Merrimack Travel Basketball Raffle instructions - 2017/2018

  • Every player will receive a packet with 2 raffle tickets. If you wish to sell more, please make copies of one in your packet OR download the raffle template from our website
  • Each raffle ticket will be sold at $10 per raffle. Every player must sell 2 tickets to cover the cost of thecashraffle prizes.
  • If you don’t sell the 2 raffle tickets, $20 will be added to your MTB balance and you will owe $180.
  • Players can sell up to 16 additional tickets to cover the cost of the remainder of the MTB balance. For Example, you paid $200 with initial payment, your balance is $160, you sell the mandatory 2 plus 16 more and you turn in $180. Your MTB balance will be covered by the raffle tickets you sold.
  • MTB Balances will be due January 24th. Please note that unpaid balances may result is not being able to play in the playoffs.
  • MTB Fundraiser – As an additional fund raiser for MTB to help cover some unexpected costs. We will give a $100 Dicks Sporting Goods gift card to the player who sells the most above the 18 tickets. All raffle money above the 18 will go directly to MTB.
  • The raffle will start January 24th and end February 20th. All completed raffles and moneymust be turned into your coach by January 24th.
  • Please return all money and tickets in the original envelope that is given to you. There should be 1 envelope per player returned. If there are multiple players in the same family, each player is expected to return their original envelope with their sold raffle tickets and money.
  • All original envelopes should be handed in to coaches on January 24th. Each envelope should contain a combination of cash/checks and raffle tickets for a minimum of $180.

Examples of selling raffle tickets – Everyone has a balance of $160 for MTB as of today

MTB balance = $160

Player sells 5 raffles = $50

Plus 2 Mandatory Raffles = $20

Player balance will be $130, $160- $30

MTB balance = $160

Player sells 0 raffles = $0

Mandatory Raffles = $0

Player balance will be $180, $160 + $20

MTB balance = $160

Player sells 16 raffles = $160

Plus 2 Mandatory Raffles = $20

Player balance will be $0, $180 - $180

MTB balance = $160

Player sells 19 raffles = $190

Plus 2 Mandatory Raffles = $20

Player balance will be $0, $180 - $180, Player has 3 raffles to try and win $100 gift card for Sports Authority for selling above the 18.