MHCAMeeting Minutes
Team/Committee/Council:_Regulatory Team ______
Date: January 22, 2010__Time: 10:00 am - Noon__Place: MHCA Office_
- Bebrief.
- E-mailto –Rose Lindquist–CommunicationsManager. Youcanincludeteammembers.
- Minuteswillbepostedonthe2009MHCATeams/Councils/CommitteesCalendar
1.Recorder: Nancy Deiter / 5. Kathy Nielson
2. Candy Hanson / 6. Jeanette Mefford
3. Barb Burandt / 7. Katie Troumbly (call – in)
4. Neil Johnson / 8. Jessica Martensen (call-in)
9. Gail Svor (call-in)
- The meeting was called to order at 10AM by Chairman Hanson.
- Agenda was reviewed and minutes from last minutes were circulated for approval.
- Survey information that the team has collected will be condensed and listed on the web site. Specifics will not be listed as to agency or surveyor name but the office responsible for the survey will be noted along with the citations given.
- Jeanette brought up the subject of citations given for items not in the current Conditions of Participation. That issue will be brought to the attention of Mary Absolon MDH Supervisor.
- Mary Absolon arrived at 1020AM and was welcomed to the meeting. She brought information on the OASIS-C training that her surveyors will be completing in 2 weeks. She also noted that the HHRG codes being rejected are the result of a software problem.
- Candy posed the question about citations given for items not in the CoPs, especially process measures. Mary will research and reply to Candy.
- A question about the Fall Risk Assessment was also reviewed. Missouri Alliance for Home Car has a validated tool that meets Medicare’s criteria.
- Electronic Health Records were discussed and Mary A. referred us to Bulletin 08-22 that contains provisions for stamped or electronic signatures. The bulletin indicates that an electronic or stamped signature may be accepted if there is an original on file in the client’s chart.
- Citations related to the content of clinical records would be more appropriate under Tag 236.
- Bulletin 09-53 dealt with Communications/Collaboration between Disciplines for Class A and F agencies/facilities. Pat Nelson is the supervisor in charge of those surveys. Questions regarding this matter should be directed to her.
- The OASIS Technical support person is Sakawdin Mohammed and the Nursing Home survey supervisor is Jean Johnston (Jan Nickel assisting).
- PCPO reviewed are done by DHS unless certified or licensed.
- We gave Mary the dates of our annual meeting and will provide a list of member agencies. As in the past, we requested that surveys of member agencies not be conducted that week. Typically MDH has been very cooperative in this regard.
- Outstanding Licensing Orders and Penalties for Corrections Orders were reviewed.
- In home therapy was discussed. There are three entities that can legitimately provide this service:
Medicare Certified / Class A licensed Home Care
Certified Rehab Agency (CORF)
Skilled Nursing Facility certified as a Nursing Home can provide therapy in an Assisted
Living Facility or Community
- Barb Burandt brought up the problems encountered when the required periodic nursing assessment is not integrated with OASIS. Various tools are being developed by MDH and OASIS to meet this challenge.
- Questions about “copying” the most recent OASIS were discussed. It was the consensus of all present that a “look back” was appropriate only after the current OASIS document was completed. The “look back” would be for the purpose of verifying diagnosis codes, etc.
- The team’s meeting scheduled was determined to be:
February 1910AM
March 1910AM
April 1610AM
- Mary Absolon stated that she would be at a federal conference the last week of April.
- The Class licensing surcharge was mentioned. State of Minnesota laws now requires a surcharge based on revenues of 10%. The minimum is $5 and the maximum is $150.
- The Regulatory Framework work group update was given by Neil Johnson. The MDH Advisory Committee will be working on case mix issues.
- Meeting adjourned at 1145 am
NEXTMEETINGDATE/TIME: March 19, 2010 at 10:00 am