Texas A&M University – Central Texas

MFTK 556 Grief, PTSD, and Combat Related Trauma

Summer 2015 (June 01, 2015- July 24, 2015)

Instructor: Maria Medina, Ph. D.


AAMFT Clinical Supervisor

Provisional Licensed Psychologist

Office:RM 218



Office Hours:Per request and by appointment

Method of Instruction and Course Access:

This course is a 49% online course and uses TAMUCT’s

Blackboard system ( You will use your University ID

(UID) and the 6-digit University PIN to logon to this system


UNILERT is an emergency notification service that gives TAMUCT the ability to communicate health and safety emergency information quickly via email and text message. By enrolling in UNILERT, university officials can quickly pass on safety-related information, regardless of your location. Please enroll today at


Course Overview and Description - This course will explore the unique characteristics and symptoms of grief, PTSD, and combat related trauma. Additionally, this course will discuss systemic treatment options in order to help clients meet their treatment goals.

Course Learning Outcomes – this course targets three of the MFT program’s Student Learning Outcomes:

(SLO-3) -Assess how contextual issues affect individual lives and relational dynamics.

(SLO-4) - Formulate treatment plans based on individual issues, relational dynamics, and contextual issues.

(SLO-6) - Develop collaborative relationships with other mental health professionals and agencies within the local community.

It targets these SLO’s through the following Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. Identify components and dynamics of grief and loss (SLO-3)
  2. Explain the impact that grief and loss has on military families. (SLO-4)
  3. Navigate additional resources and services available to military families for grief and loss (SLO-6)
  4. Identify symptoms of PTSD (SLO-3)
  5. Identify effective treatment strategies for PTSD (SLO-4)
  6. Discuss key principles for working systemically in treating individual issues. (SLO-4)

Required Reading - Textbooks

1. Treating PTSD in Military Personnel: A Clinical Handbook by Bret A. Moore, ISBN 978-1609186357, The Guilford Press; 1 edition

2. Grief Counseling and Grief Therapy by J. William Worden – 4th Edition, Springer Publishing Company, ISBN:978-0826101204

3. Trauma Made Simple: Competencies in Assessment, Treatment and Working with Survivors by Jamie Marich PhD PESI Publishing & Media (March 21, 2014), ISBN 978-1936128921

4. 101 Trauma-Informed Interventions: Activities, Exercises and Assignments to Move the Client and Therapy Forward by Linda Curran, Premier Publishing & Media, ISBN 978-1936128426

Academic honesty statement:

Texas A&M University - Central Texas expects all students to maintain high standards of honor in personal and scholarly conduct. Any deviation from this expectation may result in a minimum of a failing grade for the assignment and potentially a failing grade for the course. All academic dishonesty concerns will be reported to the university's Office of Student Conduct. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, cheating on an examination or other academic work, plagiarism and improper citation of sources, using another student's work, collusion, and the abuse of resource materials. When in doubt on collaboration, citation, or any issue, please contact me before taking a course of action. More information can be found at

Absence / Late work policy (with any exceptions):



Grading Criteria Rubric and Conversion

Graded Assignments # Due Each Total Grade

Assignments #1 11 June 10pts 10%
PTSD Vignette #1 Blackboard
Practical application:
Identifying PTSD symptoms
Assignments #2 18 June 10pts 10%
PTSD Treatment strategies Blackboard
Assignments #3 25 June 10pts 10%
Trauma Informed Interventions: Blackboard
Two workbook exercises
Assignments #4 14 July 10pts 10%
Practical application:
Identifying Normal Grief and
Complicated Bereavement
Assignments #5 16 July 10pts 10%
Grief Treatment strategies
Assignments #6 21 July 10pts 10%
Trauma Informed Interventions:
Two workbook exercises
Class Participation/ Attendance June-23 July 20pts 20%
Final Exam 23 July 20pts 20%

100 100%

Posting of Grades:

Grade / University Definition / Percentage
A / Excellent / 90-100
B / Good / 80-89
C / Fair / 70-79
D / Passing / 60-69
F / Failing / 59 or below


