Mesa County Valley School District 51
Grand Junction High School
School Advisory Council
Article I—Name
The name of the organization shall be the School Advisory Councilfor Grand Junction High School to the Board of Education.
Article II—Purpose
The purpose of the School Advisory Councilshall be to provide recommendations to the building principal for school improvement planning and implementation and to perform specified tasks relative to the administration of the program of accountability as provided in the Educational Accountability Act and the rules and regulations pertaining thereto.
Article III—Membership
Section 1
The parent and teacher representatives of the School Advisory Council shall volunteer or be elected at a representative meeting of their respective constituent groups according to a process to be established by the building principal. Community members and student member (as appropriate) may be selected according to a process to be established by the building principal.
Section 2
Whenever possible, theSchool Advisory Council shall strive to have a balance of membership consistent with the school’s ethnicity and sex, and shall consist of10 members to include:
a.A minimum of two building (certified and classified) staff,
b.Aminimum of two parents and guardians of GJHS students,
c.The school principal or designee,
d.Community members,
e.One student member (as appropriate).
Section 3
Any voting member vacancy on the Council shall be filled for the remainder of the unexpired term through appointment by the building principal.
Section 4
The membership year will be September 1 through August 31.
Article IV—Officers, Terms and Duties
Section 1
The elected officers shall be a chairperson and vice chairperson and secretary.
Section 2
The term of office shall be one year, preferably two.
Section 3
Each officer shall be elected by a majority of the membership present at the May meeting if a quorum is present.
Section 4
The chairperson shall work with the Principal to develop meeting agendas, call and preside at all meetings, appoint subcommittee chairs, in general, and shall conduct the business of the Council.
Section 5
The vice chairperson shall serve in the absence of the chairperson.
Section 6
The Secretary will prepare minutes of the meetings. Copies of the minutes will be provided for council members, building staff, parents and the school community. The Principal will maintain an ongoing file in his/her office that includes agendas and minutes of each advisory council meeting and a copy of the council’s by-laws. These documents shall be made available for public review upon request.
Article V--Subcommittees
Subcommittees shall be formed as deemed necessary by the School Advisory Council.
Article VI—Meetings
Section 1
Meetings shall be held monthly from September through April.
Section 2
The meeting dates and times will be set by the Councilduring the September meeting and announced to the building staff, parents and school community.
Section 3
Special meetingsmay be called by the chairperson when necessary.
Section 4
All meetings will be open to the public. However, those attending as guests are to be present as observers with the following exceptions:
- Guests whom the School Advisory Council has invited to share information and/or interact with the Council.
- Guests who have contacted the chairperson at least one week prior to the meeting to request inclusion on the agenda.
- Members of Board of Education/District Accountability Committee.
Article VII—Quorum
Section 1
A majority of the Council (more than half the members attending) shall constitute a quorum. If less than a quorum is present at any meeting, a majority of those present may continue the meeting to a future date without further notice. Once a quorum is established, the meeting may continue even if members subsequently leave resulting in less than a quorum remaining.
Section 2
The act of a majority of the members present at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the act of the Council with the exception of amendments to the Bylaws.
Section 3
Voting privileges shall be held only by members of the Council who are present at the meetings.
Article VIII—Amendments
Section 1
Any proposed amendment to the Bylaws shall be presented at a regular meeting of the committee.
Section 2
The proposed bylaw amendment will be read and discussed at two subsequent meetings with action on the proposed amendment taking place at the second of those meetings.
Section 3
Action on the proposed amendment will require a 2/3 majority of the total Council membership.
Article IX—Rules of Order
Roberts Rules of Order, Revised, shall be the authority of parliamentary law in all meeting of the Committee.
By-Laws Adopted:
December 10, 2008;
Reviewed and Readopted September 14, 2011;
Reviewed and Readopted October 10, 2012
Legal References:
CRS 22-7-101 through 22-7-105
CRS 22-53-207