John 2:13-17

Now that Spring has sprung-it’s Spring Cleaning time!

It’s time to throw out the trash, & get rid of the garbage!

~ this principle applies not only to our house but to God’s house!


There comes a time for Extending the Right Fist of Fellowship spiritually speaking!

No where do we find Christ driving people IN to the temple-but out of respect for His Father He drove some out !

Verse 17 “eaten up” with it!

Ps 69:9 “For the zeal of thine house hath eaten me up; and the reproaches of them that reproached thee are fallen upon me”

1st time we see Him there was when he was born- 2nd time 12 years old. He held His peace 30 times!

All those years- it was eating Him up, how they were abusing.- A righteous response!


Mal 3:1-2 “… and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in: behold, he shall come, saith the LORD of hosts. But who may abide the day of his coming? and who shall stand when he appeareth? for he is like a refiner's fire, and like fullers' soap”


* Notice He did go! Ya can’t spell Church without a “U”

People come to church 3 times: WHEN THEY AREHATCHED, MATCHED, DISPATCHED!

The1st time they THROW WATER ON THEM, THE 2nd time RICE, THE 3rd time DIRT!

I wouldn’t trust something to get me into heaven if it couldn’t even get me out of bed!!!

*Some say, "I'm saved but I'm not going to join a church."

That's like a guy saying, "I'm in the Navy, but I ain't getting on no boats."

Luke 4:16 “as was his custom”

THE MOST important place in this city, notCity hall it’s the Church! County, Country!

God works through the local Church.


His time had come! But now He has been anointed by the Spirit for His Messianic ministry.

Now is the time for Him to announce His arrival and authorityto Israel!

Isaiah 56:7 calls the temple "My house of prayer."

Jehovah says through Jeremiah " Is this house, which is called by my name, become a den of robbers in your eyes? Behold, even I have seen it, saith the LORD." (Jer. 7:11).

Mark 11:17 "My house..."

The very building in which we worship has been designated and dedicated!

This is His house!

It belongs to Him., He has every right to respond!


As you arrive there is a man standing at the entrance to the parking lot offering you a parking pass.
The pass will cost you $5.00,

Entering the foyer you find warm and welcoming ushers offering you a bulletin. Only $2.00, these brightly coloured brochures are a must. In fact, you are unable to enter the sanctuary without one.

You finally make it through the entrance, only to find the halls very congested. There is much commotion and commerce going on. Booths are set up all throughout the hallways. People are selling hymn books at two booths. “Get your hymn books here. You can’t sing without your official church song book. Rent yours for only $19.95."

Across the way there are tables where people are buying and selling communion bread. The sign reads “Official Unleavened Communion Bread. Get yoursfor only $5.” On up ahead you notice merchants pouring juice. The sign reads “100% Pure ’Fruit of the Vine’ for Communion. Individual Cups only $7.50.”

As you settle comfortably into your pew an usher quietly comes up and asks you, “Excuse me Sir, have you paid for a centre aisle seat? Could I see your receipt? If not, you will have to move to the outer edge or the very rear..”

The service begins and it is time for the offering. The ushers pass the offering plate and look upon you with scorn as you place your cash in the plate. “Excuse me Sir, is that cash? I’m afraid only electronic currency is acceptable –for a small ATM fee…”

Kleenex is complimentary.

How would you like to attend that church?How would Jesus react upon entering that church?

Our Lord took inventory of the temple – what He saw, He most certainly did not like.

The SANCTUARY had b/c a STABLE! - Vs. 14

** Imagine the odor of all those animals. It smelled and sounded more like a livestock auction than it did a place of worship. Practically a zoo! (It must have been a breath of fresh air to see someone stand up and speak out about it- literally a breath of fresh air! With all those animals- talk about a FLEA MARKET!!!)

A. THE PLACE Part of the problem was where, as well as what and why!

The temple had become a place of profit.They set up shop in what was known as the Court of the Gentiles.

The house of God, intended to be missionary, had become mercenary.!

*Over time, because things pile up, a room in our house may loose its intended use. A garage has the intended purpose of housing a car. Slowly, but surely, things pile up and the car gets pushed outside, - so out of place car doesn’t FIT anymore! A cleansing must take place to restore it to its original purpose.


*Always referred to as the “Lords passover” previously—but here its called the “Jews Passover”….. what was for HIMnow was for THEM!

The Origin & the Objective of the Passover was passed over!

They had turned the temple prescient into a One-stop shopping mall! This was the ”Worship Warehouse”

1.) THERE WERE MEN CHANGINGMONEY. “the love of money”

*They had exuberant exchange rates!

