for the


of the


for the

Meeting of March 19, 2009

Agenda Item 1. CALL TO ORDER. The meeting was called to order by Rick Kolowski, Chairman of the Learning Community Coordinating Council of Douglas and Sarpy Counties at 6:00 P.M. on March 19, 2009, at the Thompson Alumni Center, 6705 Dodge Street, Omaha, Nebraska.

Agenda Item 2. PUBLIC NOTICE AND COMPLIANCE WITH OPEN MEETINGS ACT. Statutory Facilitator, Secretary of State John Gale, presented the public meeting notices for this meeting that were published in the Omaha World-Herald, Douglas County Post Gazette, Ralston Recorder, Bellevue Leader, Gretna Guide & News, Papillion Times, and Omaha Star. The proofs of publication have been received and will be made a permanent part of the record of this meeting. The meeting was likewise posted on the Web sites of Education Service Unit #3, the Secretary of State, and voluntarily posted on various Web sites of school districts that belong to the Learning Community Coordinating Council. Facilitator Gale also announced that in accordance with the Nebraska Open Meetings Act, all reproducible written materials to be discussed at the open meeting, including the agenda, are available to the public at the table just outside the doorway to the meeting room which is to the right of the audience. A copy of the Nebraska Open Meetings Act is a blue brochure hanging by the doorway and available to the public to review.

Agenda Item 3. ROLL CALL OF COORDINATING COUNCIL MEMBERS. A roll was taken for voting members for determination of quorum. The following were present:

Nancy Jacobson, representing District 1

Penny Sophir, representing District 1

Rick Werkheiser, representing District 1

Freddie Gray, representing District 2

Kathy Bradley, representing District 3

Lorraine Chang, representing District 3

Richard Takechi, representing District 3

Brad Burwell, representing District 4

Rick Kolowski, Chairman, representing District 4

John Hansen, representing District 5

Paul Hartnett, representing District 5

John Synowiecki, representing District 5

Ann Long, representing District 6

Jim Thompson, representing District 6

Absent: Ernie Chambers, representing District 2

Justin Wayne, representing District 2

Dwite Pedersen, representing District 4

Mike Avery, representing District 6

A roll call was taken for nonvoting members. The following were present:

Kathi Krzycki, representing South Sarpy School District #46

Tom Grimm, representing Douglas County West Community Schools

Regina Meradith, representing Bennington Public Schools

Staff of the Statutory Facilitator in attendance:

John Gale, Secretary of State

Ron Moravec, Chief Deputy Secretary of State/General Counsel

Allyn Leithoff, Recording Clerk

Agenda Item 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – MARCH 5, 2009. Facilitator Gale presented the minutes from the March 5, 2009 meeting. These minutes were distributed to the Council for their review. Councilmember Jacobson stated that she was not included in the March 5, 2009 minutes. She requested that her name be added to the attendance of said minutes. A motion was made by Councilmember Hansen, seconded by Councilmember Gray, to approve the minutes, as amended.

Voting For: Jacobson Sophir Werkheiser

Gray Bradley Chang

Takechi Burwell Hansen

Hartnett Synowiecki Long

Thompson Kolowski

Voting Against: None

Absent: Chamber Wayne Pedersen


Motion carries.

Agenda Item 5. REPORTS. The Chair moved to the next item on the agenda, Reports.

5A. Facilitator Report. Facilitator Gale presented his report to the Council. Facilitator Gale stated to the Council that the Secretary of State’s Office will be relinquishing their duties as statutory facilitator on March 31, 2009. The Secretary of State’s Office will be publishing the public notice and posting the agenda for the Council’s April 2, 2009 meeting. Facilitator Gale presented some closing comments regarding his duty as acting Facilitator. Facilitator Gale thanked the Council and commended the Council for the task they are undertaking in the educational field.

It is noted for the record that Ernie Chambers, Dwite Pederson, and Justin Wayne joined the meeting at 6:11 PM.

5B. Chair Report. Chairman Kolowski presented Secretary of State, John Gale, a plaque for acting as the Facilitator. The Chair then presented his report to the Council. On March 5, 2009, Councilmember Chang gave a presentation at the Omaha Businessmen’s Association Luncheon regarding the duties of the LCCC. On March 6, 2009, seven members of the LCCC attended a presentation at Creighton University regarding conflict resolution. On March 17, 2009, Councilmembers Burwell and Bradley gave a presentation to the Legislature’s Appropriations Committee. The Chair made a decision to engage the temporary services of the Brashear Law Office as the LCCC’s legal counsel. In addition, the Chair brought to the Council’s attention that there will not be a motion to start the meetings with the Pledge of Allegiance.

