Research on
Technology, Industries, and Entrepreneurship
with Professor Ken Simons
for PhD Student Positions during Summer
Positions are generally available for continuing RPI undergraduates and for RPI PhD students. This form is for PhD students for summer. See the website for information about any available positions.
Fill out and email to . Use “PhD Job Application” in the Subject, and send from an RPI email address.
Basic Info
Phone (home):
Phone (cell):
Your degree program:
Year in program (as of this spring): 1st __ 2nd __ 3rd __ 4th __ 5th __
Likely date of graduation:
Any particular reasons for your interest?
Please provide 1-2 contacts for references (ideally RPI faculty, but other people are fine as appropriate). Please list name, phone number, and email.
(continue to next page)
Skills / Resources / Interests
To consider what aspects of the project you are more or less able to help with, please mark an X for, or fill out, any parts that apply.
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Software & Computer Skills
MS Word ____ MS Excel ____
Macintosh ____ Unix ____
Statistical software: (specify)
Optical character recognition ____
LiveCode / RunRev ____
SQL ____
C / C++ ____
Regular expressions ___
Internet scripting ___
iMacros ____
MPI/OpenMP/Etc.: ____
other (specify): ______
Have a car ____
Sometimes go to a major city (specify):
Sometimes go to another country (specify):
Literature Search Skills
Patent experience (including looking up patents) ____
Library research experience ____
EconLit ____
Social Science Citation Index ____
Dissertation Abstracts ____
Are you an unusually good writer? Why?
Non-English languages you can read:
(indicate F=fluent, S=some skills)
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Please attach your transcript with grades. You can save the electronic webpage as a pdf file, or copy and paste the text at the end of this document.
What other activities do you have this summer? If summer classes, indicate number & dates.
Realistically, how many hours per week do you expect you can devote to this project?
Please list any times / dates when you expect to have conflicts:
(continue to next page)
Fit With Graduate Program
What interests are you pursuing in the PhD program and in your research? In what topics are you especially interested? In what topics are you especially skilled?
What are you doing, or thinking of doing, for your PhD dissertation research? Does it fit with this project in some way? Would you want to base a section (or all) of your dissertation on this project?
What is your likely plan after completing the PhD?
Finally, please attach a copy of your (single-authored) research writing, such as a course term paper or a draft thesis chapter. Thank you!
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