Gruver Speaking Testimonials

I have had the privilege of working with many talented speakers in my career, and Kathy Gruver demonstrated a very raw and natural talent for public speaking that I very rarely come across. Kathy was super easy to work with, was attentive to detail and due dates, and incredibly easygoing when it came to the technical details of our conference. It was a true honor and privilege to have her on my TEDx stage, and I would highly recommend her to anyone looking for a speaker that can truly deliver.

Michelle Serna, TEDx curator, Salinas, CA

Thank you for your presentation on Stress. Often these talks come from a theoretical perspective from speakers with no real, practical knowledge to impart. It was nice to be in the presence of someone who juggles life on all levels and actually practices what she preaches.In particular, I am thankful for your memorable stories that not only captivate the audience but make a lasting impact.I am still thinking about one of them on a regular basis. Thanks for sharing your passion and life experiences so that I can improve the quality of my life.

~K.S, Organizational Development Consultant

Your presentation was fabulous, full of divine wisdom, addressing the inner soul of heart, touching the brain,providing hope to delegates and you are really a solution to nations and world at large.

It was highly inspiring and uplifting, full value of renewable spirit, your sophisticated, charismatic style of presenting engulf every one with joy.

~Mr Levy Mokgale Motebejane {unisa –SA}

Dr. Gruver not only met my expectations, but exceeded them. She truly saved lives today.

~Esther Fayson, Adult Protective Services

I’m always happy to be in the audience when Dr. Kathy Gruver has the mic, she is one of the most dynamic and charming experts I ever seen.What a talented personality!Feel so fortunate that she is going to help us with the International Women’s Festival.

~Patty Dedominic, Founder, Santa Barbara Women’s Festival

Kathy is a breath of fresh air! She grabs your attention and is energetic, fun and has a great sense of humor. Kathy was so popular at our Women's History Month event our employees begged us to get her back. Her instruction on stress relief really gives a busy, multitasking employee practical advice and tools. After both events, we still haven't had enough and hope to get Kathy back on another topic!
~ Erin Coon, Raytheon Women's Network President.

It was a pleasure to have Dr. Gruver hold workshops at our location. She introduced alternative healing methods to alleviate and manage Stress. She shares the information by being open and honest telling of her own life, which helps relate to the topics. She has an awesome sense of humor. Her books are easy to read, but packed full of so many techniques and options. There really is something for everyone. Dr. Gruver is a fantastic person, and hearing her stories and knowledge is a gift. I personally have continued to incorporate my action steps and changes to living a stress free life.

~Tracy E. Smith, 911 Administrator

It is my pleasure to recommend Dr. Gruver’s presentation I attended at the 2017 NSC Texas Safety Conference; “Five Keys to Stress Reduction for Enhanced Health & Safety”. I enjoyed her presentation, which was animated and quick moving. It provided real world samples of techniques to use to quickly manage your personal stress on a daily basis. It definitely added more ideas and tools for my “Wellness Toolbox” when I discuss or design wellness programs for clients. Being in the wellness field for the past 30+ years, it is always refreshing to see new and useable ideas out there.

~Mike Berno, SHEP, CSHO, CAE

Director of Safety & Risk Control Services

Brady, Chapman, Holland & Associates, Inc.

10055 West Gulf Bank

Houston, TX 77040

713-478-7577 Mobile

I was privileged to attend a stress and nutrition class presented by Dr. Gruver. I was pleasantly surprised by her realistic approach to nutrition. Her stress management section was a true gem. I held a lot of negative preconceptions about meditation. Needless to say, I was highly skeptical when she asked the class to close their eyes and concentrate on their breathing. I decided what have I got to lose; I’ll give it a try. As I listened to her voice guide us through the exercise, I quickly began to feel myself relax and the stress literally just melt away. Wow, what an experience. With just a few minutes investment, I felt noticeably refreshed and relaxed. I will never underestimate the wisdom of just stopping and appreciating the value of “looking at something pretty” again.

Dr. Gruver taught the class to the Public Safety Telecommunicators (911 dispatchers) in our county. She was not only knowledgeable on the subject matter, she had cared enough to familiarize herself with our industry and the challenges we face. She was then able to directly relate to us and give her message a personal meaning. She is a true professional and her unpretentious personality shines through in all she does.

~Terry Myers

Brevard County Sheriff’s Office

Communications Manager

Office/ 321 264 5328 Fax/ 321 264 5067

Kathy Gruver is a dynamic, engaging speaker who is so experienced in the field of marketing yourself and your business. She doesn’t just talk about what to do, she gives websites and resources so that her audience has a simple easy place to begin for themselves. We felt very lucky to have her travel a great distance to the Canadian Hypnosis Conference and the evaluation results were exceptional.