The Chair wanted to thank Dr. Ken Fossen, Dr. John Mackiel, and Dr. Keith Lutz for providing presentations at this meeting. It is noted that in the coming months there will be nine additional superintendents that will give presentations before the Council. The Chair also brought to the Council’s attention that after the meeting, the members of the Legislation Committee will meet with legal counsel, Kurth Brashear.

Agenda Item 6. INFORMATION PRESENTATIONS. The Chair moved to the next item on the agenda, Information Presentations.

6A. Financing Issues of the Learning Community – Ken Fossen, Millard Public Schools. The Chair introduced Dr. Ken Fossen, Associate Superintendent of Millard Public Schools. Dr. Fossen’s presentation was titled “Financing Issues of the Learning Community.” Dr. Fossen discussed financing issues including state aid, Learning Community operations, Learning Community facilities, and district common levies. There was a brief question and answer session between the Council and Dr. Fossen.

It is noted for the record that the Council took a brief recess for preparations of presentations. The Council went off the record at 7:00 P.M.

The Council went back on record at 7:02 P.M. It is also noted for the record that Mike Avery joined the meeting at 7:02 P.M.

6B. Omaha Public Schools – John Mackiel, Superintendent. The Chair introduced Dr. John Mackiel, Superintendent of Omaha Public Schools. Dr. Mackiel’s presentation was titled “Diversity Plans: An Overview for the Learning Community Coordinating Council, Academic Achievement Through School Choice.” Dr. Mackiel presented statistical information regarding demographics, ethnic diversity, free/reduced lunch participation, enrollment trends, and English language learner programs. Dr. Mackiel presented information regarding Omaha Public School’s diversity plan and its components. Dr. Mackiel also discussed the differences between Magnet Schools and Focus Schools. There was a brief question and answer session between the Council and Dr. Mackiel.

6C. Millard Public Schools – Keith Lutz, Superintendent. The Chair introduced Dr. Keith Lutz, Superintendent of Millard Public Schools. Dr. Lutz’s presentation was titled “Millard Public Schools, Presentation to the Learning Community, March 2009.” Dr. Lutz presented information regarding programs that Millard offers to its students. Dr. Lutz also explained Millard Public Schools’ strategic planning mission statement. Strategic Plans is a five step, five year goal for Millard Public Schools. Dr. Lutz closed with how the Learning Community will affect Millard Public Schools. There was a brief question and answer session between the Council and Dr. Lutz.

It is noted for the record that the Council took a brief recess. The Council went off the record at 8:30 P.M.

The Council went back on record at 8:35 P.M.

Agenda Item 7. PUBLIC COMMENT. The Chair moved to the next item on the agenda, Public Comment. The Chair asked the members of the public if anyone wished to come forward to provide public comment. There were two members of the public who came forward to address the Council.

Agenda Item 8. COMMITTEE REPORTS. The Chair moved to the next item on the agenda, Committee Reports.

8A. Personnel Search Subcommittee – Lorraine Chang. Councilmember Chang presented information to the Council regarding the personnel search for a Chief Operating Officer and an Administrative Assistant. Councilmember Chang stated that the subcommittee received sixty applications for the position of Chief Operating Officer and two hundred applications for the position of Administrative Assistant. Councilmember Chang stated that she will bring to the Council’s attention when the Subcommittee has reached a decision on the final four applicants for both positions. No action was taken on this matter.

Agenda Item 9. OLD BUSINESS. The Chair moved to the next item on the agenda, Old Business. There was no old business for the Council to discuss.

Agenda Item 10. NEW BUSNESS. The Chair moved to the next item on the agenda, New Business.

10A. Professional Services.

Report: Insurance Agency Process – Brad Burwell. Councilmember Burwell presented to the Council the information of choosing the LCCC’s insurance broker agency. On February 19, 2009, the Council approved a questionnaire for the criteria of an insurance broker agency. The Harry A. Koch Co. insurance agency was the only agency to respond, and gave a positive response to the criteria set out in the questionnaire. Doug Kamins was present on behalf of The Harry A. Koch Co. to answer any of the Council’s questions. There was a brief question and answer session between the Council and Mr. Kamins.

Action Item: Insurance Agency Relationship. Councilmember Burwell made a motion to accept The Harry A. Koch Co. agency as the LCCC’s insurance brokerage. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Pedersen.

Voting for: Jacobson Sophir Werkheiser

Chambers Gray Wayne

Bradley Chang Takechi

Burwell Pedersen Hansen

Hartnett Synowiecki Avery

Long Thompson Kolowski

Voting Against: None

Motion carries.

10B. Council Policies.