Class Meeting Dates Online Dates

June 2 * Weekly readings Assignment due on blackboard*

June 4 June 09June 11

July 7June16June18

July 9June23June25

July 14 June 30
July 16July 02

July 21

July 23

Week / Module / Instructional Activities / Assignments Due
Date 02 June / (SLO-3) / Understanding and Diagnosing Trauma
Date04 June / (SLO-3) / Identify symptoms of PTSD / Assignments #1 due by 11 June Blackboard
Date 07July / (SLO-4) / Identify effective treatment strategies for PTSD / Assignments #2 due by 18 June Blackboard
Date09 July / (SLO-4) / Discuss key principles for working systemically in treating individual issues / Assignments #3 due by 25 June Blackboard
Date14 July / (SLO-3) / Identify components and dynamics of grief and loss / Assignments #4 due by 14 July
Date16 July / (SLO-4) / Understanding and treating Grief / Assignments #5 due by 16 July
Date21July / (SLO-6) / Grief Treatment Strategies additional resources and services available to military families for grief and loss
Final Exam Review / Assignments #6 due by 21 July
Date 23 July / (SLO3,4,6) / Final Exam / All assignments are due by this date


Technology Requirements and Support


This course will use the new TAMUCT Blackboard Learn learning management system for class communications, content distribution, and assessments.

Log on to to access the course.

For this course, you will need reliable and frequent access to a computer and to the Internet. You will also need a headset with a microphone or speakers and a microphone to be able to listen to online resources and conduct other activities in the course. If you do not have frequent and reliable access to a computer with Internet connection, please consider dropping this course or contact me (your email and phone number) to discuss your situation.

Check browser and computer compatibility by following the “Browser Check” link on the TAMUCT Blackboard logon page. ( This is a CRITICAL step as these settings are important for when you take an exam or submit an assignment.

Upon logging on to Blackboard Learn, you will see a link to Blackboard Student Orientation under the My Courses tab. Click on that link and study the materials in this orientation course. The new Blackboard is a brand-new interface and you will have to come up to speed with it really quickly. This orientation course will help you get there. There is also a link to Blackboard Help from inside the course on the left-hand menu bar. The first week of the course includes activities and assignments that will help you get up to speed with navigation, sending and receiving messages and discussion posts, and submitting an assignment. Your ability to function within the Blackboard system will facilitate your success in this course.

Technology issues are not an excuse for missing a course requirement – make sure your computer is configured correctly and address issues well in advance of deadlines.


For technological or computer issues, students should contact the TAMUCT Blackboard Support Services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week:

Support portal with online chat:

Phone: (855)-661-7965

For issues related to course content and requirements, contact your instructor.


Disability Support Services

If you have or believe you have a disability and wish to self-identify, you can do so by providing documentation to the Disability Support Coordinator. Students are encouraged to seek information about accommodations to help assure success in their courses. Please call (254) 501-5831 or visit Founder's Hall 114, Suite 114. Additional information can be found at


Tutoring is available to all TAMUCT students, both on-campus and online. Subjects tutored include Accounting, Finance, Statistics, Mathematics, and Writing. Tutors are available at the Tutoring Center in Warrior Hall, Room 111. Visit and click "Tutoring Support" for tutor schedules and contact info. If you have questions, need to schedule a tutoring session, or if you're interested in becoming a tutor, contact Academic Support Programs at 254-501-5830 or by emailing .

Chat live with a tutor 24/7 for almost any subject on your computer! Tutor.com is an online tutoring platform that enables TAMUCT students to log-in and receive FREE online tutoring and writing support. This tool provides tutoring in Mathematics, Writing, Career Writing, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Spanish, Calculus, and Statistics. To access Tutor.com, log into your Blackboard account and click "Online Tutoring."

Library Services

INFORMATIONLITERACYfocuseson researchskillswhich prepareindividuals toliveand workin aninformation-centeredsociety. Librarianswill workwith studentsinthedevelopmentof criticalreasoning,ethicaluseof information,andtheappropriateuseofsecondaryresearch techniques.Help mayinclude,yetisnotlimitedto: exploration ofinformationresourcessuchas librarycollectionsandservices,identificationofsubjectdatabasesandscholarlyjournals,and executionofeffectivesearchstrategies.Library Resourcesare outlined andaccessedat.

Instructor’s Personal Statement

Professionalism, Respect, and Effective Communication is expected at all times while working in this class. Your best efforts and high quality clinical work is expected at all times. Take the initiative to grow as a mental health professional and seek additional assistance when you need it.