Michigan Arts Education Instructional and Assessment Program

Michigan Assessment Consortium

DANCE Assessment

Performance TaskD.T417

Do Now Movement Phrase

High School


Student Booklet

Student Directions

Teacher Scoring Rubric

Student Worksheets






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Student Directions

This assessment has two parts to it:

  • Part 1–Do Now Movement Phrase, Feedback, and Journaling (Days 1–4)
  • Part 2–Finalize Dance Journal, and Reflection (Day 5)

The directions for each part are given in the Student Booklet.

Part 1–Do now movement phrase, feedback, and journaling (Day 1)

This assessment is designed to assess your ability to do the following:

  • Provide effective feedback to your peers
  • Understand the choreographic process
  • Explain how personal experience influences the interpretation of a dance

Today you will begin a series of assessment tasks that will be repeated over the next four class periods. For the first 15 minutes of each class period, you will create a 16- to 24-count Do Now movement phrase featuring an element of dance that your teacher selects. Examples of elements include but are not limited to the following examples:

  • Levels: high, medium, or low zones in space
  • Time: sudden or sustained
  • Weight: light or grounded/heavy
  • Space: direct or flexible
  • Locomotion: stationary or locomotor/traveling
  • Direction: pathway or direction of facing, right, left, front, and back

During the remainder of each period, you will work with a partner to receive constructive feedback about your phrase. During each class period, you should record your feedback in your Student Booklet on pages 7–10 and journal about the process.

Before you begin, look at the Teacher Scoring Rubric on pages 2–3. The Teacher Scoring Rubric will be used to evaluate the entries in your Journal and your response to the Reflection Questions. Review Level 4, the highest level of performance.

Teacher Scoring Rubric

Dimension / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
(What do I see?) / Unable to recognizedetails to describe the dance. Does not use senses to develop personal connections. / Beginning to recognize details to describe the dance. Rarely uses senses to develop personal connections. / Has a somewhat well-developed critical eye and can capture the details to describe the dance. Uses senses to develop personal connections. / Has well- developed critical eye and can capture the details to describe the dance. Uses senses to develop personal connections.
(How is it organized?) / Is unable to provide specific detail to a variety of aspects of the dance or work viewed. / Describes and provides little detail to a variety of aspects to the dance or work viewed and is limited in overall understanding and response. / Describes and provides some specific detail to a variety of aspects to the dance or work viewed but is limited in overall response. / Describes and provides specific detail to a variety of aspects to the dance or work viewed.
(What is happening?) / Does not share personal thoughts and opinions and is unable to justify and provide details about decisions in any depth. / Rarely shares personal thoughts and opinions and is rarely able to justify and provide detail about decisions in any depth. / Shares personal thoughts and opinions and often can justify and provide detail about decisions in some depth. / Shares personal thoughts and opinions and can justify and provide detail about decisions in great depth.
(What do I think about the dance?) / Unable to respond to dance with clarity and justification in order to provide constructive feedback. / Rarely able to respond to dance with clarity and justification in order to provide constructive feedback. / Responds to dance with some clarity and justification in order to provide constructive feedback. / Has the ability to respond to dance with clarity and justification in order to provide constructive feedback.

Select a partner who will serve as your peer reviewer over the next four class periods, or your teacher may assign a partner to you.

As a peer reviewer, your partner will provide daily constructive feedback based on the questions listed below.

Questions for Peer Reviewer

  1. What did you observe about the dance element in your partner’s movement phrase?
  2. How might I have made the dance element theme stronger?
  3. What would you advise your partner to eliminate in the movement phrase?

The checklist below lists the steps of this process.

Checklist for Do Now movement phrase

Complete the checklist during the creation stages of the performance task to stay focused and on target with the projected outcome.

Created daily choreographic phrase

Provided feedback to your partner

Personal reflection completed

You will record daily the responses that you receive from your partner reviewer. Individually, you will each write a personal reflection in your Student Booklet. Find your partner now and sit with that person.

At this time you are to create a movement phrase that will focus on the following dance element: Levels — high, medium, or low zones in space. Remember that each day your teacher will select a different dance element that you will focus on when creating your Do Now movement phrase. Please take 15 minutes to create your movement phrase focused on levels.

Now that you have created your movement phrase, please perform your phrase for your partner. Your partner will answer the Questions for Peer Reviewer on page 3 as feedback. When your partner is finished answering the questions, you should take about five minutes to discuss the feedback to assist you with your next Do Now movement phrase. Record the feedback from your partner on pages 7–10.

Begin with the first choreographer now. You have 10 minutes to perform, ask and answer questions, and record notes.

Switch roles and repeat the process. The second choreographer will also have 10 minutes.

Take the remaining 10 minutes to write your personal reflections, comments, and questions in your Journal on pages 7–10.

Today’s class is over. Be sure your name is on your Booklet. Leave it on your desk.

