Recruitment Application Pack
Thank you for requesting information:
Post Title: / Assistant Management AccountantThis post does not require a DBS check (Formally known as a CRB check)
Closing Date: / Tuesday 12th December (12:00 Noon)
The information requested in this form is important in assessing your application. Please complete accurately and ensure each section is complete.
If any candidates require additional support to complete this application form please contact a member of the HR Team on 01685 727764.
As part of Merthyr Valleys Homes Equality Policy, the section “Job Application” is the only information that will be seen by the selection panel when considering your suitability for the position.
Guidance on how to Apply
Along with this application pack, you will have a job description and personal specification for the position you wish to apply for. Please take the time to read and understand the job and what is required fro the successful candidate.
When you have read the information, and are confident that you wish to apply, you must complete the attached application form. A CV will only be accepted as additional information.
We are committed to equality of opportunity;our aim is to appoint the best candidate for each vacancy. The information requested in your application form is the only information we will use in deciding whether to select you for interview. Please use the checklist over the page to assist you in completing the form.
Read Job Description and Personal
Specification too understand what
is required
Complete Application form in full
using specific examples to demonstrate
your competencies
Return to Merthyr Valleys Homes by
the closing date
Section 1 / Information in this section will not be provided to the selection panel. MVH must comply with the Housing Act 1996, and therefore if you are related to any employee or board member you must declare this on your application.Section 2 / We require the details of 2 referees who can comment on your suitability for the role for which you are applying.
Section 3 / Merthyr Valleys Homes requires you to disclose information on any unspent
Criminal convictions.
Section 4 / Please use this section to tell us about your present employment. If you are not currently employed, please give details of your most recent job.
Section 5 / Please detail any previous employment.
Section 6 / Previous employment continued. If you require more space, please continue on a separate sheet and attach it to your application.
Section 7 / As a responsible employer, we wish to ensure that everyone who works for us does not work excessive hours and take appropriate rest breaks. Therefore if you have another job. Please tell us about this so that, if you are successful, we can monitor your working time appropriately.
Section 8 / Please tell us about any voluntary activities that you may undertake which may provide further information about your skills and experience.
Section 9 / You should use this section to detail any qualifications that you have or relevant training that you have undertaken. Please also detail any professional membership(s) or work relegated registration(s) that you have.
Section 10 / Please use this section to tell us how your experience, skills and knowledge relate to essential and desirable criteria for the post, as well as the competencies set out in the role profile. We will use this section to assess your suitability against these criteria so you should ensure you give as much relevant information as possible.
Section 11 / The information provided in this section is not used to select applicants for the jobs and all applicants are judged only on their ability to do the job for which they are applying. Information in this section will not be provided to the selection panel.
Overview of Sections
SurnameFirst Name
Mr / Mrs / Miss / Ms / Other
Address for Correspondence (please include postcode)
Daytime Telephone No.
Evening Telephone No.
Mobile Telephone No.
E mail Address.
Can we contact you at work? /
Are you eligible to work in the UK? /
Are you related to anyone connected with Merthyr Valleys Homes? * /
If so please detail who and the nature of this relationship? *
* This information is required under schedule 1 of the Housing Act. “Related to” is not limited to blood relatives or marriage, but any form of close relationship, including co-habitation. This could mean someone who is: employed by us; a resident/tenant; a principal proprietor/managing director of a firm that Merthyr Valleys Homes makes payment to.
Please give name and addresses of two referees, one of whom should be your present or most recent employer. References will be taken up for shortlisted candidates only.
Reference 1 (Current or most recent employer)
Name:Job Title:
Please tick the box if you do not wish us to contact this referee without specific consent from you
Reference 2
Name:Job Title:
Please tick the box if you do not wish us to contact this referee without specific consent from you
Do you have any unspent criminal convictions? /If you have answered yes, please give details of any unspent convictions, cautions, reprimands or warnings including dates, the nature of the offence(s) and details of sentences.
Have you ever been found guilty at a disciplinary hearing for an offence involving violence, dishonesty, theft, misconduct or sexual misconduct? /
If you have answered yes, please give details including dates and the nature of the offence(s).
Declaration and consent to checks being made
I declare that I have read and understood the information about convictions and disciplinary record. The information stated on this form is correct. I give Merthyr Valleys Homes permission to contact any of my previous employers.
I understand that Merthyr Valleys Homes reserves the right to reveal the content of this declaration and the content of any other criminal record check third party organisations for legitimate business reasons.
PRESENT OR MOST RECENT EMPLOYMENTName of employer / organisation:
Job Title:
Date Employed: / From To (if applicable)
Salary and other remuneration details:
To whom immediately responsible:
Brief description of duties:
Reason for leaving or wishing to leave:
Notice required:
Please start with most recent experience and account for any breaks in employment.