~Jo-Anne Eadie, Organizer, Canadian Hypnosis Conference

Dr. Kathy Gruver recently spoke at my Scleroderma support group meeting on the topics of'Diet' and 'Stress'. Her presentation was upbeat and easy to follow, and a truly delightful and enlightening experience for all those who attended. You can't help but feel motivated after listening to Dr. Kathy Gruver speak!

One of our best meetings ever!!

~Arline Wetter

Support Group Leader

You are a captivating speaker and your humor is uncanny!

~WEF attendee

Dr. Kathy Gruver spoke to our Paramount Rotary Club about conquering stress. It was a very captivating talk that kept each one of us very interested from beginning to end! Her mini meditation technique is so practical and can be used by everyone without requiring anything special. If you get a chance, you must listen to her talk!

~Nick Pardasani

Kathy is captivating. Her knowledge and experience inspired me to make changes in my daily routine to effectively manage stress. I am currently reading ‘Conquer Your Stress with Mind/Body Techniques’ and it is already helping me.

~Courtney Sanders

I wanted to say thank you SO much, your story was not only touching, but very inspiring for us as well for our students. Some of the things you said were so spot on with what they are dealing with. I could tell they didn't want to talk about some of the issues, but I saw it definitely hit a chord with them when you said certain things. Your message is so relevant to kids now a days and could make such a difference for their futures.

~Bonnie Kwon,M.Ed.

Director of Education

Kathy Gruver is a skilled presenter and a gifted human being. I attended her class recently at the Canadian Hypnosis Conference and was so impressed with her life experience and how generously she shares it.

There are so many in our field of hypnosis who are skilled practitioners, but have difficulty with the challenges of the multiple hats required to market and manage a successful practice. Kathy's skill-set is the perfect remedy to simplify and demonstrate, by example, ways to easily market and brand one's self in this ever changing world. I would highly recommend Kathy as an instructor, mentor, practitioner, and author. I am reading her book now, and I love it!

Thank you Kathy Gruver, for all the amazing talents that you share with those who’s intention is to make life better for others.

~Ken Guzzo,

North American Academy of Hypnosis

Kathy was a wonderful panelist at the historic first Women Economic Forum USA in Santa Barbara.

She brought wisdom, humor and insights to the topic "Body Wisdom, Our ability to create health & wellness without big pharma."

I would invite her to speak on my stage again.

~Tia Walker

Founder ARWEY Awards


SocialResponsibility& Philanthropy Chair

I went to Kathy’s presentation on stress, which was attended by over 200 people and ended up as standing room only. I was fascinated at her knowledge of not only stress management and self-care techniques, but her familiarity with our industry was amazing, she was very well researched and informed on 9-1-1 and emergency telecommunications. She delivered her presentation with passion and almost first-hand knowledge on how to apply these techniques in the communications centre.

I watched as she walked the group of attendees through a conscious relaxation exercise towards the end of her presentation and I was spellbound as I saw the crowd of over 200 literally sink in their chairs! I thought to myself, this lady knows her stuff and can deliver it in a very meaningful way, which you can use immediately.

Dr. Kathy Gruver is a very dynamic and engaging speaker who captivates her audience and delivers practical useful information in a humorous and enjoyable way. I highly recommend her for the many areas of knowledge and expertise she has. She has become a great resource of information for me and I always look forward to every opportunity to see her speak, she is simply amazing! You have to see her for yourself.

~Ronald E. (Ron) Williscroft, ENP President, APCO Canada
Association of Public Safety Communications Officials Canada 200-440 Laurier Ave. West Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1R 7X6 +1.855.443.2726

With a packed workshop at the Indiana NENA conference, Dr. Gruver provided a very useful workshop on releasing stress. Her knowledge as well as experience in this area provided some great insight to releasing stress and how to stop it before it start. I very much enjoyed her enthusiasm and analogies throughout her workshop, which made the learning process even more enjoyable. I really liked her interactive style with the entire workshop, walking us through the process, to help release stress. I am ready for class 2.0, another workshop Dr. Gruver provides or to re-attend this stress release workshop!

~David Courson – Motorola Solutions760-529-2323

On behalf of NOSA, I would hereby like to thank you for the impactful closing presentation at NOSHCON 2016, South Africa.

Your professionalism and flamboyant approach attracted delegates across the African continent and we’ve received numerous enquiries after your presentation.

We wish you all the best in your future endeavors and look forward in working with you in the near future.

~Beatrix Lourens, Events Coordinator – NOSHCON 2016

Thank you again so much for coming to our Early Childhood Education teacher orientation. You inspired and motivated our team to start the school year off strong by taking care of themselves and remembering why they do what they do each day. You led us in a powerful mini meditation through the forest that allowed us to escape and relieve stress in a matter of minutes. You equipped us with simple, doable, effective stress mitigation techniques including looking at something pretty, writing affirmations, and visualizing positive outcomes. Thank you for setting a positive tone for our entire school year!

