MOAC - Word Lesson 2 – Basic Editing Guided Notes

Name: ______Date: ______Pd: ______

1.  Software Orientation

a.  Word offers several ways to view a ______, locate text or objects quickly, and ______windows. After opening a document, you can access related commands on the View tab, shown below.

b.  Word provides options to change a document’s onscreen ______by viewing the document in Full Screen, Web Layout, Outline, and Draft view.

c.  Adding ______rulers, vertical rulers, or gridlines; increasing or decreasing the document’s page size; arranging the document ______; viewing the document side by side; or splitting the document can also change the view on the screen.

d.  In addition, the ______Pane provides options for browsing and conducting a search in a document.

2.  Changing and Organizing Document Views

a.  Word has a variety of options for ______an existing document and ______a document.

b.  You can enable features to show gridlines, ______, and rulers to help in navigating the document or can zoom in or out. Word also allows you to open and arrange ______document windows.

3.  Opening an Existing Document

a.  Word enables you to open existing files in one of ______forms: as an ______document, as a ______of a document, or as a ______document.

4.  Changing Document Views

a.  The ______tab on the Ribbon has groups of commands for Document Views, Show, Zoom, Window, and Macros.

b.  Word has five Document View options:

i.  ______Layout is the default view. It displays the document as it will look when printed and enables you to use the Ribbon to create and edit your document.

ii.  ______Reading view is made for reading documents onscreen. Options are available for customizing this view.

iii.  ______Layout view shows how the document would look as a Web page.

iv.  ______view displays the document as an outline and offers an outline tab with commands for creating and editing outlines.

v. ______view is strictly for editing text. Advanced elements such as charts, graphs, pictures, and other objects are hidden in this view.

5.  Using Show Commands

a.  The Show command group offers options for displaying ______features that can help you create, edit, and navigate your document.

b.  ______are measuring tools to align text, graphics, and other elements used within a document.

c.  The top and bottom ______of a document can be easily adjusted manually using the ______scroll bar.

d.  The ______ruler can be used to change a document’s first-line indent, hanging indent, and left and right ______.

e.  The ______display on the ruler as hanging indent, left indent, and right indent. Manual tab settings can be set on the horizontal ruler without launching the dialog box.

f.  ______provide a grid of vertical and horizontal lines that help you align graphics and other objects in your documents. Gridlines are displayed only in Print Layout view.

g.  The ______Pane appears in the left side of the window when you select its command in the Show group. The Navigation Pane has three tabs:

i.  The first tab, Browse ______in your document, displays the structure of your document by levels based on the document’s headings.

ii.  The second tab, Browse Pages in your document, displays ______—tiny images of your document pages.

iii.  The third tab, Browse the results from the current search, displays a list of search results when you have used the Navigation Pane’s search tool (marked by a search box and magnifying glass icon) to look for particular text or objects in your document.

h.  The search box lists the text or objects found in the document in the order those elements ______in the document. The document appears highlighted in yellow and the text is bolded in the Browse the results from the current search tab.

i.  In the first tab, Browse the headings in your document, the section that has the found instance will appear ______.

j.  In the second tab, Browse Pages in your document, the thumbnail instances found will appear highlighted in yellow. To clear the search box, click the X in that box.

6.  Using Zoom

a.  The ______group of commands lets you zoom in to get a closer view of a page or zoom out to see more of the document at a smaller size.

b.  These commands also enable you to determine how many document ______Word displays within a single screen.

c.  Within the Zoom group, the Page ______button expands your document to fit the width of the window.

d.  The Zoom button launches the Zoom dialog box, where you have more options for zooming ______.

e.  In the ______, you can expand the document by clicking a specific zoom amount up to ______.

f.  The Zoom ______can also be used to zoom in and out; this slider is located in the bottom ______of your screen on the ______bar.

7.  Changing Window Views

a.  The commands in the ______command group enable you to open and arrange multiple document windows.

b.  The commands in the Window command group are as follows:

i.  The ______button opens a new window displaying the current document; this window shows the document name in the title bar followed by the number 2. Each new window you open in the same document receives a chronologically numbered name.

ii.  The ______button displays two or more windows on the screen at the same time. This is useful when comparing documents or when using information from multiple documents.

iii.  The ______command divides one document window into two windows that scroll independently. This enables you to view two parts of a single document at the same time.

iv.  The ______button allows you to view two documents next to each other. When you are viewing documents side by side, you can use the Synchronous Scrolling command to link the scrolling of the two documents so that you move through both at the same time. The Reset Window Position command repositions two side-by-side documents to appear equally sized on the screen.

v. The ______Windows button allows you to select which document will be the active document (the one ready for editing). Its appears on the title bar.

c.  On occasion, you may need to move a window out of the way without exiting the associated application.

d.  The ______button minimizes the window display—in other words, the window disappears and is replaced with an icon on the Status bar. The ______button returns a document to its previous size by minimizing or maximizing its display. Finally, the ______button closes the window.

