Alturas City Council

Regular Meeting

City Hall Council Chambers

July 18, 2017 2:00 p.m.

The meeting was called to order by Mayor John Dederick at 2:00 p.m. Councilmembers present: Bobby G. Ray, Cheryl Nelson, Jim Irvin, Mark Steffek. Councilmembers absent: None. Staff present: City Clerk Cary L. Baker, City Treasurer Sara Peet, City Attorney Jeff Hedlund, DPW Joe Picotte, Police Chief Sid Cullins, Fire Chief Keith Jacques, Fire Marshal Eric Hunter. Public attending: 4. All present joined together in the pledge of allegiance, followed by an opening prayer by Robert Fendler, Pastor of the Rivers of Live Church.

No one is present under the public forum.

Public Hearing: The Alturas City Council will consider the first reading of an ordinance to amend the existing Chapter 5, titled “Building, Construction and Housing” of the Alturas City Code. Currently, Section 5-43 “Inspection of hotels, motels, etc., by enforcement agency – Inspection fee – Certificate of occupancy,” requires an annual inspection on all hotels, apartment houses, four-plex, triplex, duplex, single-family rental, auto courts, resorts, and motels at least once a year. The current ordinance sets the inspection fee at $20.00 plus $2.00 per rental unit. The City Council will consider amending this section to set the inspection fee by resolution to allow for periodic increases. The current rate was set by Ordinance #474 on March 11, 2008. This matter will now be heard.

Fire Chief Jacques reports that this will be part of the nuisance abatement process. These inspection requirements fall under the Director of Public Works and he can delegate the authority to the Fire Chief/Fire Marshal. By setting the fees by resolution, it will make it easier and less costly to periodically change them.

DPW Picotte comments that it will be time consuming the first year, but then will be easier from then on. The owners of rental properties can be tracked through the business licenses. This will help with getting some of the landlords to keep up on their rentals; the Environmental Health Department will also have an opportunity to get involved if needed.

With no further comments, the hearing is closed at 2:15 p.m.

MOTION by Councilmember Ray, SECONDED by Councilmember Irvin to approve the first reading of Ordinance #509 amending Chapter 5, Section 5-43 of the Alturas City Code to collect a fee for the certificate of occupancy in accordance with the rate schedule adopted by resolution of the City Council. ALL AYES.

Mayor Dederick reports that in the last several weeks he has been contacted by citizens who have been threatened by vicious dogs, with one citizen having her small dog attacked and bitten. All complaints have involved pit bulls. Responsible members of our community are afraid to take walks in their neighborhoods either by themselves or with their own dogs. It is time we look at our Animal Ordinance, and focus on the process involving vicious dogs.

District Attorney Jordan Funk is present and suggests the possibility of adopting a City ordinance prohibiting the pit bull breed; this has been done in other communities across the nation.

City Attorney Hedlund comments that the State of California prohibits banning a specific dog breed, but you can place certain conditions or restrictions on them. The Council may consider prohibiting the breeding of pit bulls in city limits, or may require them to be spayed or neutered; there are other ways to help control the problem.

District Attorney Funk further states that the breed has a propensity to be violent. A lot of the drug culture happens to also be irresponsible dog owners, and the dog of choice is a pit bull. The District Attorney’s Office has dealt with numerous cases involving attacks from pit bulls, and is currently in the process of dealing with this issue. If there is a valid finding at the City level, as your District Attorney I will file charges on all reports that come to my office involving vicious dogs.

Councilmember Ray questions the current Animal Ordinance; if we can’t properly deal with the issue we need to strengthen our ordinance. We now have the ability to fine the dog owner up to $200 if the Chief of Police or Animal Control Officer determine there was an incident with a vicious dog. We need to enforce this even if we don’t think we can collect the money. In the mean time we need to review the ordinance and get tough on enforcement.

City Attorney Hedlund further suggests having a public hearing or a town hall meeting and develop language that puts teeth in our Animal Code. It’s worth reviewing existing language adopted by other agencies and see what has been working for them.

Councilmember Irvin will meet with Police Chief Cullins and the Animal Control Officer to see what questions they may have with the language in the current ordinance, and consider new language for the enforcement and penalty sections.

MOTION by Councilmember Ray, SECONDED by Councilmember Irvin to authorize City Treasurer Peet to sign the contract with R.J. Ricciardi, Inc. for the City of Alturas 2017/2018 Fiscal Year audit in the amount of $28,000, which includes the State Controller’s Report and the Single Audit Act for the Airport Helicopter Apron grant. ALL AYES.

MOTION by Councilmember Ray, SECONDED by Councilmember Nelson to accept the bid of Sean Buie/Computer Haven for I.T. Services in the amount of $2,400 per month, and direct the City Attorney to develop a contract to be approved and signed by the Mayor. ALL AYES.

MOTION by Councilmember Steffek, SECONDED by Councilmember Irvin to adopt Resolution #2017-24 setting the fees for the R.V. spaces at the Junior Livestock Grounds. ALL AYES.

MOTION by Councilmember Ray, SECONDED by Councilmember Steffek to approve the consent agenda as follows: a) Approve minutes of the June 20, 2017 meeting; b) Adopt Resolution #2017-23 removing inactive water & sewer accounts in the amount of $364.14. ALL AYES.

COUNCIL/STAFF REPORTS: Fire Chief Jacques reports the Truck Barn is close to being finished; should be able to move back in next week. As of right now we will finish the project under budget.

Police Chief Cullins reports that as of July 6th, Officer Russ Turner was promoted to Sergeant; also submitted two grants – a vehicle grant and a COPS hiring grant; should hear the outcome sometime in September.

DPW Picotte reports he has started pothole patching; also, the Garbage Franchise issue will be brought back to the August agenda for another 60-90 day extension.

Councilmember Nelson asks if there would be a use for the building near the batting cages at the baseball fields; it is her understanding that it will be removed during the improvement project.

Councilmember Ray reports he talked with Steve Riley regarding board members for the Daphnedale Community Services District. The last board was up in 2014 with no replacements. The County now has an obligation to put board members in place and look at increasing the sewer fee assessment.

Mayor Dederick states he will contact the director of LAFCO regarding the Daphnedale Community Services District. Also, Golden State Risk Management Authority will be presenting an insurance plan to the City next week; this could save the City money while providing better coverage for the employees. We may need to open up the MOU to negotiate.

With no further business to come before Council, meeting adjourned at 3:35 p.m. to return in regular session on Tuesday, August 15, 2017 at 2:00 p.m., City Hall.


Cary L. Baker

City Clerk