Part 1–Do now movement phrase, feedback, and journaling (Day 2)

You will continue with learning a new dance movement and receiving constructive feedback from a peer. Please review the reflections and feedback from Day 1 on pages 7–10 in your Booklet. Also review Level 4 of the Teacher Scoring Rubric on pages 2–3.

Once you finish reviewing the Teacher Scoring Rubric, the Checklist, and your information from Day 1, turn your attention to choreographing today’s Do Now movement phrase.

At this time you are to create a movement phrase that will focus on the following dance element: Time — sudden vs. sustained. Remember that each day your teacher will select a different dance element that you will focus on when creating your Do Now movement phrase. Please take 15 minutes to create your movement phrase.

Now that you have created the movement phrase, please perform your phrase for your partner. Your partner will answer the Questions for Peer Reviewer on page 3 as feedback. When your partner is finished answering the questions, you should take about five minutes to discuss the feedback to assist you with your next Do Now movement phrase. Record the feedback that your partner gives to you.

Begin with the first choreographer now. You have 10 minutes to perform, ask and answer questions, and record notes.

Switch roles and repeat the process.

Take the remaining 10 minutes to write your personal reflections, comments, and questions in your Journal on pages 7–10.

Today’s class is over. Leave your Booklet on your desk.

Part 1–Do now movement phrase, feedback, and journaling (Day 3)

You will continue with your daily constructive feedback from your peers. Please review again the reflections and feedback you recorded in your Student Booklet on Days 1 and 2. Always begin by reviewing Level 4 of the Teacher Scoring Rubric on pages 2–3.

Once you finish reviewing the Teacher Scoring Rubric, the Checklist on page 3, and the data from Days 1–2, turn your attention to choreographing today’s Do Now movement phrase.

At this time you are to create a movement phrase that will focus on the following dance element: Space — direct vs. flexible. Remember that each day your teacher will select a different dance element that you will focus on when creating your Do Now Movement Phrase. Please take 15 minutes to create the movement phrase.

Now that you have created your movement phrase, please perform your phrase for your partner. Your partner will answer the Questions for Peer Reviewer on page 3 as feedback. When your partner is finished answering the questions, you should take about five minutes to discuss the feedback to assist you with your next Do Now movement phrase. Record the feedback that your partner gives you.

Begin with the first choreographer now. You have 10 minutes to perform, ask and answer questions, and record notes.

Switch roles and repeat the process.

Take the remaining 10 minutes to write your personal reflections, comments and questions in your journal on pages 7-10.

Today’s class is over. Leave your Booklet on your desk.

Part 1–Do now movement phrase, feedback, and journaling (Day 4)

You will continue with learning a new dance movement and receiving constructive feedback from a peer. Please review again the reflections and feedback you recorded in your Student Booklet on Days 1–3. Always begin by reviewing Level 4 of the Teacher Scoring Rubric on page 2–3.

Once you finish reviewing Teacher Scoring Rubric, the Checklist on page 3, and the data from Days 1 through 3, turn your attention to choreographing today’s Do Now movement phrase.

At this time you are to create a movement phrase that will focus on the following dance element: Weight — light vs. strong/grounded. Please take 15 minutes to create your movement phrase.

Now that you have created your movement phrase, please perform your phrase for your partner. Your partner will answer the Questions for Peer Reviewer on page 3 as feedback. When your partner is finished answering the questions, you should take about five minutes to discuss the feedback. Record the feedback that your partner gives you.

Begin with the first choreographer now. You have 10 minutes to perform, ask and answer questions, and record notes.

Switch roles and repeat the process.

Take the remaining 10 minutes to write your personal reflections, comments, and questions in your Journal on pages 7–10.

Today’s class is over. Leave your Booklet on your desk.

Part 2–Finalize Dance Journal, and Reflection (Day 5)

Please open your Booklet to your Dance Journal. Review the entries you’ve made. Take the next 25 minutes to add whatever comments and details you may want to include. Then, complete the Reflection Questions on page 11 in your Booklet.

After you have finished your writing, leave your Student Booklet on your desk. Put your name on any additional sheets that you used for your journal and insert them into your Booklet. Your teacher will collect them and use the Teacher Scoring Rubric to evaluate your ability to provide effective feedback to peers, evaluate a short movement phrase, understand the choreographic process, and explain how personal experience influences the interpretation of a dance.

Dance Journal


Make entries in your Dance Journal with your Do Now movement phrase partnerduring and after Days 1through 4 of this assessment.

Describe the following using as many details as possible.
What you tried to accomplish in your Do Now movement phrase: / What you observed in your peer’s Do Now movement phrase:
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Describe the following with as many details as possible.
The feedback you received from your peer about your movement phrase: / The feedback you gave to your peer about his or her movement phrase:
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Describe your personalreflections, comments and questions:
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Other thoughts and reflections:

Use additional pieces of paper if you need more space.

How did the feedback you received assist with your choreographic process? Did you approach the way you choreographed differently based on the feedback that you received from your partner?