8.  Navigating and Searching Through a Document

a.  As you already learned, the Navigation Pane contains commands for moving and searching through a document.

b.  You also can use Find command options, the ______, scroll bars, and various ______and keyboard shortcut commands to ______through Word documents.

c.  ______allow a user to move up or down or side to side within a document. In Word, a ______scroll bar appears on the ______side of the document window; if the window view is larger than the viewing area, a ______scroll bar also appears at the ______of the window to allow you to scroll left and right across the width of the document.

d.  You can click the ______buttons to move up or down one line at a time, or you can click and ______a scroll button to scroll more quickly. You can also click and drag the scroll box to move through a document even faster or just click the scroll box to see a ScreenTip displaying your position in the document.

9.  Using the Mouse and Scroll Bar to Navigate

a.  Using the mouse in combination with the ______is a simple way to scroll through a document.

10. Using Keystrokes to Navigate

a.  The ______keys and other ______commands can also help you move through a document.

11. Searching Within a Document

a.  Word’s ______command is now located in the Navigation Pane in the ______group on the View tab, as well as on the ______tab in the ______group.

b.  By using the ______Pane, you can easily locate specific text, graphics, objects, and equations within a document.

c.  The document will contain highlighted text, and the Navigation Pane will display the results in a ______border. The third tab, Browse the results from your current search, will place the results in the order they appear in the document.

d.  In the ______tab on the ______group, the drop-down arrow by the Find button displays a menu that contains the Find, Advanced Find, Replace, and Go To commands.

e.  The Find command opens the Navigation Pane; the ______Find command opens the Find and Replace dialog box with Find as the active tab; the ______command opens the Find and Replace dialog box with Replace as the active tab; and the Go To command opens the same dialog box with Go To as the active the tab.

f.  To highlight ______occurrence of a particular word or phrase in your document, you must activate ______Find. To do so, click the drop-down arrow by the ______text box, as shown below, then click Advanced Find.

g.  The Find and Replace dialog box opens; within that box, key your desired word or phrase, then click the drop-down arrow on the Reading Highlight button and select Highlight All.

h.  When you close the Find and Replace dialog box, each instance of your desired word or phrase is ______in the document.

i.  To clear all occurrences of highlighted text, return to the Advanced Find options, click the Reading Highlight button, and then select ______Highlighting

12. Replacing Text in a Document

a.  Located on the ______tab in the ______group, the Replace command opens the Find and Replace dialog box.

b.  You can use the Replace command to replace one word or phrase with another.

c.  You can also use the Find and Replace command to search for and replace ______—such as a specific font color, bolding, or italics.

d.  It is also possible to search for and replace special characters and document elements such as page breaks and tabs.

13. Using the Go To Command to Navigate a Long Document

a.  In a longer document, you may need to move through the document more quickly than is possible by ______.

b.  The______command and Select Browse Object button provide ways to navigate through longer documents quickly.

c.  Using the Go To command will jump to a specific ______, table, graphic, ______, or other item in your document.

d.  To go to the next or previous item of the same type, leave the Enter box empty, then click ______or ______.

14. Selecting, Replacing, and Deleting Text

a.  Word offers a number of tools for ______, ______, and ______text.

b.  You also can apply ______to selected text.

c.  You can delete text in Word documents by pressing the Backspace key to delete characters to the left of the insertion point, pressing the Delete key to delete characters to the right of the insertion point, or selecting text and pressing either the ______key or ______key.

d.  The ______feature of Word enables you to select multiple text items that are not adjacent.

e.  To replace text in a Word document, simply select the text, then key new text. To cancel a selection, click in any ______area of the document screen.

f.  As you’ve seen, when you position the mouse pointer to the ______of the margin, it changes to a selection arrow that enables you to click to select the entire line to the ______of the pointer. You then can drag down to continue selecting adjacent words, lines of text, or entire paragraphs.

g.  You also can use keyboard commands to select text.

15. Cutting, Copying, and Pasting Text

a.  It is often necessary to copy or remove text from one location in a document and place it in another.

b.  When you ______text, Word removes it from the original location and places the deleted text in the Clipboard collection.

c.  When you ______text, Word places a duplicate copy in the Clipboard.

d.  The Paste command then pastes text from the Clipboard to a new location in either the original document or a new document.

e.  Entries placed in the Clipboard can be placed anywhere in a document by positioning the insertion ______in the new location then selecting one of the three Paste options shown in the table below and on the next slide.

16. Copying and Moving Text with Clipboard Commands

a.  The ______enables you to cut or copy multiple items and paste them into any Office document.

17. Using the Mouse to Copy or Move Text

a.  To move a selection of text, use your ______to drag and drop the selection in a new location.

b.  Hold the ______key while you drag to copy the text.

c.  When you are moving text by ______, the pointer shows a ______, and when you are ______text by dragging, the pointer shows a box with a plus sign (+).

d.  Text that you cut or copy using the mouse is ______stored in the Clipboard collection.