Horam Parish Council

The Horam Centre

3 Bank Buildings

Janet Fairweather Horam

Janet Fairweather – Acting Clerk TN21 0EH

email: 07900 576236

Minutes of the Horam Parish Council Planning Committee meeting

held on Monday, 24th July 2017 at 7.30 p.m. in The Horam Centre

In Attendance: Cllr Michael Cousins, Cllr Graham Knight, Cllr Andrew Lee, Cllr Sue Lane, Cllr Virginia Roberts.

Recording, including filming, audio recording, photography and using social media sites is permitted at Council meetings which are open to the public. However, anyone wishing to do so must speak to the Chairman prior to the meeting.

Public Session – no attendees.


P/690/07/17 - APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: none received

P/691/07/17 - DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – Cllr Michael Cousins has knowledge of the owner of Mays Terracotta (WD/2017/1452/F)

P/692/07/17 - MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday, 12th July 2017 (previously circulated) were confirmed and signed as a true record.



WD/2017/1452/F - Mays Terracotta, Horam Manor Farm, Horam Road, Horam, TN21 OJB – Relocation and change of use of the land for the sale of plants/shrubs, plant containers, garden furniture and ornaments with an ancillary shed/sales office and paving.

The application was recommended for refusal by four votes against and one abstention.

Members made the following comments with regard to their decision:

1.  It was considered that the proposed alternative site is an inappropriate position due to the distance from the cluster of other businesses on Manor Farm.

2.  There were concerns that should permission be granted it could lead to infill between the existing current “business area” and this new site.

3.  HPC noted that WDC Enforcement are aware of this current application.

4.  Should WDC be minded to approve this application HPC would request that approval be restricted to the lifetime only of the current business owner and then revert to pasture.

WD/2017/1320/F – Redlands, Vines Cross Road, Horam, TN21 9EE – Conversion of an existing redundant stable and garage building into an annexe associated with the main house.

The application was unanimously recommended for refusal. HPC made the following comments with regard to their decision:

1.  There were concerns that the proposed development was an overdevelopment of the site.

2.  Queries were raised as to whether the conversion should be classified as an annex,as opposed to a self-contained unit as the proposed changes included both a bathroom and kitchen.

3.  There were concerns that the plans seemed somewhat incomplete.

4.  It would have be helpful if reasons had been given for the use of the proposed development.

5.  It was noted that the site lies within the High Weald AONB.

6.  HPC also had concerns that the effects of the Ashdown Forest Special Area of Conservation have not been taken into consideration

WD/2017/1518/FA – Misty Meadow, Chiddingly Road, Horam TN21 0JL – Minor material amendment to application WD/2016/2834/F (demolition of existing buildings and erection of dwelling).

The application was unanimously recommended for approval. HPC made the following comments with regard to their decision.

1.  It was considered that the proposed amendment would improve living space, making the dwelling more acceptable as a family home.

2.  There appeared to be no concerns from neighbouring properties.

WD/2017/1494/DC – Land off Chiddingly Road and Horeham Flat Farm, Chiddingly Road, Horam

TN21 0JL – Electricity substation, buried cable, hard standing, fencing, new vehicular crossover onto Chiddingly Road, New Pedestrian Access and Associated Works.

Application recommended for approval by four votes in favour and one abstention. HPC made the following comments with regard to their decision:

1.  There were concerns as to the visual impact of the proposed development and it was hoped that the landscaping plans (Design and Access statement point 8) would alleviate this.

2.  HPC raised the question as to whether the substation was being placed in the best location?

3.  The new vehicular access for maintenance vehicles to access the site off the Chiddingly Road was noted.

WD/2017/1534/F – Nightingales, Cowden Hall Lane, Vines Cross, Horam, TN21 9HH – Two storey side extension and porch.

Application recommended for approval by 4 votes in favour and one abstention. HPC made the following comments with regard to their decision:

1.  HPC noted that this application was a resubmission taking into account Planning Officer comments. The original application (WD/2017/0099/F) was withdrawn in March 2017.

2.  It was noted that the proposal had been reduced in visual bulk in line with Case Officer comments.

3.  HPC raised the issue of if there would be additional parking for the carer’s car, not shown on the plan.

4.  HPC considered that the proposed extension would provide an improved living environment for the family.

5.  The proposal conforms to WDC’s saved policies.



Application No. WD/2017/0976/F – Dorney Lea, Vines Cross Road, Horam, TN21 0HE – Proposed extensions and alterations to bungalow including roof extension/loft conversion with rear dormer, new porch and decked area to rear.



P/697/07/17 - INFORMATION FOR/FROM COUNCILLORS (for noting or inclusion on future agendas):

HPC is due to receive an interim report from DHA.

P/698/07/17 - DATE OF NEXT MEETING: to be held at 6.45 p.m. on Wednesday, 9th August 2017.

There being no further business Cllr Cousins thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 8.19pm.

To: Members of the Planning Committee: Councillors M. Cousins, G. Knight, S. Lane, A. Lee, V. Roberts and J. Webb.

All other Members of the Council (for information only).