The Happy Sheet

December 2013/January 2014

Thank you for supporting Lanier Sailing Academy and The Happy Sails Club through 2013. We are looking forward to an exciting 2014!

A Couple of “Be Careful” Notes

The lake is lower and that is a fact. It is not closed though! There is a huge amount of space to sail in but we do ask you stay a little further from shore and keep an eye out for "new" islands!If you have any questions give us a call.

The second “be careful” is about cold weather and cold water sailing. All the old standbys of wear layers, a hat, and windproof yourself apply, but if you are unlucky enough to fall overboard it may not be hypothermia that gets you. Check out the video at this link some enlightening information. (Thanks Jim)

Don't let this deter you from coming out! We did the Turkey Sandwich Sail on Saturday and had a great time. There was a fresh breeze and only 3 powerboats to get in our way all day! We have some fun events set up for December and the new year to keep you in the swing.

Wendy Lee and Little Gap

December 14, 2013, 10-5

We will take advantage of the low water and sail through Little Gap, under the wires, and check out the north side of Dreher Island State Park. The boat in the picture is directly under the wires. The map on the next page is a totally unofficial and barely trustworthy record of where wires cross the lake. If the docks are safe we can stop and pay a visit, if not we will explore the Crystal Lake area - a lake within a lake. Member and guest sail.

Bah Humbug Sail, December 21, 2013 1-5

Leave the last minute Christmas shopping to the landlubbers! Bring some friends or meet some new ones. We'll put longer term Happy Sails Club members with newer ones for a social sail to end the year!

Wendy Lee and Big Gap, January 4, 2014, 10-4

We will sail past Long Island and Hurricane Hole to see how the lake being down changes the waterscape up the Saluda River. Member and guest sail.

Lunch at Timberlake, Saturday, January 18, 2014, 9-4

We'll sail to Timberlake, have lunch in the club house, and sail back. The early start is to give us the chance to sail there even if the wind is out of the northeast. This will be a flotilla sail, so bring whoever you want and we will fill boats as numbers dictate.

Wendy Lee and a Little Romance? February 14, 2014, 6-9

It'll probably be cold enough to make your date have to snuggle up to you! Last time we did a Valentines Night Sail it ended up being Brian and 2 guys and they didn't get on so well! Hopefully this time it will be a better mix! Member and guest sail. A guest is not mandatory!

Happy Holidays to you and your family!