Michigan High School Snowboard Association 2013 Rules & By-Laws

Living Document Revised Sunday, October 7, 2012


Greg Flowers-President/Rules & By-Laws Committee

Bill Snyder-Treasurer/Rules & By-Laws Committee
Tara Johnson-Secretary/Rules & By-Laws Committee












*Rider Contract

*Rulebook addendums and revisions

100.10 NAME: The name of the organization shall be the “Michigan High School Snowboard Association.”

100.11 PURPOSE:

  1. To promote the appreciation, understanding and growth of high school snowboarding in Michigan
  2. To direct and coordinate the efforts of association programs and clubs, fostering sportsmanship and goodwill
  3. To place an emphasis on promoting the best interests of snowboarding athletes in a manner consistent with the MHSSA practices and standards


  1. All Athletic Directors and High School Coaches, public or private, who are affiliated with MHSSA shall be eligible for membership.
  2. All Athletic Directors and Coaches of school-based clubs are eligible for membership.
  3. All members must sign an annual Membership Application and pay dues.
  4. Membership rights include but are not limited to voting, nominations for awards, etc.
  5. Each coach, athletic director or parent representative may become a member.
  6. Each school or program has one vote if in good standing.

100.13 MEMBERSHIP DUES: Membership Dues of $100 per team (boys & girls) must be paid on an annual basis, prior to the start of the given season. Memberships that are not in good standing are subject to exclusion from upcoming seasons.

100.14 MHSSA EXPENDITURES: An updated budget tracking income and expenditures will be presented at the Pre & Post season meetings (bi-annually). Annual membership dues will be used to cover possible expenditures for the following:

  • Awards: Trophies, Medals, T-shirts, etc.
  • Certificates (or can be emailed to respective coaches)
  • Mailings/Communications
  • Website development and maintenance
  • Refreshments/dinner for traveling coaches at MHSSA Meetings
  • Scholarships for riders in need
  • Race Officials giftcard

100.20MHSSA RULEBOOK: At the start of the season, the MHSSA board must sign off on this living document, approving this body of rules governing the league. The board must approve all amendments, revisions or changes. This information should then be recorded in the MHSSA rulebook and also immediately distributed to the league of coaches.

100.30CODE OF CONDUCT: General school rules, including Code-of-Conduct contracts apply to all riders for eligibility purposes.

100.40USASA MANUAL: For general rules, the USASA manual can be consulted as a guideline for clarification and implementation at the leagues discretion.

100.50 RACE SIGN OFF: A coach from each team will sign off at the start and end of each race, providing their cooperation and approval of the events that took place.

  1. Course Approval: A signature is required to ensure that the course meets safety standards and course specifications.
  2. Score Approval: A signature is required on the final scoring sheet to confirm that all scores are correct and that final standings are in the correct order.

100.60 TEAM ROSTER SUBMISSION: All teams must submit a final roster to the league before the first race of the season.

  1. This roster should include all potential participants for the season.
  2. Rider eligibility on each given night falls under coach/school discretion in regards to attendance, GPA requirements, code-of-conduct violations, etc.
  3. Additions to the team roster after season start will be presented to the Director and communicated to the coaching staff
  4. All riders/parents must sign and submit a signed MHSSA rider/parent contract (see last page).

100.61TEAM LINE-UP SUBMISSION: The seeding order (Roster) for all flights will be supplied by the head coach prior to that day's race per league director’s parameters to allow for race administration to have adequate time to create the race score sheet 500.90.

  1. Minor changes due to valid reasons will be allowed until the time of the race start but should be kept to a minimum. Substitutions for sick, absent, injured riders should be provided 30 minutes before first flight is released.
  2. The first heat sets the line-up for the night. No changes should be made after this time.
  3. The only exception is in an injury occurs during the race. All replacements must meet race qualifications. Once replaced, the injured rider may not return to that race.

100.70 MHSSA BOARD: The Board shall consist of an uneven # of members, totaling 5. Each position lasts 2 years. Positions include:

  • President: Greg Flowers (2012-2013)
  • West League Director: Jack Pippin (2013-2014)
  • East League Director: Jeff Dean (2013-2014)
  • Treasurer: Bill Snyder (2012-2013)
  • Secretary: Tara Johnson (2012-2013)


200.10 COURSE FLAGS: Colored course flags or cards will be implemented by course officials to designate a foul or DQ on the course as well as course clear.

  1. Red: Major
  2. Green: Course Clear

200.20 MAJOR FOULS (MF) [red card or flag]: Infractions that impose a potential danger or safety violation to themselves or other riders, coaches or race personnel that are awarded zero points for that run and removed from racing for that race and removed from racing for that meet. A gate may not be filled by any other rider that meet once a rider is DQ’d.

