Meridian Elementary PTO

January 9, 2017| Meeting called to order byMelissa Lewis at 6:04pm

In Attendance

Melissa Lewis (President), Karl Hall (Vice President), Traci Cheeseman (Treasurer), Sarah Reed (Secretary), Jeri Chambers, Amber Greer, Catherine Mearns, Melissa Miziniak, Tina Prodzinski, and Jacey Schneiker.

Approval of Minutes

The minutes were read and approved.Karl made the motion, Traci seconded the motion. Everyone agrees, motion passes.

Treasurer Report

$22,366.75 remains in the budget. Balance in Bingo account is $87.65. Balance in purchasing acct. is $505.44. Remaining payouts budget was $10,106.00.

Old Business

-Santa and Elves: $12,319.21 was deposited and it was all spent after Christmas for next year! Should we have sign up for next year to help with sorting/tagging? Next year, we could have sign ups for group shopping at different stores. Also, we need more people to sort and tag after the shopping is done.

New Business

-Catherine discussed the issues with the School Kidz kits. Fall fundraiser was also with School Kidz and there were issues with that as well. We are interested in using the company “1stDay” School Supply kit company. The ordering would be online only. Traci makes the motion to switch to the new company and we will upcharge a flat $5 profit for fundraiser. Catherine seconded the motion. All agree, motion passes.

-Bingo/Dodgeball basket list- Continue to ask businesses for donations. We will wrap baskets for Bingo night February 21st and Dodgeball the 22nd. We have $200 to spend on 2 big ticket items. We will look at Ipad, Ipod, Chromebook.

-World’s Finest Chocolate sales. Starting Feb. 7st-21st. Sarah made the motion to run the sale, Karl seconded the motion. All in favor, motion passes. No prizes will be given.

-We received an update from Heather Alderks concerning the purchases of the mobile computer carts we discussed last month. Heather says, “I have an update from PJ. We are kind of in limbo at the moment. He is going to ask the board for the district to purchase several mobile cart labs for each school building. IF this would go through, our organizations could then support these purchases in regards to accessories or software to support these labs. I know we are eager to share our earnings with the district but, in the long run, our monetary donations would hardly make an impact to the large amount of money he is hoping the board would approve to spend. With that said, I do think the district using our organizations to help support these labs would be more beneficial and aligns to what each of our groups are trying to ultimately accomplish. I will keep you updated as I hear more info!”

Basically, we are holding out for the school board to make a decision on funding.

Parent and Member Comments

-We received a Certificate of Appreciation from Stillman Bank for the Christmas tree decoration.

-We also we received a thank you note from the counselors for the donation of hats/gloves from Santa and Elves.

-Karl- Buddy bench. Can we find funding for that? We will talk to the principals and/or Menards for funds or donation.

-Gaga ball- Can we fund building a court?

-Karl brought up sponsoring “All Pro Dads” Amber made the motion to approve a $500 donation, Catherine seconded the motion. All agree, motion passes.

-Motion to adjourn at 7:02pm by Melissa Lewis.

Next Meeting

Next meeting will be February 13, 2017 at Highland Grade School.

Minutes submitted by Secretary, Sarah Reed

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