
We hope that you and your family have had a wonderful summer break filled with opportunities to enjoy time together, recharge, relax, and even set new goals for the upcoming school year.We enjoyed seeing where some of you traveled through the postcards that you sent from such places as Austria, the Dominican Republic, and Washington D.C., to name a few. If you would like to share where you traveled through a postcard from your destination, please know it's not too late to send one to us atWestCreek.

During these final few days of summer vacation, it's the perfect time to turn our thoughts towards the upcoming school year.

As we look to the opening of the 2017-2018 school year atWestCreekAcademy, five overarching goals will be implemented in all that we do.

First, we look to continue to build strong partnerships between home and school in order to work collaboratively in the best interests of our students. We want to work with parents to help ALL of our students grow and reach new heights academically and socially while loving each one of their 180 days this school year.

Second, we will provide a challenging academic instruction aligned with California Common Core State Standards that includes the integration of the music and arts education as well as STEAM concepts through our Pathway Programs.

Third, we will continue to support a culture of respect and kindness by promoting the Six Pillars of Character and through the use of Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports. Last year we added a HOWL to our pledge and each day students chant "I am anHonestOptimisticWillingLeader! HOWWLLL."

Fourth, our staff and our students will continue learning about and embracing the "growth mindset" and showing "GRIT" as they demonstrate perseverance. The growth mindset, developed by psychologist Carol Dweck, embraces that abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work. Challenges and failures are not viewed as a negative, but rather as opportunities to improve both skills and learning.

The fifth area we are going to focus on is "Making a Positive Impact." This will coincide with John Hattie's research about which influences have the biggest impact on students and their academic growth. We will also be tying it into the impact each one of us can have on others and our school community. The quote that will be prevalent throughout the school year is below.

Your life has a PURPOSE.

Your story is IMPORTANT.

Your dreams COUNT.

Your voice MATTERS

You were born to make an IMPACT.

Author- Unknown

We look forward to continuing to learn the stories of our students, staff, and parents, while discovering, embracing, and encouraging their dreams, and making every day special for our students and school community atWestCreekAcademy.

With these five goals, we aim to build a sound academic and social foundation needed for our students to be lifelong learners and succeed in accomplishing their dreams today and in their future.

Over the summer break, our staff has been busy getting ready for our students to return toWestCreek. Our custodial crew has been working diligently to clean and prepare our school for the upcoming school year.Over the next week or so, the team will begin to tend to the plants and grass areas around the campus to make it look great byAugust 9th.Mrs. Medina, our office manager, has been getting all the clerical details ready for the school year, which has included enrolling new families to our school. We ended the school year with 982 students, and now our enrollment is 1004, including 174 TK/K students. Our construction crew has been hard at work and their progress is quite visible when driving upWestHills Drive. Our anticipated completion date is still on target for completion by this Winter Break. Our second graders who are currently in the "Second Grade Suites" on the playground will have their classrooms in the new building. We will also have our music labs and a science lab in the new building.

Please remember that we always welcome your ideas and comments. Working together, we will make this school year a memorable and rewarding experience for your child. We look forward to a great start to the 2017-2018 school year!


Mrs. Sue Bett, Principal (Interim)

Dr. Alina Vehuni, Assistant Principal