Mercer County Fire Proctection District

2805 Louisville Road

Harrodsburg, Kenyucky 40330


Mintues of the September 10thBoard Meeting

Before the meeting started Chairman Bailey asked that al remember what 9-11 was.

Meeting called to order by Chairman Bailey at 7:00p.m.. Chairman Bailey asked for motion to accept the minutes, motion made by Terry Smith seconded by Bill Lilly.Motion passed.

Treasure Report by Howard Fallis, move to accept seconded by Marshall Hockersmith.

Chief Report Mike Steele reported that August 30th meeting at E.W. Brown was a success, 75 members attended, Dunn's BBQ served the meal.

Drive training will be Saturday morning at 8:00am Dixville Fire Dept. will be putting this on.

Stewart Holt will clean and coat the training room floor at the McAfee Station for $2,890.00 motion to accept price of $2890.00 by Terry Smith seconded by Bill Lilly motion past.

Update on the new trucks,should be done in a week or two. Trucks will come to Stewart Powell, thento Lawrencenburg for lights and striping.

The Communtications Committee met with the H.P.D. and went over the wants and needs of the Fire Dept. see the attachted sheet of the committee.

Terry Smith recommeded to buy 30 Kenwood NX 220 portable radios for firefighters at $16,368.90 and $9000.00 to network 4 repeaters so that the repeaters selection is done automatically, and add $5000.00 for unseen expense. Terry then made the motion for the committee to spend $30,000.00 for the Fire Dept. to go to all digital raido system Seconded by Bill Lilly motion pasted.

Board agreed to replace two lights at McFee.

Glenn reported on classes for the coming month.

Burgin needs a new projector, Howard will check on the cost.

Report on Shakertown parking lot, McGlone said blacktopping will be done sometime.(we don't know when)

Chairman Bailey asked the board to pay the $108.00 to renew the bond that has expired the board will pay. The blacktopping permit is good for two years.

The stations are done with sealing and stripping, Howard asked for a statement for his account.

Howard has a bill from Galls and no one knows what it is for.

Gary will buy a 4x6 flag for the McAfee Station.

Request for the Dept. to apply for 501c3 this will aid the dept. to get grants.

A motion to set the tax rate for 2012 will be real estate and tangable property will be 6.1 cents per $100.00 evaulation.

Autombile and water crafts will remain the same at .10 cents per $100.00 evaulation.

Motion by Howard Fallis seconded by Bill Lilly motin passed.

Members present; Marshall Hockersmith-Howard Fallis-Terry Smith-Bill LillyDavid Brown- Cheryl Young