CADL AGM Season 16 – 17

Held at the Railway Inn, Yatton meeting started at 8:45

Nikki opened the meeting by greeting the teams.

The Minutes from the 15 – 16 Season were agreed as read, Proposed by Mick Simmonds and 2nd by Alan Norton.

Election of Officers

Mick Simmonds proposed that as all the current committee members are prepared to re stand and that there were no other nominations, that the floors votes en mass., this was 2nd’d by John Hawthorn, the rest of the floor agreed.

Treasurers Report: Glyn, went through the Balance sheet, and stated that the website now charges £25 per year for the text message feature, the floor felt that this was an acceptable change and it was to stay. Also that due to the OKH dropping out of the league, he felt that due to the declining income of this and of that over the past few seasons, that the league fees were increased from £70 per team per season, to £80.

After a short discussion, this was unanimously agreed by the floor.

It was also noted that the entrants to the singles competitions were quite low compared to the outlay for the competitions, not just the hire of the boards for Warrens, but also the trophies, it was agreed that we would approach warrens for an increased contribution to the hire of the boards for the tournament that is held there.

Fixtures Secretary’s Report: Simon mentioned that due to the OKH dropping out of the league and no new teams entering into the league we would be dropping from 26 teams to 25.

He went through the options and that we would either drop 1 team from the Prem and promote 2 teams from the 1stDiv, or drop 2 teams from the Prem and promote 3 teams from Division 1.

This was to keep more teams in the Prem, giving a 9 – 8 – 8 split.

It was proposed by Karen Evans 2nd’d by Ann King. And agreed by the floor that we would drop 1 team and promote 2 teams.

Simon also mentioned that he is also missing a couple of forms from teams for entry into the league although he has been verbally been informed that they will be entering a team, unfortunately he did not have the names to hand but would appreciate the paperwork handed in.

He also stated that the fixtures should be available in the next week. And that the upcoming 16 – 17 Winter season will start on the 8th September 2016

A discussion was held by the floor about the Captains cup. And it was mentioned that it appears on occasion that some captains choose to play some games and not others. The Committee feels that this devalues the Captains cup competition and makes it unfair for some captains and that this can also affect the outcome of the competition at the end of the season.

Although we do appreciate that some games finish late and captains may choose not to play them. We would encourage all captains to play the games.

The competition was introduced a number of years ago in recognition that a lot of captains may not choose to play themselves during normal league games so this gave them the opportunity to play.

If Captains so not wish to continue the captains cup then please consider this through the season, and propose a recommendation to the committee for consideration at the next AGM.

Rule Changes:

Proposal to change the meeting time to 8pm

This was discussed and felt that it would help teams that also play darts on a Wednesday evening. This was proposed by John Hawthorn and 2nd by Kevin Holley the rest of the floor agreed

Rule 3 – change to every team should send a member of the team to each meeting, due the their only being 3 meetings a season now. – fine will be £5 for every meeting missed.

This was discussed by the floor and that they felt that some teams would just pay the extra £15.

Instead it was mentioned by a number of the floor, that instead of a monitory fine a points deduction should be a points deduction instead as that would have a greater motivation on a team to attend.

As there are a number of teams that do not attend meetings and are also the least teams at the end of the season being chased for league fees.

The agreement by the floor was that the rule would be :-

Every team shall be represented by a member of their team at each league meeting. With no apologies or representation from an alternative team accepted. Failure to have a member of a team representing their own team, present at a meeting will result in a 2 point deduction per meeting missed.

The vote was 13 Fore, 1 Against, 1 Abstain. The rule as laid out above was carried and that this would be reviewed next year.

Rule 17 – change to this rule to state that no games shall be rearranged for another day, and that all games shall be played on the dates stated in the fixtures. Teams unable to make the gam shall loose the game 9 – 0.

This was discussed by the floor and that an addition be added to this amendment that allowed for a committee decision on this in the event that the game needs to be cancelled due to safety reasons, i.e extreme weather that forces a venue to be inaccessible. Or bad traffic accident.

This was then put to the vote

11 fore, 4 against, 1 abstaining. Vote carried to change the rule so that no games are to be cancelled and that all games are to be played on the dates stipulated in the fixtures. In the event a game needs to be cancelled due to exceptional circumstances, then this will be reviewed by the committee.

Nikki mentioned to the floor that due to poor turnout we will not be holding the mixed pairs this year and that in its place we will be reinstating the blind pairs tournament.

Nikki then asked the floor if there was AOB.

There was none.

We thanked everyone for coming and the meeting closed at 9:26.