Availability: PublicImplement Date: 28 August 2006
Conditional Release AssessmentofmfrmcondrelassesVersion 03Page 1 of 3
Offender’s name:......
Date of birth: ……/……/…… ID No:......
Corrective services facility:......
Sentence/period under consideration:......
Note: Information used in the non-granting of conditional release must be referenced and attached as supporting documentation. For further guidance refer to the guidelines (p 3).
a)Factors taken into consideration in determining whether the offender's release poses an unacceptable risk to the community (refer CSA, s 99). Note, unless considered otherwise, this section need not be completed if the offender has been assessed as a low risk.
b)Factors taken into consideration in determining whether the offender has been of good conduct and industry. (refer CSA, s 100)
c)Sentence Management Summary and Recommendation. (refer CSA, s 101 if considering recommending the non-approval of conditional release)
Name:...... Position:......
Signature:...... Date: ……/……/……
Offender’s name:......
Sentence Management Co-ordinator’s Recommendation:
Name:...... Position:......
Signature:...... Date: ……/……/……
d)Preliminary decision:Approved Not approved Date: ……/……/……
(If approved go to section H)
e)Date "consider letter" sent to offender (CSA, s 101): ……/……/……
f)Response received from offenderNo Yes Date received: ……/……/……
g)Comments in relation to offender's response:
h)Decision of Chief Executive / Delegate:
Signature:...... Appointment ………………….
Chief Executive / Delegate
Date: ……/……/……
Conditional Release AssessmentofmfrmcondrelassesVersion 03Page 1 of 3
Consider the following factors in the decision making process to determine whether an offender's release poses an unacceptable risk to the community (CSA, s 99)—
a)The possibility of the offender committing further offences. Consider criminal history, previous community access, leaves of absence, release plans, etc.
b)The risk of physical or psychological harm to a member of the community, if Yes, determine the degree of risk. Consider information contained in the Offender Risk Need Inventory if available, criminal history and sentencing transcript.
c)Any past offences or patterns of offending. Consider the offender's criminal history - violent/sexual offending, property/drug offences, other.
d)Whether the circumstances of the offence/s were exceptional when compared with the majority of offences committed of that kind. Consider Judge's comments, court transcript.
e)Any other circumstances that may increase the risk to the community when compared with the risk posed by an offender committing offences of that kind? For example, may be more likely to commit offences under the influence of drugs/alcohol.
f)Any remarks made by the sentencing court. Refer to the Verdict and Judgement Record, Remand Warrant, Court Transcript.
g)Any medical or psychological reports relating to the offender. Where greater weight is attached to this factor on the basis of an adverse psychological report, consideration be given to obtaining an up-to-date report.
h)Any behavioural reports relating to the offender. Consider Sentence Management Reviews, Case Notes.
Consider the following factors in the decision making process to determine whether an offender has been of good conduct and industry (CSA, s 100)—
a)The offender’s compliance with all requirements to which he/she was subject. Consider breach history/incidents - dates, type, circumstances, punishment, etc.
b)If the offender has undergone separate confinement for a major breach of discipline. Consider dates, type, circumstances, frequency.
c)The offender’s participation in approved activities or programs to the best of his/her ability. Consider Sentence Management Reviews, work history - position, duration, attitude
Conditional Release AssessmentofmfrmcondrelassesVersion 03Page 1 of 3