~Sheila Casey Ells, MPH

Early Childhood Education

Nutrition Facilitator

(661) 266-7867

Kathy’s workshop on Stress Management and Cancer was excellent. Her delivery was engaging and dynamic, and she demonstrated great knowledge and passion about natural medicine. The participants were so thrilled, and some even sent me a sign and whispered in my ear in the middle of the workshop saying, “She is great!” Thank you, Kathy. You indeed lifted our spirits.

~Kayo Matsumoto, MS, LMFT, Program Associate, Cancer Support Community, VVSB

I was blessed to hear you speak for a second time, at Zona Seca last night. I can't thank you enough for the wisdom you shared both times I got to be in your presence. Last night you blessed all of us with your amazing work, and I know you bless many as you move through your life's journey.

You're both wise and funny, Kathy.

Thank you again for sharing your Work. Every time you speak I learn something.

~L.G., Zona Seca, attendee

Dr. Gruver does her homework and cares deeply about getting the truth out, in a very cluttered and noisy internet world... that is never short on opinions. Her view on nutrition, bodywork, and mindset (just to name a few) are well worth the time spent with herto gain insight and advice that you can actually trust. I found my interview with her not just informative, but what felt like time with a friend we all wish we had when we need advice. Kathy is someone to help guide you on your journey to a life of true health, and longevity, and provides clear direction on how to avoid those medical emergencies, before they happen.

~Michelle Dutro

Founder of Inner North Star andHost of The Game Changer Podcast

I saw Dr. Kathy Gruver speak at Hypnothoughts Live in 2015. Her talk was one of my favorites of the whole conference. She has a charming and engaging style that made her talk not only entertaining, but incredibly informative. I left with a handful of action steps that have already begun to pay off. I would see her again in a heartbeat!

~Ben Schoeffler, C.Ht

I thoroughly enjoyed the presentation by Dr. Gruver. She captivated our audience with her energetic personality and real life examples. She was able to provide solid advice regarding nutrition without seeming too academic or out-of-touch with the obstacles many of us face. I learned a lot from the presentation and have already started to make some positive changes.

~Audrey Read Brown, LCSW

Program Director, Pacific Clinics

Kathy was an absolute pro on the show. Incredibly funny off-set, and both humorous and engaging on the show. Was great having her on!

~Shawn Tempesta, host of Las Vegas’ Morning Blend

I just wanted to briefly say thank you for your presentation on stress – I think I could have spent the entire conference listening solely to your wisdom on this topic. I have signed up for your newsletter and have encouraged my staff to do so as well. Since your presentation, I have found myself doing the mini-meditations daily and I have to admit that it really is nice to just stop and be in the moment. Thank you again – I look forward to reading some of your published works!

~LaToya Marz - #20

Telecommunications Supervisor

DeKalb Police Department

700 West Lincoln Highway

DeKalb, IL 60115.

Kathy Gruver was one of the most popular speakers on the Evolving Conscious Health Community Cruise... and so helpful and easy to work with. Having the pleasure of hosting speakers like her inspires me to produce more cruise conferences!

~ Lois Grasso,

Kathy, many thanks for your insights, high energy and engaging educational content for our recent Health Activist Summit. Your talk was a significant contribution and a big part of the event’s success. Many thanks for all that you do for the Healthcare community, you are truly inspirational.

~Bob Brooks, WEGO Health

I always look forward to hearing Dr. Gruver speak at the American Naturopathic Medical Association Convention each year in Las Vegas. Kathy's talks are informative and entertaining. If I were to host a conference on Alternative or Holistic Medicine, Dr. Gruver would be the first speaker we secure for the conference.

~Dave J. All Star Media

On October 14, 2012, as part of a Scleroderma Education Event held in Pasadena, California, the audience was treated to a lively and informative presentation by Dr. Kathy Gruver, author of 'The Alternative Medicine Cabinet.' Dr. Gruver provided tips on visualizations, affirmations and nutrition. Her information was backed up with current statistics and new ideas regarding wellness. Dr. Gruver held a very meaningful discuss with the audience concerning vitamins and optimum scheduling, along with her recommendations. Dr. Gruver was able to hold the audience throughout the hour as she has a delightful sense of humor and was very open to spontaneous questions and comments. The group I sat with continued to discuss points from Dr. Gruver after her presentation and during the lunch hour - we were grateful for her dedication to wellness and jumped at the chance to sign up for her electronic newsletter.

~Irene R, attendee

I have known Dr. Kathy Gruver for 6 years through American Naturopathic Medical Association, a professional association for naturopaths, for which she is a speaker. The time I have spent with her has been a pleasure.