(EDI 635) Development and Needs of Adolescents (GTC)
Common Course Assessment: Adolescent Research Project
Course Standards
INTASC Standard#2: The teacher understands how children learn and develop, and can provide learning opportunities that support their intellectual, social, and personal development.
Common Course Assessment: Research Project
Directions: Teacher will complete research and present findings on a contemporary issue affecting how adolescents learn and develop For example, teacher may examine the role of culture in the development of adolescents, explain how the social contexts of schools influence adolescent development, and describe approaches to educating adolescents. Teacher must research their topic and present findings in an interactive, interesting, and purposeful presentation. Each teacher must provide a copy of their abstract and bibliography for each student in the class. Teacher needs to discuss pertinent information and implications to society, education system, and adolescents as it relates to development. This presentation should only be thirty minutes in length while encouraging meaningful and purposeful professional dialogue.
Rubric forAdolescent Research Project
(3) / Proficient
(2) / Progressing
(1) / Unsatisfactory
Knowledge / Teacher displays knowledge of adolescents’ developmental characteristics, exceptions, and extent to which students follow patterns. / Teacher displays full understanding of developmental characteristics of adolescents as well as exceptions to patterns. / Teacher displays generally accurate knowledge of developmental characteristics of adolescents. / Teacher displays little understanding of the developmental characteristics of adolescents.
Dispositions / Teacher displays knowledge of how family, peers, and society influence adolescents and knowledge for each adolescent. / Teacher displays knowledge of how family, peers, and society influence adolescents and recognizes the value of their knowledge. / Teacher recognizes the value of understanding how families, peers, and society influence adolescents. / Teacher is unable to recognize the value of understanding how families, peers, and society influence adolescents.
Performances / Teacher displays knowledge of a variety of effective strategies and interventions for helping adolescents and is able to apply to individual adolescents within the school structure. / Teacher displays knowledge of effective strategies and interventions for helping adolescents and recognizes the value of the knowledge. / Teacher recognizes the value of knowing effective strategies and interventions for helping adolescents. / Teacher is unable to recognize the value of knowing effective strategies and interventions for helping adolescents.
Knowledge / Teacher displays knowledge of the impact socioeconomic, gender, culture, and other contexts has on adolescent development and the extent to which students follow patterns. / Teacher displays full understanding of the impact socioeconomic, gender, culture, and other contexts have on adolescent development as well as exceptions to patterns. / Teacher displays generally accurate knowledge of the impact socioeconomic, gender, culture, and other contexts has on adolescent development. / Teacher is unable to display generally accurate knowledge of the impact socioeconomic, gender, culture, and other contexts has on adolescent development.
Oral Language / Teacher displays correct and expressive spoken language with well chosen vocabulary that enriches presentation. / Teacher displays spoken language that is clear and correct with chosen vocabulary. / Teacher displays speaker language that is audible. Vocabulary is correct but is limited. / Teacher in unable to display speaker language that is audible. Vocabulary is sometimes incorrect and limited.
Abstract and Bibliography / Teacher provides a clear abstract and bibliography that contains at least 10 references. / Teacher provides a clear abstract and bibliography with 5-9 references. / Teacher provides an abstract a bibliography with several errors and fewer than 5 references. / Teacher is unable to provide an abstract and bibliography.