MHRA Inspection – Questions for Pharmacy staff

The majority of questions were collated from real MHRA inspections across various NHS Trusts and Universities.

Please be aware that this is by no means a complete set of questions and the MHRA will ask additional or differently phrased questions.


Staff should bring their updated training record to the preparation interview.

About you

  1. What is your pharmacy background?
  2. Tell me about your experience on clinical trials (% non-commercial, % commercial)
  3. How many active CTIMPs and other studies at the moment?
  4. What type of GCP training have you had? (provider, what topics were covered, UK Clinical Trial Regulations included?) Why is there no record of GCP training on your CV?
  5. Have you done any other training for this role?
  6. Are you aware of recent changes to the UK legislation around CTIMPs?

About pharmacy

  1. Explain the pharmacy trial approval process
  2. Do you follow this process for trust-sponsored trials only?
  3. What do you do for old studies? Do you go back and fix?
  4. Have you performed any audits of old studies?
  5. Have you gone through current studies and identified gaps?

[Inspector commented that pharmacy should always ask: are patients safe, are you assured of the quality of the product. Pharmacy is the ‘gatekeeper’. Shouldn’t approve anything that pharmacy is not happy with]

  1. Is there any guidance for researchers on what goes into trial protocols for pharmacy?
  2. What if you left, is the information available?
  3. Can you clarify what happens if a drug is donated? Where would the drug come? Is there any procedure?
  4. What process do you have for drug accountability?
  5. How are you given notification that the drug is on its way?
  6. Do you order the drug?
  7. Where was the drug stored?
  8. What do you check for in the paperwork?
  9. What do you check regarding the quality of the drug?
  10. Do you request CoA?
  11. How long does the drug stay in pharmacy?
  12. Was the drug labelled when it arrived and were there any amendments to the label made?
  13. Have you any process in place for NIMPs?
  14. Do you supply IMP to other sites?
  15. Are there any recall procedures? Do you check recall procedures? Is it checked for other sites?
  16. Are you hosting paediatric trials?
  17. Do you get materials from GMP-compliant organisations?
  18. Do you have any trial data stored in electronic formats? [if you do introduce this, ensure that any computer system is validated and test before transferring any electronic data]
  19. How do you ensure that you have the latest version of the protocol?
  20. Do you keep temperature records?
  21. Is the fridge alarmed?
  22. How do you know if the temperature goes out of range if out of hours?
  23. Do you have a process to check where each IMP is located?
  24. Do you track movement of drug if storage location is changed?
  25. Inspector asked for minutes from a review meeting for a commercial study.
  26. Do you train those dispensing trial drugs, what evidence is there of this?
  27. Who does the dose calculations?
  28. Are instructions for use given to patients?
  29. Where are the labels kept?
  30. Are the labels checked before given out?
  31. Is that check documented?
  32. Who produces the label templates and how are they stored?
  33. Who is the drug dispensed to?
  34. Who and how is the script signature checked?
  35. Is there a NHSG policy on signing scripts?
  36. Technician was asked about dispensing method version controlled, code break envelopes, shipping receipts.

MHRA Inspection – Interview questions for CI, PI, Sub-Investigator V1,06 May 2011 p. 1of 2