(September 2015)


As a Catholic family we welcome all and value Christ in everyone, whilst seeking the highest possible achievements.

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School values the abilities and achievements of all its pupils, and is committed to providing, for each pupil, the best possible environment for learning.


·  To ensure that all pupils have access to a broad and balanced curriculum

·  To provide a differentiated curriculum appropriate to the individual’s needs and ability

·  To identify pupils requiring SEND provision as early as possible

·  To ensure that pupils with special educational needs or disability take as full a part as possible in all school activities

·  To ensure that parents of pupils with SEND are kept fully informed of their child’s progress and attainment and are welcomed as active partners in their child’s education

·  To ensure that pupils with SEND are involved, where practicable, in decisions affecting their provision

We recognise that many pupils will require extra or different provision at some time during their school life in order to overcome or minimize their difficulties. Whilst many factors contribute to the range of difficulties experienced by some children, we believe that much can be done to alleviate them by parents, teachers and pupils working together.

This policy has been developed by the Sen Consultant, Head and Senior Management Team, Class Teachers and Learning Support Assistants. The SEN Director/ Governor meets the SEN Consultant at least termly and reports to the Directors/Governing Body on the specific objectives outlined in the SEND Aims above, and ensures that SEND objectives are addressed in the School Improvement Plan as appropriate. All adults are committed to the principles contained within this Policy, as well as other, related Policies i.e. Behaviour Management, Teaching, Learning, Curriculum, Equal Opportunities, Health & Safety and Child Protection.


A child has special educational needs if he or she has learning difficulties that call for special educational provision to be made.

A child has a learning difficulty or disability if he or she:

·  Has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of children of the same age

·  Has a disability which prevents or hinders the child from making use of educational facilities and provision of a kind provided for children of the same age


·  COMMUNICATION & INTERACTION (this includes Speech & Language Difficulties & Social Communication Difficulties)

·  COGNITION & LEARNING (this includes Moderate Learning Difficulties as well as Specific Learning Difficulties such as Dyslexia)

·  SOCIAL, EMOTIONAL & MENTAL HEALTH DIFFICULTIES (some aspects of Autism, ADD/ADHD and other behavioural difficulties)


Children must not be regarded as having learning difficulties solely because their home language is different from that in which they are taught.

St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School will have due regard for the Special Needs Code of Practice when carrying out our duties towards all pupils with special educational needs or a disability, and ensure that parents are consulted when SEND provision is being made for their child.


The Directors/Governors believe that the Admissions Criteria should not discriminate against pupils with SEND and has due regard for the practice advocated in the Code of Practice ‘……Pupils with special educational needs but without statements must be treated as fairly as all other applicants for admission.’


Our SEND Policy recognises the entitlement of all pupils to a balanced, broadly based curriculum and reinforces the need for teaching that is fully inclusive. The Directors will ensure that appropriate provision will be made for all pupils with SEND.


The Directors/Governing Body will report annually on the success of the school in achieving the objectives outlined under THE SEND AIMS OF THE SCHOOL at the beginning of this Policy.

In evaluating this, we will consider the views of:

·  Teachers

·  Parents

·  Pupils

·  External professionals

Pupil progress will provide evidence for the success of the SEND policy and this will be analysed through:

·  Consideration of each pupil’s success in meeting his/her Personal Success Plan (PSP) targets

·  Use of standardised tests

·  Evidence generated from PSP review meetings


At St Joseph's Catholic Primary School, we have adopted a whole-school approach to SEND policy and practice. Pupils identified as having SEND are, as far as is practicable, fully integrated into mainstream classes. Every effort is made to ensure that they have full access to the National Curriculum and are integrated into all aspects of the school. The SEND Code of Practice (2014) makes it clear that all teachers are teachers of pupils with special educational needs.

All teachers are responsible for identifying pupils with SEND and, in collaboration with the Sen Consultant, will ensure that those pupils requiring different or additional support are identified at the earliest possible stage.

Identification & Assessment

Early identification of pupils with SEND is a priority. We will use appropriate screening and assessment tools, and ascertain pupil progress through:

·  Evidence obtained from previous schools (reports/records, KS1 results)

·  Evidence obtained from external professionals (reports/assessments)

·  Information received from parents

·  Evidence obtained by teacher observation/assessment

·  Performance in NC judged against level descriptions

·  Pupil progress in relation to objectives for English and Mathematics

·  Standardised screening or assessment tools (screening/diagnostic tests)

·  Annual QCA Test results

·  Samples of pupils’ work

SEND Provision

On entry to the school each child’s attainment will be assessed. This will help to inform the school of a child’s aptitudes, abilities and attainments, and will be used to provide continuity in learning. For pupils with identified SEND these will help the Class Teacher, Parents & the SEN Consultant to:

·  Identify starting points for an appropriate curriculum

·  Identify the need for support within the class

·  Assess learning difficulties

·  Ensure on-going observations/assessments for planning ‘next steps’

·  Involve parents and pupil in a joint home-school learning approach

Range of Provision

The main methods of provision used by the school are:

·  Full time education in class, with additional help and support by teacher

through a differentiated curriculum

·  Periods of withdrawal to work with a support teacher or assistant

·  In-class support with adult assistance

·  Following a specialist programme, devised and monitored by an external professional, delivered by a support assistant in or out of class


Progress is the crucial factor in determining the need for additional support. Adequate progress is that which:

·  Narrows the attainment gap between pupil and peers

·  Prevents the attainment gap widening

·  Is equivalent to that of peers starting from the same baseline but less than the majority of peers

·  Equals or improves upon the pupil’s previous rate of progress

·  Ensures full curricular access

·  Shows an improvement in self-help and social or personal skills

·  Shows improvements in the pupil’s behaviour

Where a Teacher, Parents and the Sen Consultant decide that a pupil’s learning is of concern, they will review the approaches adopted and consider a more sustained level of support. These levels are described in detail later.


