Hidden Valleys Fainting Goat Show, La Crosse County Fairgrounds, West Salem WI,



1:00 PM


Goats must be checked in by 5/2/2009 from 7 – 9 AM


5/2/2009 from 11 – 12:30 PM

Show will start at approximately 1:00 PM (after lunch)

Judge will be:


Hidden Valleys Fainting Goat Shows


OFFICIAL Hidden Valleys MGR Show (MGR)

1.  Goats must be registered by the Myotonic Goat Registry. The ORIGINAL registration certificate MUST accompany the goat during check-in. Kids under three (3) months of age must be registered for any sanctioned classes.

2.  Age eligibility for classes will be determined by registration certificate.

3.  Substitutions will be allowed at Check-In within the same class at no charge.

4.  No percentage goats will be allowed to be shown.

5.  The MGR show will start right after lunch at approximately 1:00 PM.

6.  Goats will be released immediately after the show.

7.  All out of state goats MUST have a health certificate. Goats coming from Minnesota or Michigan must have a negative TB test and the herds they originate from must have a whole herd negative TB test within 12 months. Please see the specific requirements listed on the Wisconsin Department of Ag, Trade and Consumer protection WEBSITE. Scrapie rules apply. If you use microchips, you must furnish a reader. Tattoos MUST be legible. Scrapie tags are acceptable. You MUST bring an extra copy of your goat's health certificate that will be retained by the show secretary.

8.  All goats must be shown with collar on. All goats must wear collars outside of stalls. Bucks must be secure at all times.

9.  Showsecretary reserves the right to split large classes.

10. MGR Rules to govern and to take precedence over all others.

11. Entry fee: $7 per goat per show. No refunds of entry fees. Late entry fee is $10 if postmarked after 4/20/2009.

12. This is a ribbon and points show.Any available awards will be announced at the show.

13. Private treaty sales will be allowed after the show.

14. Entries must be received no later than 4/20/2009.

15. GoatsMUST be checked in between 7 – 9 AM or 11 – 12:30 on the day of the show.

16. All goats brought into the facility must be entered.

17. Private treaty sales allowed but all goats brought into the facility must be entered.

18. Any item that comes up that is not specifically covered by these rules will be decided by the show committee and their decision will be final.

19. No smoking in the barns or arena allowed.

20. All goats entering Wisconsin for exhibition must meet all the requirements for entry into that state. Goats must have a valid health certificate. Goats may be examined on grounds by show personnel or veterinarian. Goats showing evidence of disease, particularly foot rot, sore mouth, abscesses will not be allowed to enter the barn or show and may be released by officials. A veterinarian can be called at the owners expense if we deem the situation necessary.

21. The organizers of this show and the facility will not be liable for any loss, damages or accidents to animals, persons or property while participating in the show. Youth exhibitors are to be accompanied by a responsible adult.

22.  No dogs are allowed in the show arena or barns.

Hidden Valleys Fainting Goat Show


Entry Form





E-Mail Address Telephone


LATE FEES (postmarked after 4/20/2009 NUMBER OF MGR GOATS X $10 PER GOAT =$_______

Number of pens______x $5 per pen = $______pens are 10 x 12 or 12 x 12

Number of pens______x $5 per pen = $______This is a cleanout fee for entrants who do not want to clean out

their own stalls.

Camping Fee $25 = $______for entrants wanting to camp at the fairgrounds

This includes electric hookup

Statement of liability:

The Show Management will not be responsible for any loss or damage that may occur. Each exhibitor will be solely responsible for their own liabilities, if incurred, as well as damage or injury to any other person or property caused by the exhibitor or animals they exhibit.

Mail To: Rebecca Gretebeck
7649 Oboe Ave
Cashton, WI 54619

Make checks out to Hidden Valleys Goat Assn.

Schedule of Classes

Junior Doe Show

Class 1) Doe Kid: 0 to 3 months of age

Class 2) Doe Kid: 3 to 6 months of age

Class 3) Junior Doe Kid: 6 to 9 months of age

Class 4) Intermediate Doe Kid: 9 to 12 months of age

Class 5) Yearling Doe: Unfreshened 12 to 24 months of age

Junior Champion & Reserve Junior Champion Doe

(Selected from the 1st and 2nd place animals in classes 1 thru 5)

Senior Doe Classes

Class 6) Yearling Doe: Freshened 12 to 24 months of age

Class 7)Two Year Olds

Class 8)Three Year Olds

Class 9) Four Year old and over

Class 10) Mini-Does: Does that have been certified as Mini and status noted

on their registration papers age 3 or older

Senior Champion & Reserve Senior Champion Doe

(Selected from 1st and 2nd place animals in classes 6 thru 10)

Grand Champion & Reserve Grand Champion Doe

(Selected for the Jr. Ch., Res. Jr. Ch., Sr. Ch. & Res. Sr. Ch. Does)

Buck Show

Junior Buck Class

Class 11) Buck Kid Class A: 0 to 3 months of age

Class 12) Buck Kid Class B: 3 to 6 months of age

Class 13) Junior Buck Kid: 6 to 9 months of age

Class 14) Intermediate Buck Kid: 9 to 12 months of age

Junior Champion & Reserve Junior Champion Buck

(Selected for the 1st & 2nd place animals in classes 11 thru 14)

Senior Buck Classes

Class 15) Yearling Buck: 12 to 24 months of age

Class 16)Junior Adult Buck: 24 – 36 months of age

Class 17)Adult Bucks: 36 - 48 months of age

Class 18) Senior Bucks: 48 months and over

Class 19) Mini Bucks: Bucks that have been certified as Mini and status

recorded on registration papers, age 3 or older.

Senior Champion & Reserve Senior Champion Buck

(Selected from the 1st & 2nd place animals in classes 15 thru 19)

Grand Champion & Reserve Grand Champion Buck

(Selected for the Jr. Ch., Res. Jr. Ch., Sr. Ch. & Res. Sr. Ch.)