MeSRC MeetingMinutes –
Attendees: Peter Brooks, Bobbie Crockett, Matthew Grant, Norma Hay, Jack Higgins, Jon Lewis (phone), Darren Rainey, Brian Sadowski (phone)
Guests: Hannah Keaney, Erin Healey
Excused: Amanda Albee, Kate Johnson, Rhonda Vosmus
Absent: Flo Pajanen, Tara Inman
1. Opening Remarks: FYI - 2 more days for nominations. Need to be an AARC member to nominate and nominee must be an AARC member.
2. Student Liaison selection to alternate SMCC and KVCC each year. Tabled for now; further discussion to follow via email.
3. Treasurer: Kate to discuss losses of treasury budget at a later date before the budget is approved.
4. Motion to have Hannah take on education position. Motion made previously by Amanda via email, Second made by Matt… All in favor...approved.
5. Education Updates:
a) Current Scholarship Application – improve clarity and flexibility… Tabled.
b) 2016 Venue location & dates – not enough data yet to vote or make decisions.
What was discussed:
2016 Venue: Discussed Spruce Point (Boothbay), Hollywood Slots (Bangor), Holiday Garden Inn (Lewiston) and Holiday Inn by the By (Portland).
-Cynthia is to gather pricing for Hilton Garden Inn
-Still need pricing on Bangor and Spruce Point
-Need pricing information by September, 2014
c) Frank Salvatore as speaker for 2015 Maine Event. Motion made by Peter, Second made by Bobbie… all in favor. approved!
d) Thank-you Vendor Reception (VS. Thank-you certificates during Presidential opening of the conference): Motion to keep Thank-you Vendor Reception made by Norma, Second made by Matt… all in favor...approved!
6. Delegate Report from Amanda previously emailed report to the board of directors.
7. Government Affairs information to come. Jack is to gather data for letters sent in to the State of Maine Rep’s. Also discussed encouraging the use of Capitol Connection log-in for tracking purposes. Discussion of a Political Speaker for the Maine Event was brought up but tabled.
8. Fall BOD Elections: 2 more days for nominations. Need to be an AARC member to nominate and nominee must be an AARC member.
9. Membership Committee: Norma presented statistics with Erin.
10. Lobestergram:
a) Maine Event 2014 Survey Results to come.
b) Lobestergram Summer Article is on the website.
c) Deadline for upcoming Lobestergram is: 10/10/14. This issue will be a hardcopy mailed out to all the RT’s in the State.
11. Other:
Tentative Speakers and/or Topics for 2015 Maine Event:
-Frank Salvatore (AARC President): **KEITH/AMANDA to touch base with Frank to see if speaking at 2015 Maine Event is possible. Cost is ~$800-$900 out of MeSRC budget unless we get the AARC grant that would cover half this cost.
-Keith Lane to give a “Patient Perspective Speech” on the diagnosis of Pulmonary Fibrosis and his healthcare/transport team. **NORMA to contact him
-Patricia Ann Daley. NORMA to contact her for options as a speaker.
-Darren Rainey to speak about Health Literacy
-Dr. Duval: to speak about an assigned topic CYNTHIA to contact him
-Ruth Talley: (Pulmonologist at EMMC) to speak about Hifi PETER to contact him
-Palliative Care/Hospice/Comfort Measures: ** BOBBIE to contact COPD Edu. Conference Speaker ?or Norma to ask Isabella Stump
-Pediatric Emergencies: ** NORMA to contact Dr. John Joseph
-Readmission Reduction: ** DARREN to contact RN of Rehab at SMHC or Karen Murdough
-Sleep: ** BOBBIE to find a speaker
-Political Speaker: ???
Next meeting is scheduled for 12/3/14 in Lewiston, ME.