
of the XIII International Science Research Conference


dedicated to the Memory of Professor CHUMAKOV E.M.

RussianStateUniversity of Physical Education, Sport and Tourism(RSUPEST)

Moscow (Russia),

February15, 2013


1.1.The XIII International Science Research Conference«75th ANNIVERSARYOF SAMBO. RESULTS AND PERSPECTIVES»,dedicated to thememory of professor Evgeniy Chumakov, hereinafter "conference" focused on the development and perfection of research activity in sphere of physical education and sports, education of the scientific and pedagogical staff, development of the international friendly scientific communications, propaganda of the anxiety scientific activity among students, perpetuating of the memory of professor of Wrestling Department, E.Chumakov.

1.2. All interested audiences are invited to participate in the conference.The research articles will be published in the collection. The organizers reserves the right does not include the articles which are not in the compliance with the code of ethics. Young scientists, without scientific degree, postgraduate students, masters, seekers of the degree and students of universities, will take the floor in the competitive part of the conference.

1.3. The deadline of application is February 10, 2013, e-mail:

The application should contain the specification of needed demonstration equipment.

1.4. The Organizing Committee performs the functions of the conference administration and consists of the leading representatives of professorial and scientific structure of the RSUPEST, International Sambo federation andAll-Russian Sambo Federation.The Organizing Committee is responsible to conduct of the conference.

1.5. Place of the conference:Sirenevy bulvar, 4,Moscow, 105122, Russia. Conference will be held in the Academic councilhall of the university.


2.1. Dates of the conference: February, 15, 2013.

2.2. Deadline of application is February 10, 2013.

III. program of the conference

February, 14(Thursday)
12.00-19.00 / Arrival of participants, accommodation / Faculty of combat sports RSUPEST
February, 15(Friday)
09.00-10.00 / Registration of participants and guests of the conference / Hall of the 6th floor, administrative building
10.00-10.15 / Opening ceremony, welcome speech of
V. Shestakov FIAS President,
S. ELISEEV All-Russian Sambo FederationPresident / Academic council hall of RSUPEST
10.15-11.45 / Reports of participants
11.45-12.00 / Coffee-break / Hall of the 6th floor
12.00-13.30 / Reports of participants / Academic council hall of RSUPEST
13.30-14.30 / Lunch / "Oasis" restaurant
14.30-16.00 / Reports of participants / Academic council hall of RSUPEST
16.00-17.00 / Round table, discussion of the reports
17.00-17.30 / Reward of the winner and prize-winners
Closing ceremony
February, 16(Saturday) – departure of participants


4.1. The Organizing Committee reserves the right to form the program of conference.

4.2. The Conference will beorganized in the form of reports with answers to questions; time of speech is 15 minutes maximum per participant.The jury estimates the report on following basic criteria:

1. Actuality.

2. Novelty.

3. Reliability.

4. Validity.

5. General representation (the report, presentation).

6. Answers to questions.

7. The contribution to thedevelopment of theory and methodic of sambo and combat sports.

V. Rewarding ceremony of winners and prize-winners

By results of estimation of jury the best participants will be awarded by diplomas and valuable prizes.

The supervisor of studies of the winner will be awarded by the diploma and prize.


Requirements to representation of research articles

Maximumthree research articles could be presented by one author.

The text should be printed by 14 font Times New Roman in format А4, maximum 5 pages (including tables and figures), a line spacing one-and-a-half, fields 2,5 sm. The article can be prepared in English.

Title, authors and organization should beplaced in the centre and used bold.The text should contain following sections:

·Summary of research (Summary). In addition to the Russian language and to present in English. For English-language articles provide summaries in Russian.

·Keywords (Key words). In addition to the Russian language to duplicate in English. For articles in English keywords present in Russian.

·Introduction (to point out the purpose of research).




· Literature (references to authors).

Each section should begin with a new paragraph. Use full justification.

Please, pay more attention to sections "Results" and "Discussion"!

Materials of conference will be published in collection. All research articles and application forms for participation should be presented not later thanFebruary 10, 2012 inelectronic format to following address:


The Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport and Tourism, International Sambo Federation (FIAS) andAll-Russian Sambo Federation provide the financing of conference.

Board and lodging of the foreign participants and participants living out of Moscow are at the expense of the Organizing Committee. All participants are provided with board.


Address: The Russian state university of physical education, sport and tourism (RSUPEST), Sirenevy bulvar,4,Moscow,Russia, 105122

Contact person: Sergey TABAKOV, +7916635 90 49,