Mere Mortals .NET Framework Evaluation
Thank you for your interest in MM .NET! This evaluation version is a fully functioning version of the MM .NET Framework, but without the usual source code we ship with the product.
How Long Has MM .NET Been Around?
Don’t let the version number fool you. MM .NET has been around since 2002 and is a mature product that has been through several major release cycles. We try to have our version number reflect the version of .NET with which it’s designed to work, using 1.n as our version number prefix.
Where to Start
We recommend you start out by reading a few sections in the MM .NET Developer’s Guide Help file. The “Getting Started” section provides instructions for installing MM .NET. The “Overview of Mere Mortals .NET” provides an overview of using MM .NET to create applications.
After you read through these few sections, we recommend you work through the Jump Start topics near the end of the Developer’s Guide. These Jump Start topics provide instructions in both C# and VB .NET for creating business objects, Windows Forms, Web Forms, and Web Services with MM .NET.
You may also want to take a look at the C# and VB .NET sample applications that come with the Framework. These are very basic right now (we’re in the process of extending them). However, if you want to see MM .NET security and localization at work, you can easily turn on security by following the steps outlined in the topic Adding Security to the Sample Applications and turn on localization by following the steps outlined in the topic Enabling Localization in the Sample Applications.
“Evaluation Copy” Warnings
There are a few “evaluation version” dialogs and banners that appear in applications you create using this version. For example, when you create a Web Form application, the following banner is shown at the top of each Web Form:
The following dialog also displays periodically in Windows Forms applications:
Lastly, the following exception is thrown periodically in a Web Forms application (pressing F5 will allow you to continue):
If You Have Questions
All our tech support for paid copies of MM .NET is handled online at That is a good place to get a feel for the MM .NET community and ask questions about current or upcoming features in MM .NET. If you have sales questions you can reach us at or phone at 434-979-2417 (no tech support questions can be answered at these contacts).
Oak Leaf Enterprises, Inc.