Michal Baram –Curriculum Vitae

Michal Baram (ID:300566676 )

Work Address:

Department of Chemistry

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

Be'er-Sheva 84105, Israel

Home Address:

Sokolov14/5, Be'er-Sheva, 8471414, Israel

Contact Information:

Mobile phone: 050-2200221


Military Service

2005-2007: Army Service as office administratorIn IDF.

Current research interests:

Investigating the interactions between Aβ and Amylin: Insight into the link between Alzheimer’s and Type II Diabetes


2013- Current: MSc, Chemistry, Ben-Gurion Universityin the Negev, Israel

2009 - 2013: BSc, Chemistry, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel

2000-2005: Sha'ar Hanegev High School: Specialty – Chemistry programming


  1. Zeytuni N, Uebe R, Maes M, Davidov G, Baram M, Raschdorf O, Friedler A, Miller Y, Schüler D, Zarivach R.. (2014). Bacterial Magnetosome Biomineralization-A Novel Platform to Study Molecular Mechanisms of Human CDF-Related Type-II Diabetes.PloS one,9(5), e97154.
  1. Zeytuni N, Uebe R, Maes M, Davidov G, Baram M, Raschdorf O, Nadav-Tsubery M, Kolusheva S, Bitton R, Goobes G, Friedler A, Miller Y, Schüler D, Zarivach R. (2014) Cation Diffusion Facilitators Transport Initiation and Regulation is Mediated by Cation Induced Conformational Changes of the Cytoplasmic Domain. PloS one, 9(3), e92141.

Participation in research projects:

1)Collaborator: Prof. AphroditeKapurniotu (Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany)

Research project: Inhibition of Aβaggregation.

2)Collaborator:Dr. Raz Zarivach(Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Be'er-Sheva, Israel)

Research Project:Insight into the mechanisms of Zinc binding sites in MamM Protein.


February 2012- Current: Graduate Student, Department of Chemistry, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

Subject:Interactions between Aβ and Amylin. Supervisor:Dr. Yifat Miller

2001: Research Assistant in Dr. Orna Almog Lab, Clinical Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Be'er-Sheva, Israel.

2007-2009: Process Technician at Intel,KiryatGat, Israel.

Awards,Citations, Honors, Fellowship:

2013: Recognition in the official blog of the Biophysical Society, American Biophysical Society: “Biophysics Research at Work: Seeking the Connection between Type 2 Diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease”.

Presentations given in person:

  1. M. Baram and Y. Miller, " Investigating the interactions between Aβ and Amylin: Insight into the link between Alzheimer’s and Type II Diabetes", The Batsheva de Rothschild Seminar on Functional Peptide and Protein Nanostructures Research Workshop of the Israel Science Foundation, Kibbutz Tzuba, Israel, 25-28 May, 2014 (poster presentation)
  1. M. Baram and Y. Miller, " Investigating the interactions between Aβ and Amylin: Insight into the link between Alzheimer’s and Type II Diabetes", Israeli Biophysical Society meeting, Hebrew University, Israel, 30 September, 2013 (poster presentation)
  1. M. Baram, and Y. Miller " Investigating the interactions between Aβ and Amylin: Insight into the link between Alzheimer’s and Type II Diabetes ", Israeli Chemistry Society meeting, Tel-Aviv, Israel,12-13 February, 2013 (poster presentation)
  1. M. Baramand Y. Miller," Investigating the interactions between Aβ and Amylin: Insight into the link between Alzheimer’s and Type II Diabetes ", The 57thBiophysical society meeting, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2-6February, 2013 (poster presentation)


2014-current: Teaching Assistant to high-school students. Marie Curie Project.

2013-Current: Teaching Assistant - AnalyticalChemistry.

2013: Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Lab of Physical Chemistry instructor.


Hebrew, English