(859) 734-4688

Minutes of the August 13, 2012 Board Meeting

Board members present were Steven Bailey, David Brown, Howard Fallis, Marshal Hockersmith, Bill Lily and Terry Smith. In absence was Cheryl Young.

Station Representatives were Richard Tingle (Station 03), Anthony Hamlin (Station 04), Brian Steele (Station 05), Bill Marks (Station 06), Willie McFerron (Station 09), Tony Best (Station 11), Ben Sears (Station 12) and Sonny Thompson (Station 13). Paul Parks, representing Mercer County EMS was present.

Administrative representative were Fire Chief Mike Steele and Deputy Chief Glenn Phillips.

Board Counsel Whitney Zimmerman was present.

At 7:00 PM, Chairman Bailey called the meeting to order and asked members to review the minutes of the July meeting. Terry Smith moved that the minutes be accepted as presented. Bill Lilly seconded the motion, minutes approved.

Howard Fallis presented the Treasurer’s Report and moved that it be accepted as presented. Bill Lilly seconded. All were in favor.

Chief Steele presented the Chief’s report:

1)Utility/Rescue Truck Update – the utility beds were received today by Manning Equipment from Reading. The bodies will be attached to the chassis’, painted, skids attached and wired and then we’ll get the call.

2)The burn ban was lifted last week by the county judge executive.

3)On August 30th, the E.W. Brown Power Generating Station will host the annual public safety information workshop at the plant for stations 5, 6 and 13. There is a big expansion this year in the amount of anhydrous ammonia coming through the county to the plant each week, so that will be a big topic.

4)Scotty Hammons wanted to know about paving at Station 13? Steve Bailey was unable to give a definite answer as MGlone’s paving has all of their equipment at EKU on another project. Steve has already been to the company and prompted them a couple of times. The Board will give them one more month before seeking to find another contractor. The Board will also check with Don Pelley at Shakertown to make sure that the state work permit was appropriately extended for the project.

5)Logan Steele, at the Board’s request, submitted an updated bid for sealing and striping the asphalt at stations 5, 6, 9 and 12. There was some discussion on what area needs to be repaired at station 12. There was also discussion about the repairs that will be made by Darrell Catlett on the pavement at the Dixville station. Tony said that it appears that he will be adding another layer to the affected area. A motion was made and seconded to allow Logan to proceed with the sealing/striping at 3 of the 4 stations and a plan would be worked out for the 4th station during the month for completion.

Glenn Phillips reminded all stations of the CPR class offered at station 4 on Tuesday, August 14 starting at 18:00. On Thursday, September 13, he will be presenting a class required of all EMT’s and paramedics during their next certification period – the Pediatric Abusive Head Trauma Class – at the Mercer County EMS Building starting at 18:00. The annual fall EMT continuing education class will likely be September 18, 19 and 20, time and location to be announced.

Howard Fallis stated that Terrapin (station 9) has a problem with their “jaws” cutters... the set is damaged beyond repair and Genesis doesn’t make that model anymore. Howard moved that the Board purchase the update model cutter, which will work with their existing engine, for $ 5,880. The motion was second and all were in favor.

Howard also stated that the new Engine 5 has a problem during drafting operations, which can temporarily be solved with tank water. Its final repair will be addressed during the September-October annual pump tests that will be scheduled for all engines.

Tony Best, representing the North Mercer Water District, said that the water district has made significant strides in reducing water loss through leaks and other problems and that total monthly loss is now down close to 7%.... down from 20% or so…. In that regard, it is vital that ALL of our water usage as a fire department from hydrants is reported. Tony read a list of reports from the last year – in many months, we had only 20% of our stations reporting water usage. The water district would like for us to provide them one figure each month, tabulated from each station. Howard Fallis suggested the easiest and most effective way would be to have the District Chiefs place the water usage amount on the monthly reimbursement request forms…

Terry Smith brought up that we will likely need to take action on the transition to digital radio as the primary means of communications in the field. Terry explained the history of the current infrastructure of repeaters and noted that we have much of the equipment already in place. He explained that every county around us has, with the exception of Anderson County who is getting ready to, has already switched to digital communications. He asked Glenn to explain further. Glenn said that we had received 100 portable digital radios in a state grant ($ 64,500) and that we had received digital mobile radios (for all the fire trucks and stations) in a federal grant ($ 39,000). We bought the main dispatch repeater ($ 12,000), Emergency Management got a grant for one repeater (Burgin site)($ 12,000) and Paul Parks bought two repeaters (Rose Hill and Salvisa) ($ 24,000).

The issue is whether we dispatch on analog and communicate on digital or switch completely and do everything on digital. There will be some cost involved no matter what. Chairman Bailey formed a committee of Chiefs’ Steele and Phillips and Board Member Smith along with Paul Parks to research the best approach for all involved and to recommend what to do at the next board meeting.

Bill Lilly said that at the last KFA meeting, he was told about numerous potential grant opportunities that he will follow up on, 50/50 grants, some involving thermal imaging cameras and generators. He said there are some trucks even up for grabs and Kentucky has historically not gone after all that was available. He will have more information at the next board meeting.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned by acclamation at 8:00 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Glenn Phillips

Deputy Chief