AP Calculus

Course Description/Objectives:

AP Calculus is designed to prepare students for the Calculus AB test in May. This course

is primarily concerned with developing the students’ understanding of the concepts of

calculus and providing experience with its methods and applications. Through the use of the

unifying themes of derivatives, integrals, limits, approximation, applications and modeling,

the course emphasizes a multi-representational approach to calculus(with concepts, results,

and problems being expressed graphically, numerically, analytically, and verbally).

The following topics will be covered in the course:

I. Functions, Graphs, and Limits

Analysis of graphs

Limits of functions (including one-sided limits)

Asymptotic and unbounded behavior

Continuity as a property of functions

II. Derivatives

Concept of the derivative

Derivative at a point

Derivative as a function

Second derivatives

Applications of derivatives

Computation of derivatives

III. Integrals

Interpretations and properties of definite integrals

Applications of integrals

Fundamental Theorem of Calculus

Techniques of antidifferentiation

Applications of antidifferentiation

Numerical approximations to definite integrals

Teacher Contact Information:

Instructor & Room #……….………..…………….…….....Mr. Novak, 606

Phone………………………..…………..…...…....(610) 759-1730 ext. 2606


Room #...... 606


Required Materials:

Books and Materials:

Your textbook should be covered at all times and brought to class DAILY.

Notebooks are required for this class. You can purchase any type of notebook

that you are comfortable with, and you are responsible for bringing it to class daily.

A graphing calculator is needed during this class and for completing homework.

There is no guarantee that there will be enough calculators for use in the classroom.

You must bring a pencil (with an eraser) to class daily.

Pennsylvania Academic Standards:

2.1 Numbers, number systems and number relationships

2.2 Computation and estimation

2.3Measurement and estimation

2.4Mathematical reasoning and connections

2.5Mathematical problem solving and communication

2.6Systems and data analysis

2.7Probability and predictions

2.8Algebra and functions



2.11Concepts of Calculus

Grading & Assessment Policies:

Grading Components:

HOMEWORK: Homework must be completed on time and you must show all work when

possible to receive full credit. Unless told otherwise, homework is graded for effort given.

TESTS: Tests are a major part of your grade, and each test is typically worth 100 points.

Therefore, you will be given notice for tests so you can properly prepare.

QUIZZES: Quizzes will occur quite often during the marking period.

Quizzes range in point value, and quizzes may be given anytime without warning.

NOTEBOOK: A notebook is required for this class. Therefore, it is very important that you

actively take notes during class.

Grading Policy: the following weighting system will be used to calculate student marking period grades



LABS, graded homework and/or Alternative Assessments10%

Note: Your grade will be updated regularly on Power School Parent Portal.

Classroom & Attendance Policies


  1. Come to class prepared each day (bring your textbook, notebook, calculator, pencil, and completed homework) and leave with all of your belongings each day
  2. Be respectful to everyone and everything (teachers, classmates, principals, substitutes, school property, etc.)
  3. Stay seated in your assigned seat (no lining up at the door, walking around the room without permission, etc.)
  4. No cell phones, food or beverages, iPods, etc.
  5. Follow the Student Handbook


You are expected to follow school rules for absences. When you are absent, ALL missed work must be

made up in a timely manner once you return. For example, if you are absent for 1 day, then you have 1 day

to show me the work you missed. It is your responsibility to obtain any missed in-class assignments, notes, and homework assignments from either a classmate, the websiteor me. If you missed a quiz or test, you should be prepared to take the assessment the day you return to school. Study halls are the best time to make up missed assessments, but if you do not have a study hall, then you should make arrangements to make up the assessment either before or after school. Cutting class will result in ZERO credit for the assignment that day (including quizzes and tests)! If you plan to miss school because of an affidavit, you must ask for your assignment at least three days in advance of the day(s) you will be missing (school policy). Also, you are responsible for learning the material while you are out, and will therefore, be responsible for showing all assignments and taking any missed assessments upon your return.


You are tardy if you are not inside our classroom by the late bell. No excuses will be accepted unless you have an appropriate pass. On the 4thtardy to this class, you will be given an after-school detention. Every tardy after that, will result in an office detention. On the 7th, you will be referred to the office for Saturday detention.

Extra help: Before school on quiz/test days and Eagle Block.