Discussion: Council Member Per Diem Policy. The Chair explained to Council that items up for discussion were previously sent to the members. The Chair had been working with the Brashear Law Firm regarding this issue. Kurth Brashear and the Chair were available for questions from the Council. Mr. Brashear discussed the per diem policy with the Council. The Council wanted the $12,000.00 annual cap for the year in the draft copy of the policy. There was a lengthy question and answer session among Mr. Brashear, Chairman Kolowski, and the Council regarding the per diem policy. No action was taken on this matter.

Discussion: Council Member Reimbursement Policy. Mr. Brashear explained the guidelines for expense reimbursement. Mr. Brashear indicated to the Council that expense reimbursement is separate from per diem reimbursement. No action was taken on this matter.

10C. Council Organization

Discussion: Formation of Executive Committee. The Chair had contacted members of the Council previously regarding the members of an Executive Subcommittee. The Executive Subcommittee would consist of the officers together with three other members; Districts one, five, and six would need to elect a member of those districts to represent them on the Executive Subcommittee. The Council discussed the reimbursement for this Subcommittee. There will be an action item ready for the next meeting regarding this matter. No action was taken on this matter at this time.

Action Item: Appointment of Legislation Ad Hoc Subcommittee. Councilmember Burwell made a motion to accept the Legislation Ad Hoc Subcommittee as listed. Councilmember Bradley seconded the motion.

Voting For: Jacobson Sophir Werkheiser

Chambers Gray Wayne

Bradley Chang Takechi

Burwell Pedersen Hansen

Hartnett Synowiecki Avery

Long Thompson Kolowski

Voting Against: None

Motion carries.

Action Item: Appointment of Facilities Ad Hoc Subcommittee. Councilmember Wayne made a motion to accept the Facilities Ad Hoc Subcommittee as listed. Councilmember Pedersen seconded the motion.

Voting For: Jacobson Sophir Werkheiser

Chambers Gray Wayne

Bradley Chang Takechi

Burwell Pedersen Hansen

Hartnett Synowiecki Avery

Long Thompson Kolowski

Voting Against: None

Motion carries.

Action Item: June – August 2009 Meeting Schedule. Councilmember Pedersen made a motion to adopt the June – August 2009 Meeting Schedule. Councilmember Chang seconded the motion. Councilmember Wayne made the comment that June 25, 2009 may need to be kept open for pending legislation.

Voting For: Jacobson Sophir Werkheiser

Chambers Gray Wayne

Bradley Chang Takechi

Burwell Pedersen Hansen

Hartnett Synowiecki Avery

Long Thompson Kolowski

Voting Against: None

Motion carries.

Agenda Item 11. LEGISLATIVE REPORT. The Chair moved onto the next item on the agenda, Legislative Report.

11A. Report: Appropriation Committee Hearing – Brad Burwell. Councilmember Burwell wanted to thank the members of the Budget and Finance Committee, Councilmembers Bradley, Jacobson, and Chang. Councilmember Burwell presented information regarding their meeting with the Legislature’s Appropriations Committee on March 17, 2009. Councilmember Burwell explained that the Appropriations Committee had questions regarding the LCCC’s expenses, legal fees, and memberships. Councilmember Burwell stated that the LCCC would like to become members of the Nebraska Association of School Boards. He explained that there are member services with that association that could reduce the LCCC’s costs. In addition, he explained to the Appropriations Committee that the LCCC had a working relationship with Education Service Units. No action was taken on this matter.

11B. Report: Legislative Matters – Kermit Brashear. Kurth Brashear appeared on behalf of the Brashear Law Office to discuss legislative matters. Mr. Brashear addressed LB315 regarding the Appropriations Hearing that Councilmember Burwell addressed above. Mr. Brashear stated that LB392 is designated as the Education Committee priority bill and it is still in committee. Councilmember Burwell wanted to know if LB391 and LB392 could be combined in order to prioritize those bills. Mr. Brashear replied that he would look into the matter and report back to the Council regarding combining the bills. Councilmember Wayne had some questions regarding property taxes and if there are current legislative bills that would address those issues. The Council had a brief discussion regarding property tax incentives. No action was taken on this matter.

Agenda Item 12. DATE, TIME AND LOCATION OF NEXT MEETING. The next meeting of the LCCC will be on April 2, 2009 at 6:00 PM, at Education Service Unit #3, 6949 South 110th Street, LaVista, Nebraska, 68128.

Agenda Item 13. ADJOURNMENT. The Chair declared the meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.M.

Approved this ______day of March, 2009.

By: ______

Rick Kolowski, Chairman

Learning Community Coordinating Council

of Douglas and Sarpy Counties