Miami University

Office of Residence Life

1:1 Resident Conversations

First Year Residents


One (1) intentional one on one interaction with each resident within the first two weeks of semester [Completed by 9/16/16 (1st semester), 2/10/17 (2nd semester)]

Examples: stopping by room to say hi; asking about roommates; following up on questions

One (1) one on one conversation before Fall/Spring Break (Fall: 10/13/16, Spring: 3/17/17)

Instructions: approximately 30 minutes, deeper conversation that incorporates questions below, hits the 4 Life Subjects (Personal, Community, Academic, Awareness)

One (1) Resident Summary at end of semester (Fall: 12/9/16, Spring: 5/12/17)

Purpose: Demonstrate resident growth, summarize interactions with the resident

Fall Semester 1:1s

This a conversation where you get to know each other. You should share about your experiences as well. Make sure you hit the 4 Life subjects: Personal, Community, Academic, Awareness.

Example Questions:

  1. Tell us about your roommate relationship.
  2. What do you like about living in a residence hall? What do you dislike?
  3. What did you think of MegaFair?
  4. What do you think of your classes?
  5. What is your biggest fear about college? Your biggest hope?
  6. What brought you to Miami?
  7. Explain the curriculum. What would you be interested in doing together as a hall?
  8. What has your social life been like?
  9. In what ways do you feel like you are part of the building community/Miami community?
  10. What do you want to accomplish by the end of the semester?

Spring Semester 1:1s

This conversation should build on conversations you had in the Fall. Share your experiences with these subjects as well. Make sure you hit the 3 Life subjects: Personal, Social, Academic.

Example Questions:

  1. What does Love and Honor mean to you?
  2. What was your first semester experience like? Was it what you expected?
  3. What are you planning to do differently second semester?
  4. How has your relationship with your roommate changed?
  5. What are you thinking about Greek Life recruitment?
  6. How are you handling time management?
  7. What resources have you used from the different Centers on campus?
  8. How have you connected with the LLCs in our building?
  9. How have you made any connections with faculty or staff?
  10. What does a typical weekend look like for you?


Follow the directions below to input notes about residents, send follow up information to residents after their one on ones, as well as input Resident Summaries at the end of each semester.

1:1 Conversations and Follow-Up

  1. Log in to Resources for Current Staff at
  2. Click on the Strategies tab and click on “Resident Notes RA” in the drop down menu.
  3. All of your residents will be listed.
  4. Select the type of note (Email/Note/Summary).
  5. If you believe a follow up email would be appropriate for the resident to share resources, send an email. This email will be titled “Follow Up”
  6. Create a note for each resident about your 1:1 conversation or Intentional Interaction
  7. Press “Submit”.

Resident Summaries/Notes

  1. Log in to Resources for Current Staff at
  2. Click on the Strategies tab and click on “Resident Notes RA” in the drop down menu.
  3. All of your residents will be listed.
  4. Select the type of note (Summary).
  5. Input your observations and notes about the resident from the course of the semester into the text box.
  6. Click submit.


Follow Up Email

Hey <Resident>!

Thanks for talking to me today :) You girls are so much fun and I'm glad you're my residents!

I think it's really cool you're interested in study abroad. This link: goes to a page on the study abroad website called "Getting Started" so hopefully you find that helpful.

This is the link to the new athletic ticket policy:

And I haven't yet talked to <Other RA> about Butterfield Farms but once I do, I'll let you know!

Make sure you keep me updated on your Grey's watching ;)

Have a good week!

- <RA>

1:1 Notes

<Resident> came to our corridor dinner on 9/27 and I talked with her after. I see her around a lot and talk to her a lot so I already knew a lot about her. She is a kinesiology major and is possibly going to double in athletic training. She seems really passionate about it. A few of the clubs she mentioned being a part of (weird acronyms I don't remember) are KNH-involved. She is also very involved with CRU - she went on the fall retreat this weekend. She said she had a great time! She hangs out with a lot of the girls in the hall a lot. She is really good friends with her roommate Emily. She's from northeast Ohio but she has seen her family quite a bit since she's been at school because she also has family in Columbus. She said she was homesick at first but she's gotten more used to college since she's been here. She's happy about being at Miami.


John started off this semester very shy. He didn’t seem to be interacting with his roommate much and spent much of his time in his room. During our first one on one, I talked to him about joining CLT and he agreed to come to a meeting. John was quiet during that first meeting, but has since really opened up to the CLT group. He always has ideas for new programs and enjoys joking around during the down time of our meetings. John has started to talk to me and some of the other RAs about the RA position and is really excited about the thought of making a difference to residents. His relationship with his roommate is good. They go out together occasionally and I see them in the dining hall for dinner at least twice a week. John likes to study in the lounge so he can be near other people, but works alone. He enjoys his classes and is thinking of majoring in Economics. We had an incident in our hall this past semester where someone wrote bigoted words on a white board. John was concerned about the community and how people would react to it and initiated conversations with his peers about the actions. He told me he is more interested in attending ODA events so he can learn how to be a better ally.