  1. Helmet Improperly Secured
  2. Mouthguard Violation
  3. Obstruction Fouls
  4. Unsportsmanlike Conduct/Threats
  5. Misconduct towards Race Personnel
  6. Cheating


  1. The decision to call a major foul (MF) on a competitor shall be done only by a starter, gate judge or finish personnel.
  2. In the event of a MF, riders involved in the flight, and their coaches, will be called to the finish area immediately following the flight in question for discussion and clarification.
  3. All communication regarding the fault will be directed, and controlled, by the course judges. After this discussion, the judges will make a final decision.
  4. No protest can be made against the call or decision of any race personnel.
  5. A rider committing the fault will score zero points in that flight and will not be allowed to compete in the rest of the meet. The empty gate position caused by any MF cannot be filled for any remaining flights in the meet. Each empty flight gate will receive 0 points.
  6. In the event of a double meet, the rider causing the fault is only excluded from the meet the fault was committed in.

200.22 HELMET IMPROPERLY SECURED: All competitors must have helmets secured as intended by the manufacturer and worn throughout an entire flight.

  1. Before the gate drops, the Race Starter will complete a helmet check to ensure the safety of the riders (reference 300.20 & 800.30).
  2. If a helmet is released due to impact, the rider is NOT DQ’d. This is evidence of the helmet doing its job. A rider is only responsible to secure the helmet properly before the start of a race.
  3. However, if the helmet comes off due to impact yet the rider is able to finish the race, it must be secured again before the rider can continue.
  4. No releasing/un-fastening of the helmet while active in the course

200.23 MOUTHGUARD VIOLATION: All riders must ride with a visible mouthguard (not clear) to prevent concussions and injury to the face/mouth.

200.24 OBSTRUCTION FOUL: Pushing, holding, hitting, towards an opponent is considered as an "Obstruction fault". This includes butt checks and intentional board checks, determined by race officials.

200.25 UNSPORTSMANLIKE CONDUCT OR THREATS: Threats to other riders or other unsportsmanlike conduct is considered “unsportsmanlike conduct”.

  1. Threats could include but are not limited to derogatory language or personally degrading phrases.
  2. Swearing, if directed towards another rider or race personnel, could also be considered a threat.
  3. Any race personnel can enforce this zero tolerance policy.
  4. Coaches can bring up concerns to the race personnel to address and resolve, however, it must be resolved by the race personnel or the league directors/president.


  1. Protesting a non-call is no longer allowed, rather coaches may only ask for a clarification of a call.
  2. Once riders have left the finish coral or after the next race has started, no clarification of the call may be requested.
  3. Use of disrespect towards officials or other race personnel in any manner is not tolerated. Coaches can receive a yellow (warning) or a red (DQ-removal from the race) if this conduct is not adhered to.

200.27CHEATING: A rider wearing a jersey not assigned to him/her or a rider riding in place of a teammate will result in both riders DQ’d for the meet.

  1. This also includes a rider riding in the wrong flight
  2. A rider that does not show for their assigned gate and “does not start” (DNS-zero points)

200.30 MINOR FOULS (mf) [yellow card or flag]: Infractions providing one team an unfair advantage over the other competing teams resulting in last place points.

  1. MISSED GATE: A rider that does not correctly pass all sections of the course
  2. Removal of both bindings at the same time (one binding may be released)
  3. Assistance of a coach, making personal physical contact to help a rider
  4. A rider failing to compete in a bib or #’d jersey

200.31 MINOR FOUL PENALTIES (mf): Riders will receive a penalty for the heat in which the infraction was incurred. Zero points will be scored for during the respective heat but the rider is eligible to compete in future heats, unless deemed otherwise by the league director.

200.40 DOWNED RIDER: A downed rider on the course is NOT an obstruction.


  1. A coach should request clarification immediately before riders leave the finish corral.
  2. Once a rider leaves the finish area the coach loses all rights to request clarification.
  3. All riders are to stay in corral until excused by finish official.

200.60 SIGN OFF: At the end of the race, ALL coaches must approve the results and sign-off on the race score sheet.

  1. Race score sheets are then stored with league director, president and a duplicate to the league secretary.
  2. Any coach that does not sign off assumes the results are accurate and looses the rights to question scores.

200.70 INJURIES: An injured rider that does not finish a race started CAN receive last place points for that flight instead of zero points.

  1. In order to receive last place points, the injured rider must be permanently removed from racing in his/her remaining flights for the entire date of the injury (includes double meets).
  2. The injured rider CAN be replaced by a rider currently not in an existing flight.
  3. It is the coach's responsibility to replace the injured rider.
  4. This replacement must be communicated to the race personnel before the start of the injured rider's next flight.
  5. If a rider is not assigned to replace the injured rider, the injured rider's gate placement will remain empty, the flight shall continue as normal, and the empty gate will receive a DNS for the flight, resulting in zero points.


300.10 REQUIRED GEAR: Helmets, mouthguards and jerseys are mandatory for all Boardercross events (races, time trials, league or state finals). All competitors must have helmets secured as intended by the manufacturer and worn while active on course (see 200.22).

300.20 HELMET CHECK: Before the gate drops, the Race Starter will complete a helmet check at each flight to ensure the safety of the riders.

300.21 MOUTHGUARD: All riders must ride with a colored or black mouthguard (not clear) to prevent concussions and injury to the face/mouth.

300.22 PRACTICE GEAR: During practice times, helmets remain mandatory but bibs/jerseys and mouthguards will be optional or per coach discretion or hill requirements.

