Boughton-under-Blean and Dunkirk

Methodist Primary School

Pupil Premium Grant Expenditure Report: September 2014

The Pupil Premium is an element of the school budget allocated to support the learning of children who are eligible for Free School Meals and for Children in Care (for at least 6 months). It is a specific amount of money to support specific groups of children who are identified as vulnerable to possible underachievement. This report shows how we will use the funds this year and the impact that it has on our pupils.

Number of pupils and pupil premium grant (PPG) received 2013 - 2014
Total number of pupils on roll / 224
Total number of pupils eligible for PPG / 30
Total amount of PPG received / £27,900
Nature of expenditure in 2013 - 2014
Our Pupil Premium grant was put towards funding additional initiatives which aim to ensure that all of our pupils who are vulnerable to underachievement make good rates of progress. Where children’s attainment is below national expected levels we aim to accelerate progress and close the gap in attainment.
The expenditure included:
•Providing an additional Learning Support Assistant in KS1 to improve reading skills of targeted children
•Continuation of the FLO post to engage and support targeted pupils and their families
•Reduce cost of school trips/ residential visits through the funding of 2 school minibuses
•To cover the cost of an ipad to support SALT and other 1:1 interventions( phonics/Dyscalculia/Dyslexia)
Impact of spending 2013 - 2014
Our spending had a positive impact on the attainment of our pupil premium children. All of the children have good levels of attendance. They engaged in after school activities and enjoy school.
Data shows that our pupil premium children achieved above National averages in all subjects:
Achievement of KS1 & 2 Pupil Premium/FSM Ever 6 children at Boughton under Blean and Dunkirk Methodist Primary School 2013-2014 compared to National.
(Average Point Score) / Writing
(Average Point Score) / Maths
(Average Point Score)
Key Stage / School / National / School / National / School / National
1 / 17.0 / 15.0 / 16.1 / 13.7 / 16.7 / 15.0
2 / 33.0 / 27.2 / 30.6 / 27.5 / 31.8 / 26.3
Planned Expenditure for 2014-15
To help us further evaluate the impact of our pupil premium grant we have looked at the work of the Sutton Trust. The Trust looked at usage of the Pupil Premium funding and highlighted the areas which have the most impact on accelerating children’s learning.
We noted that one key area which has a high impact and low cost ratio is the principle of feedback. Taking the lead from the report we have continued to develop how we inform the children about the next steps in their learning.
In addition to this we have maintained our Speech and Language Specialist TA who plans and delivers language, writing and phonics interventions for children identified as vulnerable who are underachieving.
Number of pupils and pupil premium grant (PPG) expected 2014 - 2015
Total number of pupils on roll / 229
Total number of pupils eligible for PPG / 38
Amount of PPG received per pupil / £1200
Total amount received for Post Children in Care / £7,600
Total amount received for Children in Care / £790
Total amount of PPG received / £49,990
Planned Expenditure of Pupil premium Grant 2014-15
Our PPG goes towards funding the following additional initiatives which aim to ensure that all of our pupils who are vulnerable to underachievement make accelerated rates of progress.
Item/project / Cost / Objective
To part fund the cost of a Family Liaison Officer / £13,700
(based on 3 days per week) / To address issues surrounding vulnerable children and their families which are affecting academic progress/ attendance
To assist with the cost of a specialist SALT Teaching Assistant / £1900 annually
(based on support Sept 2014) / To address specific targets set by outside agencies or through in-house assessments that are affecting language skills
To fund extracurricular and enrichment activities
- musical instrument tuition
- sports clubs
- Boxing Cub
- Late Care Club sessions / £12.50 per session
£15 per hour
£2.50 per session
£2.80 per session / To provide children with a sense of success outside of Curriculum targets
To subsidise school trips and class visits / Mini bus travel provided free/ % cost of trips funded by school / For all children to be included to enhance their learning experience and social skills
To fund specialist resources / For example:
1:1 Dyslexia DIY Kit for parents £45 / To enable targets set by outside agencies are met and children’s support is tailored to suit their individual learning needs.
To fund training of staff in specialist support / Typical cost £75 per session (MIDAS) / To aid delivery of interventions in the following: Dyscalculia/ Dyslexia/ OT/ Numbers Count/ Autism strategies
To fund assessments in school by an Educational Psychologist / £500 per session
(£3000 cost annually) / To identify issues that may be affecting learning so issues can be addressed to enable age appropriate progress.
To fund the cost of a School Mentor- Term 6 / £13,071 annually
(excluding on-costs) / To enhance learning through drama and ‘play’ activities to identify and address any barriers to learning.
Planned Expenditure of Pupil premium Grant 2015-16
To continue funding the cost of a School Mentor / £13,071 annually
(excluding on-costs) / To enhance learning through drama and ‘play’ activities to identify and address any barriers to learning.