Paul Schoen BSc, MSc. MSc
2 Waddenhall Cottages, Petham, Canterbury, Kent, CT4 5PX, UK
Tel: +44 1227 700677 (H) | Email: | Skype: paul.schoen1
Economist and Strategist
Paul Schoen is an economist and financial strategist with over 25 years of international experience in projects.He undertook various long and short-term assignments in Papua New Guinea, Bangladesh, and other parts of Asia (South, South East, and Far East), all regions of Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean and CIS States. He is experienced in monitoring and evaluation (including mid-term, terminal and ex-post evaluations), economic and financial analysis, project identification, project-preparation, and appraisal and cost-benefit analysis. Evaluations have also utilized tools such as multiplier effects (employment generation and gross margin analysis across sectors analysed) and value chain analysis. He has also prepared many Business Plans and conducts studies as well as business planning and SME support strategy and sector development. He has worked on design of sector support initiatives and strategies for sector change including trade, finance and investment options. He has undertaken missions for UNDP, EC, FAO, DFID, LuxDev, IFAD, SNV, USAID, World Bank and numerous private sector corporations. He operates often as Team Leader/Lead Advisor and consultant to industry either alone or as part of teams. He is also fully certified Lead Auditor in ISO 9001:2015.
Areas of Expertise
- Private Sector Development
- Capacity Building and training
- Knowledge management/Lessons Learnt
- Small Island Development
- Institutional Knowledge and Experience
- Institutional assessment, competitive research grant systems as well as commercialisation of research
- Monitoring and Evaluation and Systems
- Strategy Development
- Advisory Services
- Business Development and Value Chain Analysis
- Proposal preparation
- Macro and Micro-Economic and Financial Sector Analysis.
- Project and strategy costing exercises
- Hull University, UK 1985-1988, BA (Hons) South East Asian Studies
- LSE, London, UK 1988-1989, MSc (Econ) International Relations – (international law, international politics (covering Asia, Africa and Latin America)
- Wye College, University of London, UK 1990-1991, MSc (Econ) Agricultural Economics
- Lead Auditor certified by BSI to undertake in April 2016, ICRA approved in ISO 9001:2015International Register of Certificated Auditors
Career History
- 2006-Present: Independent Consultant and Director of own company working for a range of organisations and consultancies world wide – e.g. Nigeria, Kyrgyzstan, Albania, Cambodia
- 2002-2006: Agrisystems Ltd – Senior International Consultant
- 2001 to 2002: WM Enterprise UK – Senior International Consultant – Natural Resources
- 1997- to 2001: NR International, Chatham, UK, Head of Business Development Unit
- 1996-1997: Euroconsult, Arnhem, The Netherlands, Agricultural Economist, Eastern Europe and Central Asia Division, Agricultural Economist - Short Term Contract.
- 1995-1996: Food and Agriculture International, London, UK, Agricultural Economist
- 1992-1994: United Nations Development Programme, New York, USA, Programme Officer (Natural Resources - Agriculture funded by ODA (now DFID). Stationed in Bangladesh for two-year posting only as JPO.
- 1991-1992: Freelance Consultant, Agricultural Economist, Papua New Guinea.
References can be requested as well as full CV
CV: Paul Schoen:Linkedin Profile 2016