300.30 ADVANTAGE GEAR: No speed suits shall be allowed; slippery material must not be worn. Padded clothing layers are approved and encouraged.

300.40 BOARD REQUIREMENTS: Snowboards with square tails are not allowed (corners must be minimum 50 mm radius)


  1. Both boots/bindings must be secured to the board at the start of the race.
  2. Riders must complete the course with at least one foot secured to the board at all times.
  3. A rider is allowed to release one foot in order to hike up the hill in the event of a missed gate.
  4. If a boot/binding combination separates from the board during the race, the rider may finish the race with one boot/binding secured.

300.60 EQUIPMENT FAILURE: If there is an equipment failure during a flight and it is deemed unsafe for the rider to continue by a course official, that rider will receive last place points.

  1. The equipment problem MUST be corrected before the next flight in order for the rider to race.
  2. A rider that can no longer compete due to lack of proper equipment CAN be replaced by a rider currently not in an existing flight.
  3. Loose goggles, clothing, suspenders or other gear malfunctions are NOT considered an equipment failure.


400.10 COURSE SAFETY: If anyone has a safety concern with the course, it should be reported to the officials or race personnel as soon as possible.

400.11 COURSE INSPECTION: A complete course inspection should be performed by ALL coaches and riders prior to the start of the race.

  1. Any safety concerns should be addressed before the official start of the race.
  2. Upon the identification of a safety situation, the course should be closed and the safety issue should be resolved. Course inspection should be repeated.
  3. If a safety concern should arise during the course of an event, a course delay will be called until the issue is resolved.Course inspection should be repeated.

400.20 COURSE INSPECTION INDICATORS: Course inspection may only occur during the official time specified. Inspection indicators may be used to designate availability of course use.

  1. Course indicator flags will be set by league director.
  2. Course inspection will be closed during the setting of the course designated by red flags.
  3. Course inspection will be open and designated by yellow flags to designate inspection with scrubbed speed.
  4. Course open for full speed racing will be designated by a green flag.

400.30 COURSE INSPECTION SPEED: Full speed course inspection is NOT allowed. Riders may side “slip” the course (no pointed board but sideways boards) , “scrubbing” speed to inspect the course during this time.

400.40 VIOLATIONS & PENALTIES: Any racer caught riding the course before it is designated as “open for inspection” can be DQ'd from the meet if decided by a course official. The rider CAN be replaced by a rider currently not in an existing flight.


500.10 TEAM MINIMUM #: To be considered a team, a school should have at least 7 boys or 3 girls on the roster which would represent a full Alpha team (Alpha is a minimum requirement) and a suggested 14 boys and/or 6 girls total is desired to also fill the Alpha & Bravo gates for that team.

500.20 LEAGUE MAXIMUM # OF TEAMS: Maximum of five teams competing per event. Additional teams can be added, but then a race schedule must be developed to provide equal racing opportunities for all teams. Even if a 6 gate start gate is utilized, the maximum # of competing teams is 5.

500.30 RIDER ELIGIBILITY: All riders used in filling gates shall remain on their primary schools roster submitted before the first race of the season. All athletes must meet their school’s requirements for athletic eligibility in regards to attendance, GPA, code of conduct, etc.

500.40 NEW TEAMS: The MHSSA Board must approve all new schools or combination teams that wish to compete.

500.50 COMBINATION TEAMS: Combining schools to form a team is allowable providing they consist of one girl’s team or one boy’s team total.

500.60 DUAL TEAMS: Teams that are large enough to divide into multiple teams (30+ boys or 20+ girls)

  1. The coaches may divide based on their own discretion.
  2. Final rosters must be submitted at the start of the season.
  3. At no time, may riders switch teams throughout the season.
  4. New riders may be added based on approval of league director.
  5. Penalty for changing rosters is that the individual riders are DQ’d

500.70 FLIGHT PLACEMENT: Riders may be placed in racing positions (flights) based on the coach’s discretion, but should reflect the best riders at the highest flights (A1-B7).

500.80 GATE SELECTION: This should be decided by the coaches and league director before the race start and should then be administered accordingly by the race starter. If a random draw is performed for the first heat, subsequent heat gate choices will be determined by the previous gate finish.

500.90 LINE-UP SUBMISSION: The seeding order (Roster) for all flights will be supplied by the head coach prior to racing that day's race per league director’s parameters. Substitutions for sick, absent, injured riders need to be provided before first flight is released. (100.61)


600.00 TEAM ELIGIBILITY: In order for a team to be eligible to compete in the Divisional State Qualifier, the team must have competed in 3/4 (6 of the required 8 races) of their leagues total meets.

600.10 GATE CHOICE: Gate choice for the first heat will be based on the season finish point total. Subsequent heats are determined by the previous heat’s finish.

600.20 “HILL” TROPHY: The top place boys and girls team from each hill will earn a cup style, “HILL” Trophy for being league Champs.


700.10 TEAM ELIGIBILITY: In order for a team to be eligible to compete in the Divisional State Qualifier, the team must have competed in 3/4 (6 of the required 8 races) of their leagues total meets. In addition, Team members must be in good standings with the MHSSA in order to compete in the state finals.