Since these coins had on them the effigy of the emperor, they could not be offered ….

That money had to be changed into the Hebrew shekel in order for them to pay the tax. So, for a fee, the moneychangers did.

Church Need to be changing minds and morals not money!

Today CHANGING scriptures, songs, surroundings but not SOULS or SOCIETY!


It was not practical for people coming from all over to bring their beasts or birds with them.

*CONVIENCE COSTS!! That’s why SPAM cost $15.OO A CAN AT A 7-11!

*Movie theatres charge $4.00 for a coke (mostly ice) $400 for popcorn- you can buy a box full of bags at Wal-mart!

* Adding to the corruption was the way sacrifices were approved. A fee was charged to inspect all the animals brought to the temple for sacrifice. Most of the time, the inspectors found the animal blemished in some way, disqualifying it as a legitimate offering. This forced the out-of-town traveler to purchase an ‘approved’ animal at the temple for often ten to twenty times the fair market value.

God’s house is to be aPlace of Prayer, Preaching, Praise and Petition.

Church is not intended to be A Social Club, DaycareCenter, or Political Rally HQ!

The House of God is NOT for ball games, Bingo and bake sales!

Commercialized Christianity ---megachurch merchandizing and marketeering.

crass commercialism HOLLYWOOD in the HOUSE OF GOD!!!!!!!!


Ministry has become merchandising. Beverly Hillbilly Sunday school.

Lev 19:30“Ye shall …. reverence my sanctuary: I am the LORD.”


SPRING BREAK!!! - He really BROKE up this assembly!

He didn’t ASK them to leave—, He wound up a whip and ran them off!

He went to cleaning house!

They looked up expecting another victim and became one!

What is your image of Jesus? Is He meek ,mild and milquetoast?

Predominantly pictures leave us with the impression that Jesus was sorta like Mister Rogers with a beard!

From Sunday School on we see a smiling Savior, wearing a shining white dress.

In these paintings He taps gently on a door, plays with children, or stares lovingly into the eyes of a lamb nestled in His arm. Although these images are comforting, they do little to suggest strength and resolve.

Truth is, the Jesus of Scripture is more General Patton than Mister Rogers!

Jesus with whip in hand is not usually the image that comes to mind, is it?

This was Jesus “SHOCK & AWE” campaign!

Vs 15 – Jesus didn’t all of a sudden “lose it”. He didn’t fly off the handle. He had seen it all along….

Suddenly He shoves a table over and coins scatter on the ground.

He cracks His whip and animals exit! “running of the bulls” in Spain!

Think of the SIGHT and SOUND—wood breaking, coins clanging!

He tore the place up! Holy housecleaning! House KEEPING!

A famous old saying about March winds is, "If March comes in like a lion, it'll go out like a lamb. If it comes in like a lamb, it'll go out like a lion."

The Lamb of God is the Lion of the tribe of Judah!


No. There are many 21st century truths to be seen!

*Vs. 18-22 He referred to the Temple—but referenced his body!!

What else is the body of Christ? The Church!

Commercialized Christianity ---megachurch merchandizing and marketeering.

Crass commercialism HOLLYWOOD in the HOUSE OF GOD!!!!!!!!


Ministry has become merchandising. Beverly Hillbilly Sunday school.

We are the Temple of God today! 1 Cor. 3:16-17 “Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.”

2Co 6:16 “ for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.”

HOW CAN YOU CLEANSE THE TEMPLE (your body)?- besides soap!- v. 16

Jesus will not put up with it!!!!

Christ came to cleanse. He came to cleans human hearts.

There'sno way to accomplish a self-cleansing, no detergent or solutions strong enough. “The blood of Jesus Christ His son cleanseth us from all sin."1 Jn 1:7

This purification was brought about not by a cord being applied to our backs, …..but to His!

Eph 5:25-27 “Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.”

1 John 1:9

Ps 51:10 “Create in me a clean heart, O God”.


…Are you sold out ….or are you selling out?

“What’s eating you?”

Shortly before Jesus was crucified, He went into Jerusalem … and AGAIN He found His Father’s house being desecrated. He cleaned it out AGAIN. 1st and 4th passover- beginning and end of ministry. 1st time sellers, 2nd time sellers and the buyers! 1st let dove sellers go- not next time!

Hey! He’s coming back again! They didn’t get the point!

Don’t you want to come clean with God? I remember what it was like to be cleansed by Christ!

He wasn’t angry at me- but what sin had done to me!