Michiana Village Council Meeting June 13, 2014

CALL TO ORDER - 1:00p.m. (EST)

ROLL CALL: President Tim Iverson, Council Members, Don Zion, Phil Bonello, were present. Iverson made a motion to excuse Linda Stein and Hillary Herbst; Bonello seconded the motion; motion passes. Also present were Anne Heywood/Clerk, Jan Lausch/Treasurer, Superintendent Rick Reitz and 7 Village Residents.

Minutes – Motion by Iverson to approve the May 9, 2014 minutes; Zion seconded the motion; amended motion passes unanimously.

ADDITIONS/DELETIONS - Credit Card Resolution 001-2014

CORRESPONDENCE – Letter from Michael Wolf


1. Building Inspector Report –Bill Lambert provided a monthly inspection report (on file). Iverson stated the Village was still waiting to hear back from Mr. Poke with the State of Michigan Licensing Department, on the letter the Village sent responding to their request to reduce the fee structure again, from 1.50% to 1.40%. Bill mentioned the monkey bars play set in the park that was damaged by a fallen tree was totally destroyed needs a lot of work done which would cost about $800. Iverson asked how many days it would take to fix, Bill replied 4 days. With camp starting on June 23 Iverson made a motion to approve the $800 to fix the monkey bars in the park, Bonello seconded the motion. Pam (a resident at Stop 38) said she loved the benches with the backs then asked about an extended walkway for older people. Pam said some of the residents would be interested in maybe donating to help purchase something. Iverson said they were thinking of a roll out boardwalk and should see Anne after the meeting. The council said it would match any funds the residents raised for a boardwalk mat not to exceed $2,500.

2. Treasurer’s Report - Jan Lausch (report attached) – Iverson made a motion as submitted with the millage rate published; Bonello seconded the motion; motion passes.

3. Tree Inspector Report - Kris Wulff - No permits

4. Fire Chief Report – Chief Gary Bendix absent - Mike Chastain gave report (on file) – Michiana Shores Fire Department will be hosting a port-a-pit chicken fundraiser Saturday, June 21st at the Walgreens parking lot on Franklin street and US 20 from 10:00a.m. – 2:00p.m.

5. Police Report - Chief Ryan Layman – May report (on file). Chief Layman at a meeting not present.

6. Police Commission – George Hermelink – Reported that Chief Layman was still wrapping up the burglary case. The police bullet proof vest are not up to code and new ones would have to be ordered by the first of the year. Iverson would like to make sure that all our police officers are buckled up while patrolling. If they don’t have to wear them Iverson would like something written up by Attorney Bell that releases the liability of the Village if an officer would get into an accident.

7. Public Works/Water Authority Report -Superintendent Rick Reitz – report for May (on file). The drywells on Lake Shore Drive near the McLinden and Lasser property (Stop 37 area) have been put in and the project is completed. Reitz asked to purchase a computer program that has 3 programs that helps located water meter pits, it takes pictures of the locations and maintains GPS data on those locations and will be very helpful working with the State on DEQ water permits. The cost for the program is $555.66. Iverson made a motion not exceed $600.00 for the purchase of the computer program, Zion seconded the motion; motion passes. Iverson and Reitz were still deciding if a brush or bucket for the truck would be more useful to purchase for street cleaning of excess sand from road edges.

8. Clerk Report - Anne Heywood requested approval for the Check Register in the amount of $66,852.07; Anne also stated that the last payment of the loan for the meter equipment was just paid. Iverson would like Jan and Rick to remove that debit for the September bill and all future charges related to that expense. Iverson made a motion to approve the Check Register as submitted, Bonello seconded; motion passes.

Old Business:

1. Beach Stops progress report – Lambert reported the roofs on the shelters would be completed by the end of next week. Iverson showed a picture of the rollout board walk as mentioned earlier in this report. The cost runs about $28 per foot for 36 inch wide walkway. So, if the resident’s help maybe it would it could be done this year otherwise, Iverson said we would hold off and stay with our master plan to replace stops 42 and 43 with our Pokagon funds.

2. Village Water Study – Iverson will be setting up a meeting with Wightman to see what the next steps are. The Master Plan is to replace old 4 inch iron water lines in several key areas in the Village with 6 inch lines.

3. Michiana Shores Indiana Water Contract Termination Letter – Iverson received the termination letter from Michiana Shores, Indiana. The Village would now wait for instruction from Michigan City and work with them in transition. The contract terminates July 28, 2015.

4. Lake Shore Drive Storm Water Drainage Improvements – This project is completed and the final payment to the engineer was submitted and approved. Iverson called Mr. McLinden to see if they were satisfied with the work.

5. Letter sent to the Department of Licensing & Regulatory (enclosed) – Letter was sent as mentioned under Building Inspectors Report. No response from the Department of Licensing & Regulatory yet.


1. Contractor Registration - Bonello would like to see the Village implement an Ordinance that all Contractor’s be registered in the Village to work. Zion has some questions followed by some concerns of residents. This was tabled until next meeting. It would require a yearly vendor registration and fee of $50 per vendor.

2. Fire Protection with Michiana Shores Volunteer Fire Department (Special Assessment) - Waiting on Ordinance language from the Village Attorney.

3. Bids for Police Car – Iverson and the council Ok’d and permission to order the new police car was given. The funds were budgeted in the 2014/2015 Village budget as submitted and approved in June.

4. Driving Motor Vehicle on the Beach (Ryan) – Tabled until the next meeting when Chief Layman can explain.

5. Vandalism charges on Village Property (Reflective Stickers on Stop 39 and Tar on road in front of Wolf Resident) Iverson read three letters going to Mr. Wolf concerning:

1. Structure (carport) on the Village Easement

2. Damage to Public Property in the Village – Invoice was enclosed for $350

3. Public Nuisances Property Conditions

Mr. Wolf will have 30 days to comply before the Village will take action. Date for removal and payment is July 14, 2014.

6. Amend Budget for additional $255 in the General Fund under Halls & Maintenance – (police roof) was approved by the council.

7. Boardwalk Quote for Beach Stop (grant money) – Talked about earlier in the meeting.

“ACTION ITEMS” “– Tennis Courts quote from Arnt came in at $73,000 discussion was to add this to our long term capital list for replacement.

PUBLIC COMMENT – Rick Reitz asked the residents if they had any storm water questions. Nancy Thill asked a storm drain by her home was getting blocked by leaves. Rick would take to look at.

Next Council Meeting July 11, 2014 at 1:00pm (EST) - Meeting adjourned at 2:05p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Anne Heywood/Clerk