Stick-n-Rudder Flight Training, LLC
January 4, 2010
Flight Instructor training course KSGS
- Course Introduction @ 17:00 CST
- Goal is to prepare you for the FAA Knowledge Test for FOI/AGI
- Goal is to prepare you for the CFI Oral & Practical Exam (*additional outside class flight training required at the flight school of your choice).
- Gleim is the official class text and syllabus, with supplemental FAA and other sources.
- The course weekly syllabus and reading will be posted online at
- As part of our agreement with the FAA for Wings and Flight Instructor Refresher Clinic certifications, to receive your logbook and course endorsements you must complete all required subject matter areas and course time requirements.
- The Flight Instructor candidates will each be expected to intern with the Private Pilot ground school course and assist in teaching the CFI and Private courses, and mentoring the student pilots. Weeks and units will be assigned so that you may prepare your lesson plan.
- Instructor and Flight Instructor Candidates introductions
- Additional speakers in the past include; Manny, Barb, Kim, ATC, and more
- Field trips may be arranged to ATC, Tower, CAP, EAA, Flight Simulators, and more.
- Candidate instructions; who, when did you start flying, experience, and why do you want to become a Certificated Flight Instructor?
- Aviation Instructors Handbook FAA-H-8083-9 (1999) FAA-H-8083-9A (2008)
- The Learning Process
- Behaviorism ~ someone else stresses importance of a behavior than the student
- Cognitive Theory ~ the student is controlling his thinking, actions, and behavior
- Combined approach
- Definition of learning is a change in behavior as a result of experience.
- Characteristics of Learning
- Purposeful
- Result of experience
- Multifaceted (Verbal, conceptual, motor, problem solving, emotional)
- Active Process (Scenario Based Training)
- Principles of Learning
- Readiness
- Exercise (do and redo)
- Effect (emotional reactions)
- Primacy (instructor needs to teach, demonstrate, it right the first time)
- Intensity (in the plane vs. reading a book)
- Recentcy
- How People Learn
- Sight 75% Hearing 13% Touch 6% Smell 3% Taste 3%
- Perceptions and Factors Affecting Perception
- Physical self Basic need Goals & values Time & Opportunity Element of threat
- Insight involves grouping of perceptions into meaningful wholes
- Motivation is the dominant force governing student progress
- Levels of Learning
- Rote
- Understanding
- Application
- Correlation
- Domains of Learning
- Cognitive (knowledge)
- Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, Evaluation
- Affective (attitudes, beliefs, values)
- Receiving, Responding, Valuing, Organization, Characterization
- Psychomotor (physical)
- Perception, Set, Guided response, Mechanism, Complex overt response, Adaption, Origination
- Learning Physical Skills
- Desire
- Patterns to follow
- Perform
- Knowledge of results
- Duration of Lessons
- Evaluations vs. Critique
- Memory
- Sensory (hot to touch, remember pain)
- Working or Short Term (20 seconds and its gone – squawk code, steer)
- Memory Aides ~ PARE, ANDS, IMSAFE etc
- Long-Term Memory
- Disuse Interference Repression
- Retention of Learning
- Praise Association Attitudes All Senses Repetition
- Transfer of Learning
- Primacy
- Habits
- Building Blocks of Learning
Email Scott Johnson, CFI ©2010