 25 years asbestos does become brittle and more fragile.
Although there was a question of part of the land being consecrated it was never official therefore there was no need to have it deconsecrated.
The hall is to be used temporarily by the Church after Easter.
Taxi Service
Mr J H Taylor advised that Cheshire County Council had awarded a £3,000 grant to the Parish Council for the coming year 2008/09 therefore the taxi scheme would continue in its current format throughout the year but with an amendment to the conditions to include hospital visits.
The revised rules would be posted on the noticeboards and an article will be included in the newsletter.
Quality Forum
Mr J Walsh gave feedback from the meetings he has attended advising that the quality status for the Parish Council comes up for review in August 2009. There are new rules for this which are due to be published in April 2008 but are likely to be:
· Electoral test – 67% on initial and subsequent accreditation
· Requirement to prove active promotion and support democracy and citizenship
· Requirement for both email and website addresses
· Requirement for adoption of section 12(2) of the Code of Conduct
· Requirement for Councils to have adopted the National Framework on Terms and Conditions for clerks
· Requirement of statement of intent on training
· Some streamlining on tests(eg register of attendance not required)
There is a need to discuss this further once the new rules are published. It was agreed to include it on the May agenda.
Mr J Walsh was concerned that there did not appear to be a policy for training of new Councillors and advised that he would be prepared to work with someone to implement an induction programme.
Land for auction on The Street
There is little anyone can do to prevent this sale. It may even be sold before auction. Mrs M P Parker advised that the land was well within greenbelt and did not foresee that planning permission for a housing development would ever be granted. There is also the fact that there could be seepage onto the land from the tar lagoon which would be detrimental to the health of anyone living there.
New Unitary Council for Cheshire West and Chester
It was noted that Mr B T Ancliff and Mr R E Parkin would be the liaison Councillors
Telephone Kiosk
Although no comments had been received from anyone in the Community as to whether or not it should stay, it did not matter as BT have put in a planning application to install a replacement one at the same site on the corner of Station Lane and Warrington Road. Although in favour, the question of resiting to the opposite side of the road was raised but it is unlikely that this will happen as it is too costly.
Huw Rowlands Letter
No comments were made either way.
Mr J G Nicholas and Mr D K Rowlands agreed to attend the E Planning seminar on 17 April 2008 and Mr D K Rowlands and Mr T L Bartley agreed to attend the Cheshire Planning Forum on 4 April 2008.
Garden Awards Competition
The Clerk will view a garden in Springfields and if it is suitable will ask the owner if he would like to participate in the competition.
Parish Surgeries
29 March 2008 - Mr D K Rowlands and Mrs J A Simmonds
26 April 2008 – Mr J G Nicholas and Mrs E A Mottram
31 May 2008 - Mr T L Bartley and Mr M Peate
The meeting finished at 8.45pm
Date and Time of Annual Meeting – 14 April 2008 at 7.00pm at the Village Hall
Date and time of next meeting – 12 May 2008 at 7.30pm at the Village School
Signed...... Prepared by Sue Chamberlain –11 March 2008
No: 2008/08