MHS English Pre-Course Reading Requirements

Dear Fall Semester Honors/APEX/AP English Student,

The English Department is continuing its Pre-Course Reading Program. This required reading is intended to allow you as Honors/AP/APEX students to maintain reading and thinking skills between English classes, to prepare for the rigors of English classes at the highest levels offered at MiddletownHigh School, and to extend the curriculum covered in each upper level English class. The books/reading assignments that have been chosen are both interesting and challenging.

You are encouraged to buy your own copy of the book assigned so that you may make notes in or mark the text. If you prefer, you may borrow a copy from the school. Students may sign out a book from Ms. Leonard in room 208. During the summer, books can be signed out in the main office during summer office hours (Mon. – Thurs. 7:30 AM – 4:30 PM). The books are also available at the local libraries, new and used bookstores, and online book retailers. In some cases, the reading assignments are available on the internet.

Since you are scheduled to take an Honors, APEX, or AP English class during the Fall 2009 semester, you should be prepared to complete an assignment on the text during the first week of school. Individual teachers will determine the type of assignment given, and it will be weighted equivalent to a major test grade.

AP Literature and Composition:Tess of the D'Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy and Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut. (Be prepared to write a timed essay focusing on theme, using supporting evidence from text.)

AP Language and Composition students: Please see list of writers below for reading assignment.

11 Honors: Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe (Be prepared to write an essay focusing on theme, using supporting evidence from text.)

10 Honors: Ironman by Chris Crutcher.

10 APEX: Angela’s Ashesby Frank McCort and Little Women by Louisa May Alcott (Be prepared to write an essay focusing on character development

9 Honors: Cold Sassy Tree by Olive Ann Burns

9 APEX: Watership Down by Richard Adams and Great Expectations by Charles Dickens

AP Language and Composition

AP Language and Composition Students: Select two of the authors listed on the back and read 3-4 essays/articles* by each author. Be sure to keep copies of the essays you have read to bring to class on the first day of the semester. Be prepared to discuss and write about each author’s style---the specific qualities that distinguish each writer from another.

*Note: some of the authors listed write fiction as well as non-fiction. Be sure to select your reading from the author’s non-fiction essays.

**Essays by these writers may be found in current newspapers and magazines, as indicated, on the internet ( or in essay collections in libraries or bookstores.

Dave Barry—syndicated columnistRichard Cohen—Washington Post

Kelly Corrigan – syndicated columnistAnn Coulter – syndicated columnist

Frank DeFord—Sports Illustrated, NPREllen Goodman-- syndicated columnist

Michael Kinsley-- syndicated columnistTim Kurkjian – sports columnist

Anna Quindlen—NewsweekWilliam Raspberry-- syndicated columnist

Rick Reilly—Sports columnistAndy Rooney-- syndicated columnist

Barry Wilbon—Washington PostGeorge F. Will-- syndicated columnist, Newsweek

Fareed Zakaria--Newsweek