H9 - Te Tarai Vaka Cook Islands
Management Response to Evaluation of [Name of Activity]
This template is for activity managers to describe the program’s response to the evaluation. It should be reviewed by the HOM or Activity Governance Committee and approved within two months of the final evaluation report being approved.
About this Document
This document describes the program’s response to the evaluation.
Evaluation Report Title: / [???]IDM Link toFinal PDFReport: / [???]
IDM Link to Final Word Report: / [???]
Activity ID Number: / [???]
Activity Manager: / [???]
Commissioning Agency/Committee: / [???]
Response Approved by: / [Name],[Role]
Approved Date: / [dd mmmm yyyy]
Evaluation Cost: / [???]
Approval of the Commissioning Agency/Committee Management Response to EvaluationApproved by:
[Name] [Title]
TTV Management Response
Evaluation Team Members
Members of the evaluation team were:
Name / Role[???] / [???]
[???] / [???]
[???] / [???]
Key Findings/Conclusions of the Evaluation
The key findings/conclusions of the evaluation are:
- [???]
- [???]
- [???]
Lessons for Cook Islands Government
Lessons that theCook Islands Government can take from the evaluation are:
No. / Lesson / Cook Islands Government Department Response1
Include key recommendations, or group recommendations if there are several requiring the same response.
We recommend the following:
No. / Recommendation / CI Government Department Response1
Further Response
Provide further statement(s) regarding the findings and recommendations, and/or the quality of the report or evaluation in general. Delete this section if no further statement is necessary.
Include any comments about how other organisations/partners contributed (financially, or in other ways), to the evaluation and any response to this, or response to recommendations from other organisations/partners.
H9 - Te Tarai Vaka Cook Islands Response to Evaluation Template / 1Follow Up Actions
These may be the responsibility of staff outside the agency that commissioned the evaluation.
This table lists actions that the Cook Islands Government will undertake in response to the findings, lessons and recommendations of the evaluation.
Lesson Learned/Recommendation / Action / Who Will Action / When / Resource Implications[Lesson 1]
[Lesson 2]
[Lesson 3]
[Recommendation 1]
[Recommendation 2]
[Recommendation 3]
Dissemination plan
The evaluation will be/has been shared withstaff and other stakeholders in the following ways:
No. / Method of Dissemination / Responsibility of / When1 / E.g. Evaluation Report published on the Cook Islands Government website / The chair of the Activity Governance Committee / By dd mm yy
2 / E.g. Evaluation Report distributed to the following Stakeholders / Activity Manager / By dd mm yy
H9 - Te Tarai Vaka Cook Islands Response to Evaluation Template / 1
Report Release Checklist
Name of the Report: ???Author(s):???
Report Month and Year: mm yyyy
All evaluation reports may be publicly released. This can be overridden if there is ‘good reason’ to withhold information. Use this checklist to decide if sections in the evaluation report should be withheld.
If any of the answers to these questions is ‘yes’ then:
- A hard copy of the report should be marked up with brackets around the information to be withheld, and the OIA section under which the information is to be withheld noted
- The PDF copy of the report that is submitted to the relevant Cook Islands Government Department for public release will have the withheld information whited out and the reasons for withholding noted in the margins. The following line should be placed in the report: Certain information in this report has been withheld in accordance with the Official Information Act and the grounds for withholding, as at the time of publication, are noted in the margins.
Are there words in the Evaluation that are likely to:
a)Prejudice the Cook Islands Government’s National and/or International Relations? / Yes / No
b)Prejudice the entrusting of information to the Cook Islands Government on a basis of confidence by (i) the Government of any other country or (ii) any International Organisation? / Yes / No
c)Prejudice the maintenance of the law? / Yes / No
d)Endanger the safety of any person? / Yes / No
e)Damage, seriously, the Cook Islands economy? / Yes / No
Are there words in the Evaluation that are likely to:
a)Prejudice the security or defence of the Cook Islands? / Yes / No
b)Prejudice relations between the Cook Islands Government and other governments? / Yes / No
Are there words in the Evaluation that need to be withheld to:
a)Protect the privacy of natural persons? / Yes / No
b)Protect trade secrets and commercial positions? / Yes / No
c) Protect information that is subject to an obligation of confidence where release of the information would be likely to i) prejudice the supply of similar information from the same source and it is in the public interest that such information should continue to be supplied or (ii) otherwise damage public interest? / Yes / No
c)Avoid prejudice to measures protecting the health or safety of members of the public? / Yes / No
d)Avoid prejudice to substantial economic interests? / Yes / No
e)Avoid prejudice to measures that prevent or mitigate material loss to members of the public? / Yes / No
f)Maintain the constitutional conventions including the confidentiality of advice tendered by ministers and officials? / Yes / No
g)Maintain effective conduct of public affairs through free and frank expressions of opinion and protection from improper pressure or harassment? / Yes / No
h)Maintain legal professional privilege? / Yes / No
i)Enable a minister, department or organisation holding information to carry out commercial activities without prejudice or disadvantage? / Yes / No
j)Enable a minister, department or organisation holding the information to carry on negotiations without prejudice or disadvantage? / Yes / No
k)Prevent the disclosure or use of official information for improper gain or advantage? / Yes / No
Other Reason: Is there any other reason for withholding information?
- If the answer is yes then seek advice from Cook Islands Crown Law Office.
Withhold selected parts, noting sections of the OIA applying to these in a copy of the report that is filed and white-ed out in the copy of the report for public release.
Release entire report.
Signed byName (Activity Manager)
Signed byName HOM/Chair of Committee
Date: Day/Month/Year
H9 - Te Tarai Vaka Cook Islands Response to Evaluation Template / 1