The school will record the steps taken to meet pupils’ individual needs. The Sen Consultant will maintain the records and ensure appropriate access to them. In addition to the usual school records, the pupil’s SEND profile will include:

·  Information from parents

·  Information on progress and behaviour

·  Pupil’s own perceptions of difficulties

·  Information from health/social services

·  Information from other agencies


Characterized by an initial, or minor concern over a pupil’s progress. Pupil and parents will be consulted and appropriate differentiation of the curriculum will be planned by the Class Teacher. Adaptations are recorded on a PSP (C) and include Pacing & Motor Activity, Learning Environment, Materials, Time Management, Socialisation Support, Tasks, Handwriting, Motivation & Reinforcement, Maths, Transition Supports and a Home/School Plan. One or two priority targets will be set and the Sen Consultant will closely monitor achievement of these.


Characterised by interventions that are different from or additional to the normal differentiated curriculum. A PSP (B) can be triggered through concern, supplemented by evidence that, despite receiving differentiated teaching, pupils:

·  Make little or no progress

·  Demonstrate difficulty in developing literacy or numeracy skills

·  Show persistent emotional/behavioural difficulties which are not affected by routine behaviour management strategies

·  Have sensory or physical problems, and make little progress despite the provision of specialist equipment

·  Experience communication and/or interaction difficulties and make little or no progress despite experiencing a differentiated curriculum

If the school decides, in consultation with parents, that a pupil requires additional support to make progress, the SEN Consultant, in collaboration with teachers, will support the assessment of the pupil and have an input in planning future support. The class teacher will remain responsible for planning and delivering individualized programmes. Parents will be closely informed of the action and results.


The Sen Consultant, in collaboration with the class teacher & parents, will decide the action required to help the pupil progress. Based on the results of previous assessments, the actions might be:

·  Deployment of extra staff to work with the pupil

·  Provision of alternative learning materials/special equipment

·  Group support

·  Provision of additional adult time in devising interventions and monitoring their effectiveness

·  Staff development to undertake more effective strategies

·  Access to LA support services, or other external professionals, for advice on strategies, equipment or staff training

Strategies for pupils’ progress will be recorded on a PSP (B) containing information on:

·  Short-term targets

·  Teaching strategies

·  Provision made

·  Date for review

·  Success criteria

·  Outcomes recorded at review

The PSP will record only that which is different from or additional to the normal differentiated curriculum and will concentrate on three or four individual/small group targets that closely match the pupil’s needs. PSPs will be discussed with the pupil and the parent.

PSPs will be reviewed at least termly and parents’ views on their child’s progress will actively be sought. Wherever possible or appropriate pupils will be involved in this process.


Characterized by a sustained level of support and, where appropriate, the involvement of external services. Placement of a pupil at this level will be made by the SEN Consultant after full consultation with parents. External support services, if involved, will advise on targets and provide specialist inputs to the support process.

PSP (A) intervention will usually be triggered through continued concern, supplemented by evidence that, despite receiving differentiated teaching and a sustained level of support, a pupil:

·  Still makes little or no progress in specific areas over a long period

·  Continues to work at National Curriculum levels considerably lower than expected for a child of similar age

·  Continues to experience difficulty in developing English/Mathematics skills

·  Has emotional/behavioural problems that often substantially impede own learning or that of the group, and this may be despite having an individualized behaviour management programme

·  Has sensory or physical needs requiring additional specialist equipment or visits/advice from specialists

·  Has communication or interaction problems that impede the development of social relationships, thus presenting barriers to learning

External support services, if involved, will require access to pupils’ records in order to understand the strategies employed to date, and the targets set and achieved. The specialist may be asked to provide further assessments and advice, and possibly work directly with the pupil. Parental consent will be sought for any additional information required. The resulting PSP will incorporate specialist strategies.


Please note that future successful requests for Statutory Assessment will result in an Education & Health Care Plan, not a Statement of Special Educational Needs. We have three years from the date of this document to transfer Statements to the new format which requires Education & other professionals to work together with the child and his/her parents much more closely to produce a very personalized document. Until we have clearer guidance we will continue as below.

The school will request a Statutory Assessment from the LA when, despite an individualized programme of sustained intervention within Pupil Success Plan (A), the pupil remains a significant cause for concern. A Statutory Assessment might also be requested by a parent or outside agency. The school will have the following information available:

·  The actions followed with respect to PSP (B) & (A)

·  Records and outcomes of regular reviews undertaken

·  Information on the pupil’s health and relevant medical history

·  NC Levels

·  Other relevant assessments from specialists

·  The views of parents

·  Where possible, the views of the child

·  Social Services/Educational Welfare Service reports (if involved)

·  Any other involvement by professionals

A Statement of Special Educational Needs, or the new Education & Health Care Plan will normally be provided where, after a Statutory Assessment, the LA considers the child requires provision beyond what the school can offer. .


Statements/EHPCs must be reviewed annually and it is the headteacher’s responsibility to organize this and invite:

·  The child’s parent

·  The child, if appropriate

·  The relevant teacher/s

·  The Senco

·  A representative of the LA

·  Any other person the headteacher considers appropriate

·  Any other person the LA considers appropriate

The aim of the review will be to:

·  Assess the pupil’s progress in relation to the objectives of the Statement/EHPC

·  Review the provision made for the pupil in the context of the National Curriculum and levels of attainment in basic English/Mathematics and life skills