You may continue on a separate sheet if necessary.
Date Employed:
Reason for
Job Title of your Line Manager:
Brief description of main duties and responsibilities:
Date Employed:
Reason for
Job Title of your Line Manager:
Brief description of main duties and responsibilities:
Date Employed:
Reason for
Job Title of your Line Manager:
Brief description of main duties and responsibilities:
Date Employed:
Reason for
Job Title of your Line Manager:
Brief description of main duties and responsibilities:
Do you currently have another job which you intend to continue, in addition to this post if successful in your application?SECTION 8 – VOLUNTARY ACTIVITIES
Please give details of any voluntary or community activities, or membership of any voluntary organisations.SECTION 9 – QUALIFICATIONS & TRAINING
Please note applicants qualifications and training are to be verified during the recruitment process.
Qualifications / Name of College/ University/Education Establishment / Grade / DateAre you currently studying for a qualification? /
Please give any details of any courses you are currently undertaking and the anticipated completion date.
Please give details of any membership of professional organisations e.g. RICS, CIPD or CIMA, and/or any professional registration e.g. Gas Safe.
Professional Body / Organisation / Level of Membership / Registration ExpiryPlease list recent short courses and the level attained, including any computer training.
Can you Speak Welsh? /
Please detail any other languages you can speak:
Do you hold a full valid driving license? /
Do you have access to a vehicle for work purposes? /
In this section you are asked to outline how your knowledge, skills and experiences meet the specific competencies, knowledge and experience required for this role (as outlined in the Job Description and personal specification). You should draw on your experience from current or previous roles and from other relevant situations (such as activities outside work).
1.Knowledge, Skills and ExperiencePlease provide examples which demonstrate your knowledge, Skillsand Experience applicable for the role. These areas are detailed in the personal specification.
Please continue here:
Give examples of where you've had to vary your communication according to the audience you're addressing
- How exactly did you vary your style?
- Why was this necessary?
- What did it achieve?
Please continue here:
3.Team Working
Please describe a situation where you have worked together as a team to achieve a shared goal to benefit the organisation.
4.Customer Focus
The level of service we provide to our tenants is crucial to aid to the success of Merthyr Valleys Homes. Please detail how you would be able to maintain this level of service if successful?
5.Management ** This only applies to roles which involve line management **
Please detail your line management skills, drawing on previous examples of your experience.
I declare that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information have given in applying for employment is true, full and accurate. I understand that any offer of employment is conditional upon the accuracy of this information. If the required information is found to be false or withheld I understand that this may lead to my application being disqualified, or a job offer withdrawn, or if have been appointed, to my dismissal.
Signed: ......
Date: ......
Data Protection Act 1998
The information given in this form may be processed by computer and will be used for recruitment and selection purposes only. If you are appointed, this information will be retained for the duration of your employment with Merthyr Valleys Homes. If you are not successful the information will be kept for a period of 6 months, after which time it will be destroyed.
Please return this form to:
Merthyr Valleys Homes
Martin Evans House, Block 2 Riverside Court
Avenue De Clichy, Merthyr Tydfil
CF47 8LD
N.B: CV’s will only be accepted IN ADDITION to application forms
To monitor the effectiveness of our Equal Opportunities Policy, we record the age, gender, ethnic origin, marital status and any disability of people who apply for jobs. To enable us to do this, please give details about you which are requested overleaf.
The information that you provide will be kept secure and separate and secure from your job application form. It will not be made available to the selection panel. Should you be appointed, the information given will be recorded for the purpose of monitoring our Equal Opportunities policy only and it will be held securely within the HR Department.
If you do not wish to answer this section, your application will not be affected in any way.
Post Applied for:Where did you see this post advertised:
Date of Birth:
Gender: /
How would you best describe your ethnic background/ nationality?
Welsh/ English / Scottish / Northern Irish / British /
Irish /
Gypsy or Irish Traveller /
Any other White background please describe) /
Mixed / multiple ethic groups
White and Black Caribbean /
White and Black African /
White and Asian /
Any other mixed/ multiple ethnic background (please describe)
Asian / Asian British
Indian /
Pakistani /
Any other Asian background please describe)
Black / African / Caribbean / Black British
Any other Black / African / Caribbean background (please describe)
Other ethnic group
Any other ethnic group (please describe)
What is your marital status? /
Do you have a Disability? /
If yes, please describe and give details of any adjustments you require for interview.
Merthyr Valleys Homes is committed to interviewing all disabled candidates who meet the minimum criteria for a role and will consider them on their abilities.