Meeting Notes
METS Editorial Board Conference Call
1 April 2010
Present: Jenn, Arwen, Markus, Jo, Tobias, Richard, Brian, Terry, Robin, Rob, Rick
Regrets: Nancy, Clay
1. METS Profile schema changes (Jenn)
2. METS and METS Profile schema documentation issues (Jenn & Rick):
2a. Generating new documentation for METS 1.0 and METS profile 2.0 via Brian’s xslt
2b. Providing oXygen generated documentation in addtion to the xslt generated documentation
3. OAI – ORE & METS (Terry)
4. Revised Primer (Rick)
5. SKOS for METS & PREMIS (Rob)
6. METS Schema change procedures. (Rick)
- Integrative practices (ORRA) Work Group report (Terry)
- Board member conference attendance: scheduling the next face to face meeting (Rick)
- Second call for example METS documents from Board Member implementations (Rick)
METS Profile schema changes (Jenn)
- New schema has been mounted on the METS website (?)
- Sample encodings:
- BNF has been contacted about supplying a real life example of the profile use. But no response yet.
- Indiana has nearly completed a profile conforming to the new schema
- Nested <requirements> issue. Jenn noticed that <requirements> can be nested; but was not sure if this was desired. She will check development notes to determine. Rick will change profile schema if necessary before the new schema is announced.
- Generated documentation issues.
- Brian provided Jenn with the xslt he had been using to generate documentation from the METS schema and profile schema. However this xslt appears to be a little out of date, and some problems emerged.
- (Post meeting update: Jenn has revised the xslt and this now appears to be generating usable documentation)
- Profile generation web forms.
- Markus has completed mockups for the proposed web forms to support profile creation—but had trouble mounting these on the wiki. Jenn will take care of mounting these on the Board wiki
- Patrick Yott is leaving Brown—so it is not clear if we can still count on Brown’s assistance in implementing the profile web forms. Jenn will contact Patrick about this issue.
METS and METS profile schema documentation issues (Rick)
- Problems with xslt for generating documentation from METS and METS Profile schemas.
- Jenn has now resolved these, and documentation has successfully been generated for METS Schema 1.9 and METS Profile Schema 2.0
- Rick broached the issue of providing oXygen generated documentation as well. Opinion was divided on the topic.
- Many felt that providing too many forms of documentation might be confusing.
- A final decision on the issue was tabled until the next teleconference and after the xslt generated documentation has been mounted. Rick will reconsider whether he wants to try to make a strong case for mounting such documentation.
OAI-ORE & METS: (Terry)
- OAI-ORE/METS group recently had a teleconference.
- Take away: Terry will try to describe that problem that needs to be addressed on the wiki, but hasn’t had time yet.
- Jerry McDonough’s AIP using BAGIT and METS.
- Jerry recently shared an AIP for the classic computer game Adventure, using BagIt + METS that he has put together as part of some ongoing research . He thought it might help demonstrate how METS might play more nicely in an RDF-oriented world.
- Some discussion of BAGIT ensued and whether the relationship of this packaging format to METS might also be worth exploring.
- Brian provided Board members with links to the UC Curation center wiki, which inclues some discussion of Bagit
- Next step: Terry will try to get the next call of the OAI-ORE group set up.
Revised PRIMER (Rick)
- Rick announced that he and Arwen had the revised primer about ready to mount
- Arwen has completed the alignment of the Primer with changes Rick made to the documentation in the course of aligning the schema with the Primer
- Rick has finished making the corrections that had been noted on the “documentation corrections” page of the wiki
- Arwen recreated, updated and corrected all of the diagrams. Rick incorporated these into the primer.
- Recommended changes
- Terry recommended that the elements in the last column of Table 3 be separated by line breaks.
- Arwen had a few recommended changes which she has sent to Rick.
- Next steps.
- Rick will make recommended changes and attempt to have the revised primer mounted by the end of next week.
- No update at present
METS schema change procedures (Rick)
- The Board approved the revised METS schema change procedures. These can now go to Glenn for mounting on the METS website.
ORRA Work Group Report (Terry)
- Terry reported on the last ORRA work group meeting and the concerns that emerged that the group may be losing momentum. The group is considering what to do about this and whether the work needs to be refocused.
- Nancy is pursuing trying to get funding for a writer to assist with the group’s work.
Board member conference attendance (Rick):
- Rick directed the Board members to the Conference Attendance table on the Board wiki that Nancy has set up. Board members are asked to fill this out—and also add to it if any pertinent conferences are missing.
- Jenn and other board members indicated that in some ways the conference attendance approach is “backwards” for her. It would be easier for her to get funding to attend the METS Board meeting—and the board meeting may provide the means for justifying conference attendance rather than the other way around.
Second Call for example METS documents (Rick)
- Rick thanked Terry for the set of audio METS examples that he provided for use in the upcoming METS workshop—and asked other board members to try to provide one or more examples that they feel might be of interest.
- Robin asked whether the examples need to have a corresponding public dissemination available. Rick responded not—and pointed out that participants in the previous workshop complained that the examples were too presentation oriented. Participants would have liked in particular to have seen more preservation-oriented examples.
Next Board conference call
- It became apparent that many board members would not be able to make the next conference call scheduled for May 13 for various reasons. Nancy or Rick will set up a Doodle poll to try to reschedule.
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